
A simple, easy to use interface for reporting shared metrics on WMF wikis

GPL-3.0 License


Event Metrics

A Wikimedia Foundation tool that provides event organizers and grantees a simple, easy to use interface for reporting their shared metrics, removing the need for any manual counting.

Installation for development


After cloning the repository:

  1. Copy .env to .env.local and fill in the necessary values:
    • The DATABASE_ values are for the Event Metrics database.
      your replica.my.cnf file in the home directory of your account on Toolforge.
      Everything else can be left as-is.
    • APP_LOGGED_IN_USER is used to mock the current user, instead of going through OAuth.
      Must be a valid Wikimedia username.
  2. Run composer install.
  3. Open a tunnel to the WMF databases: symfony console toolforge:ssh.
  4. symfony server start to start the server.
  5. You should be up and running at http://localhost:8000


The web interface is hopefully straightforward to use. However, developers can also do some functionality via the console. In the same directory as the application:

  • symfony console app:process-event <eventId> - will generate EventStats for the Event
    with the ID <eventId>.
  • symfony console app:spawn-jobs - queries the Job queue and runs app:process-event
    for Events that are in the queue. There is a limit on the number of concurrent jobs to
    ensure the database quota on the replicas is not exceeded.

PHP and framework

Event Metrics uses the Symfony framework.

Models are Doctrine ORM entities that directly correlate to tables in the eventmetrics database. Database interaction should generally be done with Doctrine's EntityManager.

Repositories are responsible for querying the replicas, MediaWiki API, file system, etc., wherever external data lives. They do not do any post-processing. Repositories should automatically be assigned to the models, and can be injected wherever they're required (via type-hinted parameters).


Assets are managed by Webpack Encore. The entry point is assets/js/application.js, and the output is in public/build/. Compiled assets must be committed to the repository.

  • npm run build - compiles assets for production.
  • npm run watch - compiles assets for development and watches for changes.
  • npm run dev - compiles assets for development without watching.


All messages live in the i18n/ directory.

For PHP, Intuition is used. Within the views, you can access a message using the msg('message-key', ['arg1', 'arg2', ...]) function. Intuition is not available outside the views, but you probably don't need it in those cases anyway.

When working with model validations, you'll provide the message key and parameters that will in turn get passed into the view. For basic constraints, just put the key name. For instance @UniqueEntity("title", message="error-program-title-dup") for a duplicate program title. The name of the program is automatically passed in as the first parameter in the message. If you need to pass a variable, use the payload options, e.g. @Assert\NotNull(message="error-invalid", payload={"0"="start-date"}).

For custom callbacks, use the validation builder and set the parameters accordingly. For instance, to validate that a program title is not reserved:

if ( in_array( $this->title, [ 'edit', 'delete' ] ) ) {
    $context->buildViolation( 'error-program-title-reserved' )
        ->setParameter( 0, '<code>edit</code>, <code>delete</code>' )
        ->atPath( 'title' )

In JavaScript, we use jquery.i18n. The syntax is $.i18n( 'message-key', 'arg1', 'arg2', … ).


Use composer test to run the full test suite. The individual commands that it runs are as follows:

  • composer migrate-test – Creates and migrates the test database.
  • composer lint – tests for linting errors in PHP, Twig and YAML files, and uses MinusX to ensure files have the correct permissions.
  • composer unit – Runs unit and integration tests with PHPUnit.
  • composer phan – Runs static analysis with Phan.

Most CodeSniffer and MinusX errors can be fixed automatically using composer fix.

The basic fixture set is loaded by default. The extended set supplies a lot more test data, and is meant for testing beyond the workflow of creating events, etc., such as statistics generation.

Repository classes should not need tests. Add @codeCoverageIgnore to the bottom of the class summary so that coverage statistics are not affected.

Functional/integration tests

Controller tests extend DatabaseAwareWebTestCase, which loads fixtures and ensures full stack traces are shown when there is an HTTP error. Some class properties must be set for this to work:

  • $this->client - the Symfony client.
  • $this->container - the DI container.
  • $this->crawler - the DOM crawler.
  • $this->response - response of any requests you make.

See ProgramControllerTest for an example.


For maintainer documentation, see https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Eventmetrics

The application runs on the Wikimedia Cloud Services VPS environment at https://eventmetrics.wmcloud.org

Deployment happens automatically after a new version tag is created.

Extracted from project README's
License: GPL v3 CI
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