
Codegen pretty-printing and deep equality Solidity functions for the Forge testing framework

MIT License



forge-deep generates pretty-printing and deep equality Solidity functions for the Forge testing framework.



forge-deep is built on bun.

# Install bun (for macOS, Linux, and WSL)
curl -fsSL | bash

Your Solidity repository needs to be using forge and have forge-std and solady installed (and updated if necessary):

# `forge-std` is installed on `forge init` 
forge install foundry-rs/forge-std # ^1.5.5
forge install Vectorized/solady # ^0.0.90


You will need a forge-deep.toml file in your repository's root directory. For example:

# The generated code will be written to this file
dest = 'lib/DeepTest.sol'
# Directory to look for Solidity compiler artifacts (forge uses 'out' by default)
artifacts = 'out'
# forge-deep will generatefunctions for all user-defined value types, enums, structs, and array types used in these contracts
contracts = ['src/Zoo.sol']
# forge-deep will generate functions for the following types, which may be defined outside of the contracts listed above
types = ['Plants.Cactus', 'Zoo.Animal']

For each contract listed in contracts, forge-deep will find every user-defined value type, enum, and struct defined in that contract, as well as any static or dynamic array types used anywhere in the contract generating pretty-print and deep equality functions for each one.

For more fine-grained control over which types to generate code for, you can use types. forge-deep will look for those specific user-defined value types, enums, structs, and array types in the artifacts directory.

If forge-deep encounters an array element or struct members which is itself a user-defined value type, enum, struct, or array, it will recursively look for the definition and generate code for that type.


# Compile existing contracts
forge build
# Generate `DeepTest.sol`
bunx --bun forge-deep

And that's it a contract containing the generated prettyPrint and assertDeepEq functions now exists at the dest specified in forge-deep.toml.

Provided Solidity functions

forge-deep generates an abstract contract, whose name is determined by dest in forge-deep.toml.

abstract contract DeepTest is Test {
    using LibString for *;

For each type processed by forge-deep, it generates internal functions with the following signatures (Zoo.Habitat is a struct in the code below, other types work similarly):

    function prettyPrint(Zoo.Habitat memory a)
        returns (string memory)

    function assertDeepEq(Zoo.Habitat memory a, Zoo.Habitat memory b)

To use these functions in your tests, simply have the test contract inherit DeepTest and call these functions. Note that forge test must be run with verbosity at least -vv to show logs.



forge-deep is built on bun.

# Install bun (for macOS, Linux, and WSL)
curl -fsSL | bash

Install Foundry if you don't already have it.


# We'll be generating this ourselves
rm lib/DeepTest.sol
# Compile but ignore our test contract, which uses `DeepTest.sol`
forge build --skip test
# Generate `DeepTest.sol`
bun run --bun generate
# Run test
forge test -vv