
This is a sample API Test Automation framework designed using SuperTest, Mocha, Chai, and FakerJS. And in this framework we will see some basic working examples for learning.

MIT License


API Testing using SuperTest, Mocha, Chai, and FakerJS

GitHub Repo stars the project if you like the work.

Getting started


  • Download and install Node.js
  • Download and install any Text Editor like Visual Code/Sublime/Brackets
  • Initilize the project with default settings npm init -y
  • Install dependencies npm install --save-dev supertest mocha chai mochawesome @faker-js/faker

Setup Visual Code

  • Install GitLens Extension from the Marketplace: GitLens — Git supercharged by GitKraken
  • Go to Visual Code Preference > Setting and search formatOnSave and enable/ON it.

Setup Git Repo

  • Clone the repository into a folder
  • Go to Project root directory and install Dependency: npm install
  • All the dependencies from package.json would be installed in node_modules folder.

How to write Test

  • Add new spec under test-reqres-api folder
  • Add file and name the file as testname.js (e.g. deleteTest.js)

How to Run Test

  • Go to Project root directory and run command: npm test
  • If you want to run another set of api tests then run command: npm run test-fakerest

How to Update local npm packages

  • Go to Project root directory and run command: npm update

How to view HTML report

  • Go to Project root directory: ./mochawesome-report/mochawesome.html

Sample Test Results

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