
Tips for expats living in Austria

MIT License


Austria expat tips

This is the source code for the Austria expat tips website.

How to contribute

Everything under the pages directory becomes a page of the website. Just create a .mdx file and start writing.

How to preview your changes locally

To preview the website locally, just make sure that you are running our web dev server. It will generate the website and will hot-reload the page whenever your save your changes.

You will need to have installed:

  • Node 20
  • pnpm 8

The easiest way to get this up and running is by installing Volta and exporting the following environment variable on your shell (e.g. .bash_profile, .zshrc, or similar):


Then install all dependencies with:

pnpm install

Now you can run the local server with:

pnpm dev

Now visit localhost:3000.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.