
The Alfresco Process Services SDK based on Apache Maven and Docker, includes support for rapid and standard development, testing, packaging, versioning and release of your APS integration and extension projects

OTHER License


Alfresco Process Services SDK Project

APS SDK Version Supported APS versions Artifact Upgrade steps License Management
APS SDK 3.x (3.x branch) 24.3.0, 24.2.1, 24.2, 24.1 Download APS SDK v3.0.4 Recreate the APS SDK project from scratch and import your extensions from APS SDK 2.x (or 1.x) Native support
APS SDK 2.x (2.x branch) 2.4.5, 2.4.4, 2.4.3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.4.2,,, 2.4.1, 2.4.0, 2.3.10, 2.3.9,,,,,,,, 2.3.8,,, 2.3.7,,, 2.3.6,, 2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.3, 2.3.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.0,, 2.2.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.0 Download APS SDK v2.6.2 Upgrading APS SDK 2.x project to support APS 2.2.0 (only for APS SDK versions earlier than 2.0.8 and until to APS 2.2.0) Adding the License Management to your current project (only for APS SDK versions earlier than 2.0.9)
APS SDK 1.x (master branch) 1.11.5,,,, 1.11.4, 1.11.3, 1.11.2,, 1.11.1, 1.11.0,, 1.10.0, Download APS SDK v1.8.0 Adding the License Management to your current project (only for APS SDK versions earlier than 1.7.4)

Alfresco Process Services SDK Project 1.8.0

The project consists of the following Maven submodules:

  • APS extensions JAR (aps-extensions-jar): put here your Java extensions
  • Activiti App Overlay WAR (activiti-app-overlay-war): it will generate activiti-app WAR overlay with APS Extensions JAR embedded
  • Activiti App Swagger Client (activiti-app-swagger-client): generate the APS Java Swagger client
  • Activiti App Overlay Docker (activiti-app-overlay-docker): it will put your overlayed WAR into the APS Docker container
  • Activiti App Integration Tests (activiti-app-integration-tests): integration tests based on the Java Swagger client


  • Full support of Arm64 CPUs (Apple Silicon M1) with native Docker containers and a transparent Maven profile
  • Running Docker will also create persistent volumes for each storage component (contentstore, db and ElasticSearch) for making the development approach in APS consistent and reliable


  • OpenJDK 11
  • Apache Maven 3.9.0
  • Docker (optional)
  • Put valid activiti.lic and Aspose.Total.Java.lic in the /license folder for running unit / integration tests and for building containers
  • Access to the Alfresco Nexus Repositories (credentials provided by Alfresco)
  • Configure your Maven servers settings.xml with credentials for these repositories:


Full Maven lifecycle command:

  • mvn clean install docker:build docker:start

Stop all the Docker containers with:

  • mvn docker:stop

Full Maven lifecycle command deploying also Activiti Admin:

  • mvn clean install docker:build docker:start -Pactiviti-admin

Stop all the Docker containers with:

  • mvn docker:stop -Pactiviti-admin

Remote Debugging

A debug port is available on port 5005 from the aps-sdk/alfresco-process-services container including the custom activiti-app.war.

Remember to eventually disable remote debugging for your production release commenting CATALINA_OPTS and port elements in the /activiti-app-overlay-docker/pom.xml as shown in the following snippets:

		<!-- <CATALINA_OPTS>${catalina.opts.debug}</CATALINA_OPTS> -->
		<!-- <port>${aps.debug.port}:${aps.debug.port}</port> -->

Another good practice could be creating a separated Maven module with a pom.xml totally dedicatd to build your container for production release.

Changing the default extensions deployment method

By default the APS SDK is deploying extensions as a unique JAR embedded in the activiti-app.war. If you want to deploy your extensions in the tomcat/lib folder check out the following steps:

  • Remove or comment the aps-extensions-jar dependency in the /activiti-app-overlay-war/pom.xml
  • Uncomment the COPY command of the related Dockerfile from the folder: /activiti-app-overlay-docker/src/main/docker

APS Extensions JAR Module

Folder structure is based on the same APS project classpath:

  • /aps-extensions-jar/src/main/resources/activiti: APS configuration files
  • /aps-extensions-jar/src/main/resources/apps: contains your own APS applications extracted
  • /aps-extensions-jar/src/test/java: put here your unit and integration tests

