
🐉 Use React components and inline JavaScript directly in your Obsidian notes. Kinda like MDX.

AGPL-3.0 License


Emera for Obsidian

This is a plugin for Obsidian which enables you to use React components and inline JavaScript directly into your notes. Kinda like MDX.

Table of contents


  • Embed React components as blocks or inline with text.
  • Convenient shorthand syntax for markdown formatting components (like `).
  • Full-fledged JSX for more complex usecases.
  • Inline JS evaluation.
  • Code block can export variables accessible to components and other code blocks on the page.
  • Supports both reading and live preview modes.
  • Works in canvas blocks.
  • Works on mobile.
  • Components are loaded from JS files, so you can use your favorite editor.
  • Emera supports TypeScript, ES modules (local and remote), and direct import of CSS files.

Roadmap / What's missing

I'm working on Emera in my free time, so there is no ETA when this will be implemented (or if it will be implemented at all). But overall, those are features that I find useful and would like to add to Emera at some point:

  • Better TypeScript DX.
  • Reactive hooks for Obsidian.
  • When renaming file, prompt user to update all Emera code blocks referencing this file.
  • Allow widgets to modify their own code. This way you will be able to store data in the note, along with the widget itself (istead of using current useStorage hook).

How to install

Emera is available in Obsidian plugin catalog, so easiest way to install it is via Obsidian (Settings -> Community plugins -> Browse -> Search for "Emera").

To install Emera manually you need to download zip file from latest release and unpack it into <your vault>/.obisdian/plugins/emera and enable it in Obsidian's settings.

How to use


After you install and enable Emera, you can configure your components folder. By default it's Components folder in the root of your vault.

Create file index.js in your components folder and put example components there:

import { Markdown } from 'emera';

export const HelloWorld = ({ name = 'World' }) => {
    return (<div>Hello, {name}!</div>);

export const HelloWorldInline = ({ name = 'World' }) => {
    return (<span>Hello, {name}!</span>);

export const RedCallout = ({ children }) => {
    return (<div style={{ padding: 20, border: '2px solid red' }}>

Then go to Emera's settings and refresh components. Now you can use your HelloWorld, HelloWorldInline and RedCallout components in your notes. Components can be embedded either inline, or as a block.

To render component inline, add emera:<HelloWorldInline name="Obsidian" />. Everything after emera: will be parsed as JSX, so you can set props, add children elements, etc.

To render component as block, there are two syntaxes. Shorthand syntax is convenient if your component acts as a simple wrapper (e.g. <Callout /> kind of component). You add it by creating code block with language emmd:<Name of your component>

You can use **Markdown** inside `<RedCallout />`.

When using shorthand syntax, content of code block isn't parsed as JSX, but passed directly to the component as a string. This allows to preserve any formatting, and later correctly render it in <Markdown /> component.

And for more complex cases there is support for JSX. JSX is automatically wrapped in Fragment, so you can add multiple siblings to same block.

<HelloWorld name="Obsidian" />
<HelloWorld name="Emera" />

If your component is interactive (e.g. react to user clicks), in Live Preview mode clicking on such component will switch it in editing mode. If this behavior isn't desired, wrap your component in another element and stop propagation of click events.

<div onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}>
    {/* Your component markup goes here... */}

Vanilla JavaScript

In addition to components, you can use vanilla JavaScript. JS code can be used either inline or as block. For JS code use language specifier emjs instead of emera.

Inline JS will be evaluated and its result will replace original code element on page. For example, this snippet will output current vault name emjs: app.vault.getName().

JS code blocks are more powerful. They don't output anything directly, but you can use them for more complex operations and to add variables to page's scope (more about scopes a bit later).

export const username = 'OlegWock';

Variable username will be available to all JS and JSX code on this page (after the original emjs code block).


Emera executes code isolated from each other. This means that by default your code doesn't have access to variables defined in other code blocks. To work around this, Emera gives each code block its own reading scope. JavaScript blocks also receive writing scope where they put all that was exported. And when Emera iterates over code blocks it links these scopes into a tree, so each code block has access to all variables defined in blocks before (and some global variables). If you'd like more details see how it works.

Besides variables exported from code blocks, Emera put a couple of extras into page and root scope.

Root scope:

  • app – plugin's app instance, see docs.
  • modules – external modules provided by Emera, see available modules.

Page scope:

  • fileTFile | null object for current page if rended in page, otherwise null (e.g. for blocks in canvas). See docs.
  • frontmatter – frontmatter object for current page.

