
Semtech SX126X LoRa driver for Micropython and CircuitPython.

MIT License



Semtech SX126X LoRa driver for Micropython and CircuitPython. This library is ported and modified from RadioLib by jgromes. This library supports generic and Pycom variant micropython as well as CircuitPython. Tested with:

  1. WiPy3.0 + Semtech SX1262MB1PAS shield (LoRa)
  2. WiPy3.0 + Ebyte E22-400M22S (LoRa)
  3. WiPy3.0 + Ebyte E22-400M30S (LoRa) - Built-in 10dB amplifier, eg. SX1268.setOutputPower(20) = 30dBm output, SX1268.setOutputPower(0) = 10 dBm output
  4. LilyGO® T-Echo
  5. Raspberry Pi Pico + Waveshare SX126x Pico LoRa HAT
  6. HelTec Lora 32 v3

* Compile to .mpy or compile into micropython image to prevent memory issue error

Constructors (Similar for SX1261 and SX1268)

class sx1262.SX1262(spi_bus, clk, mosi, miso, cs, irq, rst, gpio) Create and initialize SX1262 object.

The parameters are:

  • spi_bus : SPI bus ID
  • clk : SPI CLK pin
  • mosi : SPI MOSI pin
  • miso : SPI MISO pin
  • cs : NSS pin
  • irq : DIO1 pin
  • rst : RESET pin
  • gpio : BUSY pin

Methods (Similar for SX1261 and SX1268)


SX1262.setFrequency(freq) Set frequency in MHz. Return: Status (Refer to Constants Status dictionary)

SX1262.setOutputPower(power) Set TX power in dBm. Return: Status

SX1262.setBlockingCallback(blocking, callback=None) Set TX/RX blocking mode and interrupt callback. If blocking = True, TX/RX is set to blocking mode and callback function will be ignored. If blocking = False, TX/RX is set to non blocking mode and callback function will be triggered with events argument upon TX/RX events. If callback = None, events callback function will be disabled.

SX1262.getRSSI() Get RX RSSI in dBm. Return: RSSI value

SX1262.getTimeOnAir(len) Get RX time on air according to message length, len = message length. Return: Time on air value

SX1262.send(data) Send message, data type must be bytes or bytearray. Return: Payload length, status

SX1262.recv(len=0, timeout_en=False, timeout_ms=0) Read RX message. len = Message length, if 0, default to SX126X_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH timeout_en = Enable RX timeout, if False, function blocking indefinitely until message received (Only in blocking mode) timeout_ms = RX timeout in ms, 0 means timeout = 100 LoRa symbols length for LoRa or timeout = 500% expected time-on-air for FSK (Only in blocking mode) Return: Payload, status


SX1262.begin(freq=434.0, bw=125.0, sf=9, cr=7, syncWord=0x12, power=14, currentLimit=60.0 preambleLength=8, implicit=False, implicitLen=0xFF, crcOn=True, txIq=False, rxIq=False, tcxoVoltage=1.6, useRegulatorLDO=False, blocking=True) This method is used to set LoRa configuration.

The parameters are:

  • freq : Frequency in MHz
  • bw : Bandwidth in kHz
  • sf : Spreading factor, 5 to 12
  • cr : Coding rate, 5 to 8
  • syncWord : Sync word, private = 0x12, public = 0x34
  • power : TX power in dBm
  • currentLimit : Current limit in mA
  • preambleLength : Preamble length
  • implicit : Implicit or explicit header, implicit = True
  • implicitLen : Implicit header payload length
  • crcOn : CRC on or off
  • txIq : TX invert IQ
  • rxIq : RX invert IQ
  • tcxoVoltage : TCXO input voltage in V
  • useRegulatorLDO : Use LDO regulator = True, use DC-DC regulator = False
  • blocking : Blocking TX/RX = True, non blocking TX/RX = False

Return: Status

SX1262.setBandwidth(bw) Set LoRa bandwidth in kHz. Return: Status

SX1262.setCodingRate(cr) Set LoRa coding rate, 5 to 8. Return: Status

SX1262.setPreambleLength(preambleLength) Set LoRa preamble length. Return: Status

SX1262.setSpreadingFactor(sf) Set LoRa spreading factor, 5 to 12. Return: Status

SX1262.setSyncWord(syncWord, [controlBits]) Set LoRa sync word, private = 0x12, public = 0x34. Optional parameter controlBits, default value is 0x44. e.g. syncWord = 0xAB, controlBits = 0xCD -> SX126x 2 bytes sync word = 0xACBD e.g. syncWord = 0x12, controlBits = 0x44 -> SX126x 2 bytes sync word = 0x1424 Return: Status

SX1262.explicitHeader() Enable LoRa explicit header mode. Return: Status

SX1262.implicitHeader(implicitLen) Enable LoRa implicit header mode with implicit length parameter. Return: Status

SX1262.forceLDRO(enable) Force enable Low Data Rate Optimization. Return: Status

SX1262.autoLDRO() Enable auto Low Data Rate Optimization. Return: Status

SX1262.setCRC(crcOn) Set LoRa CRC mode. Return: Status

SX1262.setTxIq(txIq) Set LoRa TX invert IQ mode.

