
Utilities for Minetest server management

LGPL-2.1 License



Project minetools has several small utilities to manage a Minetest server from the command line.

This is a work in progress.


Command contentdb can be used to download mods from https://content.minetest.net and install them into a local mods folder.

Install pre-compiled binaries on Linux

From the Releases page you can download the file for your Linux machine. Depending on your architecture, you may want to download either the 386, amd64 or arm64 versions. To decide which one you need, try the following command:

uname -m

Select contentdb-linux-386.zip for x86, contentdb-linux-amd64.zip for x86_64 and contentdb-linux-arm64.zip for aarch64. Then you can download with curl like this (change amd64 for your architecture):

curl -L https://github.com/ronoaldo/minetools/releases/download/v0.2.2/contentdb-linux-amd64.zip > /tmp/contentdb.zip

Next you need to unpack the zip and install the program on your $PATH. One way to complete that step is to use the unzip program, like this:

cd /tmp/
unzip /tmp/contentdb.zip
sudo mv dist/contentdb /usr/local/bin

Check the installation is working with:

contentdb --help

If you don't have unzip or curl, you can install these tools using your package manager like apt for Debian/Ubuntu or derivatives:

apt-get update
apt-get install curl unzip -yq

Install from source

To install the contentdb cli, you need a working Go (> 1.16) toolchain:

git clone https://github.com/ronoaldo/minetools
go install ./minetools/cmd/contentdb


To get the online help with all parameters, run

contentdb --help

To search for content, use the search subcommand:

contentdb search mesecons

This command will install the requested mod into the mods folder in the current working directory. For instance, to install a system-wide mod, first change into that directory with:

cd /usr/share/minetest

To install in your local home directory, first change to the $HOME/.minetest folder with:

cd $HOME/.minetest

To install a mod/modpack, use the install subcommand.

contentdb install rubenwardy/sfinv

Or alternativelly, specify a specific release to install:

contentdb install rubenwardy/sfinv@52

To update all mods in the mods folder (including those installed with git!), use the update subdommand:

contentdb update

You can check what would be updated by running:

contentdb update --dry-run