
Sample project using Selenium WebDriver, TestNg, Allure2 and Maven



Sample project using:

  1. Selenium WebDriver
  2. TestNg
  3. Allure2
  4. Maven

Command for execution

To run tests and generate Allure report:

mvn clean site -P [singleThreaded,nogrid,grid,parallelSuite]
  • singleThreaded - execute tests sequentially, omits parallel execution
  • nogrid - execute tests locally
  • grid - execute tests on Selenium Grid. Grid Hub can be set in pom in seleniumGridURL property
  • Thread count can be set via -Dthreads argument
  • parallelSuite - run parallel suite

For example, invoking

clean verify -P parallelPlugin,nogrid -Dthreads=3 -Dbrowser=chrome

will execute tests in parallel 3 threads on local machine and using cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin plugin. In addition, -Dbrowser setting will set browser to Chrome.


Reports will be generated in target/site folder