
MicroPython Scripts and projects



Main repository of MicroPython projects and modules I have built on my spare time.

Structure of the repository

  • projects/<project_name>

    Folder containing everything related to the script.

    Name Type Description
    code 📁 Commented code for better understanding of it.
    release 📁 Code without comments and trying to be as small as possible in order to save memory on the microcontroller.
    docs 📁 Files like images and so on for documentation purposes.
  • modules

    Folder containing everything related to MicroPython and some help classes and scripts to make deployments more easy.

    Name Type Description
    code 📁 Commented code for better understanding of it.
    release 📁 Code without comments and trying to be as small as possible in order to save memory on the microcontroller.
    docs 📁 Files like images and so on for documentation purposes.
    examples 📁 Example files that in some cases will need to be renamed into main.py so it will be run at boot time.
  • snipets 📁

    Scripts used to saved some common code so I don't forget how to do some things.

  • static 📁

    Contains images for documentation purposes and other static files like HTML and CSS code.

  • tools 📁

    Tools used when developing within this repo.

  • README.md 📃 on 📁

    Documentation of the script, class or other important information.

Project list

Project name Status Link
Bulleting board DONE Get me there!
Camera slider WIP Get me there!
Micro server DONE Get me there!
Pomodoro DONE Get me there!
Problem solver DONE Get me there!
Script console DONE Get me there!
Weather display DONE Get me there!
Weather station DONE Get me there!
WiFi scanner DONE Get me there!

Support 🧑‍🔧

Reach out to me at one of the following places!


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/super_awesome_feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some awesome feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/super_awesome_feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request
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