To run use mvn clean install

  • Runs the embedded container + H2 DB
  • Runs unit tests with mvn clean test
  • Runs integration tests with mvn clean integration-test
  • Packaging of App ZIP, JAR and WAR with extensions

SDK Packages - Runtime - Cross platform

  • com.activiti.extension.api: put here your enterprise custom REST endpoint (authentication required)
  • put here your internal API (with no authentication)
  • com.activiti.extension.bean: put here your Spring beans (services and components)

Suggested naming conventions for implementations dedicated to a specific app

  • com.activiti.extension.*your_app*.listeners: put here your listeners
  • com.acitivit.extension.*your_app*.service.tasks: put here your service tasks

SDK Packages - Test Runtime

  • org.alfresco.activiti.unit.tests: put here your unit test (with suffix *
  • org.alfresco.activiti.integration.tests: put here your integration tests (with suffix *

Activiti App WAR Overlay Module

This module is responsible for generating the final WAR artifact including all the extensions implemented in the APS extensions JAR Module.

Activiti App Overlay Docker Module

For building the Docker container with your custom Activiti App WAR:

mvn docker:build

  • Packaging of Activiti App and Activiti Admin Docker containers with extensions

mvn docker:start

Build and deploy with Docker the Activiti Admin App with the activiti-admin Maven profile:

mvn docker:build -Pactiviti-admin

Start your Activiti App Docker container with the following architecture:

  • Activiti Admin (with H2 embedded)

  • PostgreSQL 10.9

  • ElasticSearch

  • aps-db-volume: Docker volume for PostgreSQL

  • aps-es-volume: Docker volume for ElasticSearch

  • aps-contentstore-volume: Docker volume for attachments

  • Stop your Docker container:

mvn docker:stop

  • Purge all the Docker volumes:

mvn clean -Ppurge-volumes

Activiti App Integration Tests Module

This module includes tests for interacting with the APS Docker using the generated Swagger client.

Put your Java test classes in the following package: /activiti-app-integration-tests/src/test/java

Supported Maven Profiles for dependencies management and packaging (JAR and WAR)

In order to build you have to define a Maven profile for choosing the version of APS:

  • aps1.11.5 (APS 1.11.5 - default)
  • aps1.11.4.3 (APS
  • aps1.11.4.2 (APS
  • aps1.11.4.1 (APS
  • aps1.11.4 (APS 1.11.4)
  • aps1.11.3 (APS 1.11.3)
  • aps1.11.2 (APS 1.11.2)
  • aps1.11.1.1 (APS
  • aps1.11.1 (APS 1.11.1)
  • aps1.11.0 (APS 1.11.0)
  • aps1.10.0.1 (APS
  • aps1.10.0 (APS 1.10.0)
  • aps1.9.0.5 (APS

Build and test with unit tests execution for APS 1.11.5 with: mvn clean test

Build and test with unit tests execution for APS 1.11.0 with: mvn clean test -Paps.1.11.0

Build and test with unit tests execution for APS 1.10.0 with: mvn clean test -Paps1.10.0

Build and test with unit tests execution for APS with: mvn clean test -Paps1.9.0.5

Build and package with integration tests execution for APS 1.11.5 with: mvn clean install

Build and package with integration tests execution for APS 1.11 with: mvn clean install -Paps1.11.0

Build and package with integration tests execution for APS 1.10 with: mvn clean install -Paps1.10.0

Build and package with integration tests execution for APS with: mvn clean install -Paps1.9.0.5

Build your Docker container with: mvn docker:build

Start your APS Docker containers with: mvn docker:start

Stop all the APS Docker containers with: mvn docker:stop

Build, test, create and start all the APS containers with: mvn clean install docker:build docker:start

Building your Docker container (optional)

  • Update if you need logback.xml in /activiti-app-overlay-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes
  • Update if you need your in /activiti-app-overlay-docker/src/main/docker/properties

Few things to notice

  • You can use all the APS services such as: UserService, GroupService, TenantService and so on...
  • No parent pom
  • Standard JAR, WAR packaging with also Docker container generation
  • Works seamlessly with any IDE
  • Test your extensions with a consistent APS architecture running with Docker volumes


Thanks to Luca Stancapiano, Carlo Cavallieri and Jessica Foroni for giving help on isolating the embedded integration tests suite.

Enterprise support

Official maintenance and support of this project is delivered by Zia Consulting