Supported features

  • You can split your code in multiple files

Emera cares only about entrypoint (index.js file). As long as you export something from it, it will be available in Obsidian. But beyond that, you can organize your code however you want and use import/export to expose desired components.

  • You can use TypeScript

You probably wouldn't want to do this, as there is no type definitions (and you can't install them, see limitations), but if you really want – you can.

  • Import CSS files

Imported files will be injected into page. But, unfortunately, no CSS modules support.


I tried to make working with Emera as easy as possible, but there are still a few constraints you need to keep in mind.

  • You can't use external modules

Most notably, you can't use external modules installed with NPM. If you're interested as to why, check out How it works section. However, you can import from ESM CDN like esm.sh. Or alternatively, you can download required library, place it in components folder and import as usual (as long as library itself doesn't import any other external modules). Emera provides a couple of modules out of the box, see Available modules.

  • You can't use built-in modules

Emera code is executed in browser environment, which means you won't have access to built-in Node packages either.

Available modules

Emera allows you to import selected set of external modules. If you want to propose package for inclusion, open issue. But note that package shouldn't be too big and should be useful for wide range of users.

Currently Emera exposes these modules

  • emera – see Emera module.
  • react – version 19.
  • react-dom – version 19, without react-dom/client and other submodules.
  • obsidian – module available to plugins, see Obisdian docs.
  • framer-motion – animations library, see Framer Motion docs.
  • jotai and jotai/utils – state management library, see Jotai docs.

Emera module

Emera exposes couple of components, hooks, and functions which might be useful when building components for Obsidian.

  • <Markdown /> component – this component allows you to render markdown using Obsidian's renderer. Props are same as for ordinary div with that expection that children should be string.

  • useEmeraContext() hook – exposes Emera-related data and functions. Currently exposes only file, which describes file in which component is rendered, frontmatter for frontmatter properties if present, and storage, which allows you to access plugin-wide storage (uses Jotai under the hood, see storage.ts for API).

  • useStorage<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T) hook – allows you to have persisted plugin-wide state. Returned value is same as in useState hook.

How it works

Emera works completely in browser environment, without access to Node. This was done to ensure that plguin can be compatible with Obsidian on mobile devices. However, this also adds quite a lot of limitations.

When you launch Obsidian, Emera will try to transpile and bundle your code (we call it user module). This step allows you to use TypeScript, import CSS directly, and most importantly use JSX. To do so, we use special builds of Rollup and Babel which can work in browser environment. However, many Babel and Rollup plugins still require Node environment, so Emera also includes implementations of virtual filesystem, styles loader, and own intergration with Babel.

But code can't be just bundled and executed as is. At least, imports won't work. To fix this, Emera exposes all modules in window._emeraModules variable and provides a Babel plugin which rewrites imports from being import { motion } from "framer-motion" into const { motion } = window._emeraModules["framer-motion"];.

Once code is bundled, Emera will execute it and save all exported functions and components into "global scope" and they'll become available for Emera and for any code blocks on page. Note that here scope means abstraction provided by Emera. Those scopes can be built into tree structure to allow child scopes access properties from parent scope.

When Emera finds JS or JSX block on page, it will transpile it. But this time, transpilation will include another plugin, which rewrites access to any unknown identifier into access to current scope. So name.toUpperCase() becomes (window._emeraGetScope("<scopeId>").has("name") ? window._emeraGetScope("<scopeId>").get("name") : name).toUpperCase(). This looks monstrous, but fortunately it's only for machines and not for humans to read.

After that, transpiled code will be executed. Depending on type of block, Emera will either render React component in place, output result of inline JS evaluation, or put exported variables into scope and render placeholder for JS blocks.

To process iterate over code blocks, Emera uses editor extension and Markdown post processor to render inline JS and components in reading mode.

Reporting bugs, proposing features, and other contributions

This is a project I do for myself and mostly because it's just fun, I love programming. I'm making this public and open-source in case there are people who might find it useful. I definetely would like to find something like this earlier, so I wouldn't need to do most things from scratch. So, here it is, use as you please.

I, in fact, found obsidian-react-components which helped me to understand how such kind of plugin would work, as I'm still relatively new to Obsidian.

But with that being said, I run my projects as I find comfortable. So, feel free to report a bug or a feature, but there is a very slim chance I will fix/add it, unless it's a critical bug or really cool feature that I'll use myself. If you want to contribute code, please open an issue first, describing what you plan to do (unless it's like a really small PR, send those right away). Or else you risk your PR not being merged, and I don't really want you to waste your time.

Support development / say thanks

[!TIP] If you found this plugin useful and wanted to say thanks with a coin, you can do so here.