
Enables TCP/IP client/server connection between Matlab and 4diac Communication Service Interface Function blocks (SERVER/CLIENT)

BSD-3-CLAUSE License




Since I no longer use Matlab, I cannot actively maintain this repo. I will gladly accept PRs, as long as I can review them without Matlab.

Enables TCP/IP client/server connection between Matlab and 4diac Communication Service Interface Function blocks (SERVER/CLIENT). Subclass of Matlab's tcpip class. The transferred byte-data is automatically translated to the respective data types.

TCPIP4DIAC Construct a TCPIP client or server object that can communicate with 4diac CLIENT/SERVER function blocks.


>> t = tcpip4diac(networkRole);
--> Initializes a TCP/IP object with the network role 'server' or 'client', a default remote host depending on the role and a default
	port set to 61500. The default remote host is 'localhost' for clients and '' for servers (required to accept requests from
	clients running on FORTE).

>> t = tcpip4diac(networkRole, remotehost);
--> Specifies the remote host with the port set to 61500.

>> t = tcpip4diac(networkRole, remotehost, port);
--> Specifies the port

>> t = tcpip4diac(__, 'OptionName', OptionValue);
--> To specify additional options.

The above syntax initializes a TCP/IP object that is capable of communicating with SERVER_1 or CLIENT_1 function blocks, respectively. To communicate with CSIFBs that have multiple data inputs/outputs, use the 'DataInputs' and 'DataOutputs' options, as shown in the following examples. The DataInputs are sent to the client/server FB on FORTE and the DataOutputs are received from the client/server FB on FORTE. The amount of inputs must be equal to the amount of outputs of the corresponding CSIFB on FORTE and vice versa for the amount of outputs.

Server with 2 inputs and 1 output

>> dataInputs = {'UINT'; 'LREAL'}; % Specify the IEC 61499 data input types that are expected in a cell array.
>> t = tcpip4diac('server', '', 61500, 'DataInputs', dataInputs);

Server with 3 outputs and 2 inputs

>> dataOutputs = {'UINT'; 'LREAL'; 'LREAL'};
>> dataInputs = {'UINT'; 'LREAL'};
>> t = tcpip4diac('server', '', 61500, 'DataInputs', dataInputs, 'DataOutputs', dataOutputs);

Server with no inputs and 1 output

>> dataInputs = {};
>> t = tcpip4diac('server', '', 61500, 'DataInputs', dataInputs);

Arrays must be specified with the array's number of elements behind the specifier string, e.g.

dataInputs = {'LREAL21'; 'LREAL96'}; for two array inputs - one with 21 elements and one with 96. Note: The sending/receiving of arrays has so far been extensively tested with LREAL data types. Other numeric data types as well as DATE_AND_TIME and BOOLEAN are supported, but have not been tested extensively. WSTRING and STRING arrays are not yet supported.

To initialize or deinitialize the connection, use the following syntax, where qi is true for initialization and false for deinitialization:

>> init(t, qi) % Omit output arguments
>> qo = init(t, qi); % output logical flag for success/failure (initalization) or false for deinitialization
>> [qo, status] = init(t, qi); % outputs a status message
>> [qo, status, t] = init(t, qi, remotehost, port); % Enables to change the remote host and port

A connection will be established when the CLIENT function block on FORTE is initialized. With a tcpip4diac object in the 'server' role and the IP set to '', the FORTE CLIENT function block's ID must be configured to the PC's local IP address and the tcpip4diac server's port. The PC's local IP address can be queried using

ip = tcpip4diac.getLocalHostIP; % (requires JAVA)

Alternatively, the functions fopen() and fclose() can be called on the TCP/IP object t for initialization and deinitialization, respectively.

In the client role, use the req() function to send requests to a SERVER FB. This method will not return until a response is received. For multiple data inputs, the inputs in1, ..., inN (where N is the number of CSIFB inputs) are automatically casted to the respective data types expected by the IEC 61499 CSIFB. The returned output data types out1, ... outM (where N is the number of CSIFB inputs) depend on the corresponding IEC 61499 FB input data types. For CSIFBs with a single data input, the input in1 must be casted to the corresponding Matlab data type before passing it to the req() function. To send an array, pass the data as an Nx1 vector.

For a single data input:

[out1, out2, out3, ..., outM] = req(t, in1);

For multiple data inputs:

inData = {in1, in2, in3, ..., inN}; % cell-array of inputs [out1, out2, out3, ..., outM] = req(t, inData);

To send DATE_AND_TIME data, use Matlab's "datevec" format:

in1 = datevec(now); [out1, out2, out3, ..., outM] = req(t, in1);

In the server role, use the waitForData function to await data from a CLIENT FB. This will not return until either a response is received or a timeout (specified in seconds) is reached. The default timeout is inf, if not specified. Unfortunately, Matlab's TCP/IP implementation does not appear to provide a method for using callback functions. The data types of the outputs out1, ..., outM correspond with the data types of the CSIFB input SD1, ... SDN.

>> [out1, out2, out3, ..., outN] = waitForData(t);
>> [out1, out2, out3, ..., outN] = waitForData(t, timeoutS);

To await a response and ignore data outputs, the awaitResponse() method can be used. It does not return until a response is received.

>> awaitResponse(t)

To send a response, use the rsp() method:

For a single data input:

>> rsp(t, in1)

For multiple data inputs:

>> inData = {in1, ... inN}; % cell array of inputs
>> rsp(t, inData)

To send a request to a SERVER function block without awaiting a response, the reqNorsp() method can be used. This method returns regardless of whether a response is received or not. To await a response, the waitForData() or awaitResponse() methods must be called manually. Designed for the purpose of sending data and performing further operations before awaiting a response.

Sytnax: >> reqNorsp(t, inData); % send data >> % Perform intermediate computations >> [out1,..,outN] = waitForData(t); >> % Alternative: awaitResponse(t);

Two 4diac systems "ServerTest" and "ClientTest" are provided as demos along with a demo_script that uses tcpip4diac objects to communicate with the FORTE applications.

Aside from the above methods, the regular tcpip methods work, too. Using fwrite() will send byte-data and using fread() will receive byte-data, for example.

The currently supported data types and their correspondences are listed as follows:

IEC 61499 data type | Matlab data type | Notes

	BOOL			| 			logical				|			  -
	SINT			|			int8				|			  -
	INT 			|			int16				|			  -
	DINT			|			int32				|			  -
	LINT			|			int64				|			  -
	USINT			|			uint8				|			  -
	UINT			|			uint16				|			  -
	UDINT			|			uint32				|			  -
	ULINT			|			uint64				|			  -
	REAL			|			single				|			  -
	LREAL			|			double				|			  -
	STRING			|			char				|   Arrays not yet supported.
                  |                               |   instead.
                  |                               |   Arrays not yet supported.
					|								|	Requires Matlab R2016b or
					|								|	above (cast to string).
  DATE_AND_TIME   |           1x6 double          |   According to Matlab's datevec
                  |                               |   format.
  array           |           Nx1 vector          |   STRING and WSTRING not yet
                  |                               |   supported. Only LREAL tested
                  |                               |   extensively.

Please report bugs in the GitHub issue tracker. I am also glad for anyone who commits improvements.

Author: Marc Jakobi, May 2017, HTW-Berlin