A Discord bot written in Ruby for manipulation of the FTB Wiki.

MIT License



A Discord bot used by the Official FTB Wiki (mostly me) to accomplish various automated tasks. Currently a work-in-progress!

(TODO: update README with possible Postgres requirements)


ESAEBSAD3 pronounced /i.ˈseɪ.bi.sæd.θɹiː/ (e-say-b-sad-three). It stands for Experimental Self Aware Electronic Based Space Analyzing Droid [in the] 3rd-Dimension. Despite being in the 3rd dimension, it can't analyze space very well, so instead it just does random tasks that I want it to. Mostly this is just find-replace operations and things like that.


A Discord application token should already be generated, and a bot login and password should be generated (assuming you are using Fandom; otherwise, it's probably just the username and password for the wikiLogin and wikiToken).

ESAEBSAD3 handles all tokens and other login/setup information through environmental variables. An .env file can be loaded with all of the variables in example.env. Note the following:

  • The WIKI_LOGIN variable is the wiki bot's login, which is not the same as the bot's username on Fandom. This is viewable on Special:BotPasswords.
  • The WIKI_TOKEN variable is the wiki bot's token, as generated by Special:BotPasswords. Note when generated, it cannot be viewed again, so make sure to write it down before it is lost. If forgotten, a new bot password can be created, but then you have to update everything.
  • The DISCORD_TOKEN variable is the Discord bot account's token, which can be found on Discord's developer application dashboard.
  • The DISCORD_CLIENT property is the Discord bot's client ID, which can also be found on Discord's developer application dashboard.

This is a Ruby application, so Ruby should be installed. Bundler should be installed as well; running bundle will install all other dependencies.


  1. Setup the appropriate environmental variables listed in example.env. Locally, I do this by running export $(cat .env | xargs), or through Heroku, I have config vars set up.
  2. Run ruby run.rb to start the bot.


Just run the command !help and it will list all of the commands and how to use them. ezpz.


Here are the dependencies of ESAEBSAD3:

The specific versions are listed in the Gemfile.

Earlier bots