
This is a read-only mirror from https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/3d2png/.



Simple thumbnail generator for AMF and STL files. It tries to pick a reasonable camera position based on the bounding box of the geometry.

How to build 3d2png-deploy

The deploy repository needs to be built on a system as similar to the production hosts as possible. For this reason, we use the service-runner package, which spins up a Docker container based on the definition provided in the deploy stanza of package.json, installs the distribution packages needed, builds the node_modules directory and updates the source repo submodule.

To that end, this commit adds the deployment definition to package.json and service-runner as a development dependency (which means it will not get installed into the deploy repository). There is also a minimal config.yaml file that is needed by service-runner in order to build the deploy repository.

Note that in order for the build process to work you need Docker set up on the machine, as well as configure git to point to the location of the deploy repository:

$ git config deploy.dir /full/path/to/deploy/repo

The build process can then be initiated with

$ npm run build-deploy
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