SX1262.setRxIq(rxIq) Set LoRa RX invert IQ mode.

SX1262.getSNR() Get LoRa RX SNR in dB. Return: SNR value


SX1262.beginFSK(freq=434.0, br=48.0, freqDev=50.0, rxBw=156.2, power=14, currentLimit=60.0, preambleLength=16, dataShaping=0.5, syncWord=[0x2D, 0x01], syncBitsLength=16, addrFilter=SX1262.ADDR_FILT_OFF, addr=0x00, crcLength=2, crcInitial=0x1D0F, crcPolynomial=0x1021, crcInverted=True, whiteningOn=True, whiteningInitial=0x0100, fixedPacketLength=False, packetLength=0xFF, preambleDetectorLength=SX1262.PREAMBLE_DETECT_16, tcxoVoltage=1.6, useRegulatorLDO=False, blocking=True) This method is used to set FSK configuration.

The parameters are:

  • freq : Frequency in MHz
  • br : Bit rate in kbps
  • freqDev : Frequency deviation in kHz
  • rxBW : RX bandwidth in kHz
  • power : TX power in dBm
  • currentLimit : Current limit in mA
  • preambleLength : Preamble length
  • dataShaping : Time-bandwidth product of the Gaussian filter to be used for shaping
  • syncWord : Sync word
  • syncBitsLength : Sync word length in bit
  • addrFilter : Address filtering, refer to Constants FSK address filtering
  • addr : Address for address filtering
  • crcLength : CRC length, 0, 1 or 2
  • crcInitial: CRC initial value
  • crcPolynomial : Polynomial for CRC calculation
  • crcInverted : Invert CRC bytes
  • whiteningOn : Enable whitening
  • whiteningInitial : Initial value used for whitening LFSR
  • fixedPacketLength : Enable fixed packet length mode
  • packetLength : Packet length in bytes (fixed packet length mode) or maximum packet length in bytes (variable packet length mode)
  • preambleDetectorLength : Minimum preamble detection length, refer to Constants FSK preamble detector length
  • tcxoVoltage : TCXO input voltage in V
  • useRegulatorLDO : Use LDO regulator = True, use DC-DC regulator = False
  • blocking : Blocking TX/RX = True, non blocking TX/RX = False

Return: Status

SX1262.setBitRate(br) Set FSK bit rate in kbps. Return: Status

SX1262.setFrequencyDeviation(freqDev) Set FSK frequency deviation in kHz. Return: Status

SX1262.setRxBandwidth(rxBw) Set FSK RX bandwidth in kHz. Return: Status

SX1262.setDataShaping(dataShaping) Set FSK time-bandwidth product of the Gaussian filter to be used for shaping. Return: Status

SX1262.setSyncBits(syncWord, bitsLen) Set FSK sync word and sync bits length. syncWord = Sync word in list bitsLen = Sync word bit length Return: Status

SX1262.setPreambleLength(preambleLength) Set FSK preamble length. Return: Status

SX1262.setPreambleDetectorLength(preambleDetectorLength) Set minimum preamble detection length, refer to Constants FSK preamble detector length.

SX1262.setNodeAddress(addr) Activate address filtering on node address addr. Return: Status

SX1262.setBroadcastAddress(addr) Activate address filtering on node and broadcast address addr. Return: Status

SX1262.disableAddressFiltering() Disable address filtering. Return: Status

SX1262.setCRC(len, initial=0x1D0F, polynomial=0x1021, inverted=True) Set FSK CRC. len = CRC length, 0, 1 or 2 initial = CRC initial polynomial = Polynomial used for CRC calculation inverted = Enable CRC bytes inversion Return: Status

SX1262.setWhitening(enabled, initial=0x0100) Set FSK whitening. initial = Initial value for whitening LFSR Return: Status

SX1262.fixedPacketLengthMode(len) Set FSK fixed packet length mode. len = Packet length in bytes Return: Status

SX1262.variablePacketLengthMode(maxLen) Set FSK variable packet length mode. maxLen = Max packet length in bytes Return: Status

Constants (Similar for SX1261 and SX1268)

Events: SX1262.TX_DONE, SX1262.RX_DONE FSK address filter: SX1262.ADDR_FILT_OFF, SX1262.ADDR_FILT_NODE, SX1262.ADDR_FILT_NODE_BROAD FSK preamble detector length: SX1262.PREAMBLE_DETECT_OFF, SX1262.PREAMBLE_DETECT_X -> X = 8, 16, 24, 32 Status dictionary: SX1262.STATUS

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