
🍰 Architectural methodology for frontend projects

MIT License


Feature-Sliced Design (FSD) is an architectural methodology for scaffolding front-end applications. Simply put, it's a compilation of rules and conventions on organizing code. The main purpose of this methodology is to make the project more understandable and structured in the face of ever-changing business requirements.

This methodology is not tied to a particular stack — it can be used for web or native applications.


  • Uniformity The code is organized by scope of influence (layers), by domain (slices), and by technical purpose (segments). This creates a standardized architecture that is easy to comprehend for newcomers.

  • Controlled reuse of logic Each architectural component has its purpose and predictable dependencies. This keeps a balance between following the DRY principle and adaptation possibilities.

  • Stability in face of changes and refactoring A module on a particular layer cannot use other modules on the same layer, or the layers above. This enables isolated modifications without unforeseen consequences.

  • Orientation to business and users needs When the app is split into business domains, you can navigate the code to discover and deeper understand all the project features.

Show off

To show off that your project uses FSD, you can use the GitHub topic feature-sliced and one of the following badges:

[![Feature-Sliced Design][shields-fsd-white]](



Pain (red):
[![Feature-Sliced Design][shields-fsd-pain]](



Domain (blue):
[![Feature-Sliced Design][shields-fsd-domain]](



Feature (green):
[![Feature-Sliced Design][shields-fsd-feature]](


How can I help?

  • 🍰 Use the methodology in your projects and spread the word
  • ⭐ Star us on GitHub
  • 💬 Join our Discord or Telegram and share your experience or ask questions
  • 📝 Suggest improvements to the documentation through PRs


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Extracted from project README's
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