
Big Project about Book Management with Java OOP

MIT License



Big Project about Book Management with Java OOP (Learining purpose)

  • bgsix: Is the team name: Big Group Six (nhom 6)
  • SPHM: Spring Postgresql Htmx Maven (the technology stack)

Table of Contents

1. Pre-requisite for Windows

  1. Install the Postgresql
  2. Adding necessary program to path
  3. Creating a database
  4. Importing the database
  5. Install maven
  6. Install GraalVM native-image (Java SDK replacement)
  7. Install Pre-requisite for GraalVM native-image (Production)

2. Setup Project

  1. Clone the project
  2. Open the project in your favorite IDE

3. Run the Project

  1. Open the .env.template file in this path
  2. Running the server (Development)
  3. Building the native image (Production)

Postgresql installation for Windows

1. Install the Postgresql (download)

1.1 After press install, and next.

1.2 You now in "Select Components" part

1.3 Uncheck Stack Builder

1.4 press next, until you meet password for superuser type your own password

default port is 5432

1.5 keep pressing next until it in "Installing" part.

1.6 Wait for it done, and Finish. DONE!

2. Adding necessary program to path

Default install path is:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\16\bin

Open system enviroment variable on Windows.

  • Double click on the Path in the system section
  • Click on new
  • Paste the path
  • CLick OK

3. Creating a database

3.1. Verify Path is added to the enviroment

  • Open the command prompt or powershell
psql -V

# Output : psql (PostgreSQL) 16.4

3.2. If the previous command is return like above then continue with next part

  • Create a database
createdb -U postgres book-management

enter your password from #1.4

We using the default superuser "postgres" here

3.3 Verify dababase is created

psql -U postgres

# then in the console

# type \l (not the number 1)

postgres=# \l

\q to quit the console or Ctrl + C

  • Example output

4. Importing the database

  • Open the Terminal in the project folder (root) follow this

  • The book-management.sql is in the root of the project (using relative path to import the database)

  • If book-management.sql is in the root of the project then run this command

psql -U postgres -f .\book-management.sql book-management

---------^username----^file path----------- ^database name

  • Verify the database is imported
psql -U postgres -d book-management

# then in the console

SELECT author FROM book LIMIT 5;      # to see the data

1. Install maven

  • Download maven from

    • Binary zip archive
  • Extract the zip file to the desired location

    • Example: C:\apache-maven-3.9.9 (make sure there is a folder bin in the apache-maven-3.9.9 folder)
  • Add the maven path to the system environment variable

    • Open the environment variable
    • Double Click on the Path in the user section
    • Click on new
    • Paste the path C:\apache-maven-3.9.9\bin
    • Click OK
  • Verify the maven installation

mvn -v
# Output : Apache Maven 3.9.9

2. Install GraalVM

  • Download GraalVM from

    • Make sure to choose Java 22 version and Windows 64 bit
  • Extract the zip file to the desired location

    • Example: C:\Program Files\Java\graalvm-jdk-22.0.2+9.1\bin (make sure there is a folder bin in the graalvm-jdk-22.0.2+9.1 folder)
  • Add the GraalVM path to the system environment variable

    • Open the environment variable
    • Double Click on the Path in the user section
    • Click on new
    • Paste the path C:\Program Files\Java\graalvm-jdk-22.0.2+9.1\bin
    • Click OK
  • Verify the GraalVM installation

java -version
# Output : 
# java version "22.0.2" 2024-07-16
# Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 22.0.2+9.1 (build 22.0.2+9-jvmci-b01)
# Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 22.0.2+9.1 (build 22.0.2+9-jvmci-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

3. Install Pre-requisite for GraalVM native-image to build the Production build

Setup Project

1. Clone the project

git clone

2. Open the project in your favorite IDE

2.1 VSCode

cd to the project folder

cd book-management-SJPM

then open the project in vscode with this command

code .

install vs code extension for java

then wait for the extension to install

mvn clean install

3. Run the Project

3.1 Configure the environment variables (.env file)

  • create a new file .env in the root and copy the content from .env.template to .env

  • replace the value with your own value

3.2 Running the project (Development)

mvn spring-boot:run

3.3 building the native image (Production) (NOT WORKING RIGHT NOW)

mvn clean package -Pnative
  • then run the executable file in the target folder
    .\taget (the native image is a single file) in this case the file is bookmanagement.exe


1. Cannot drop the currently open database, database "book-management" already exists

Answer: Just drop the database

dropdb -U postgres book-management

2. DTO? What is that?

Answer: Data Transfer Object (DTO) is a design pattern used to transfer data between data access objects and value objects. The data is transferred in the form of data transfer objects. DATABASE Class > Repository Class > Service Class > Controller Class > DTO Class > Sendalbe Data to Client