
Class-based branching test scenario runner for mocha

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Class-based branching test scenario runner for mocha


// common-test.js global test classes
class ExampleSuite extends Suite {
  async setup() {
    await super.setup();
    this.container = document.querySelector(;
  async teardown() {
    let self = this;
    await super.teardown();
    await self.forEvent(self.container, 'dom-change', () => { self.container.if = false; }, true);
// example-test.js
  // example scope
  let scope = 'example';
  let example = new Suite(scope, 'Description of Example Suite');
  // test class mixin in "example" scope
  example.test = (base) => class TestA extends base {
    get description() { return 'Description of Test A'; }
    async operation() {
      console.log('Test A operation');
      this.element = document.querySelector('#example')
    async checkpoint() {
      console.log('Checkpoint for Test A');
      assert.equal(, 'example-element', 'Element is instantiated');
      //assert.isOk(false, 'Failing test A');
  // test class in "example" scope
  example.test = class TestE extends ExampleSuite {
    static get skipAfterFailure() { return true; }
    async operation() {}
    async checkpoint() {}
  // scenarios
  example.test = {
    // test class mixins
    '': [
        TestA: {
          TestB: 'TestAThenB'
        TestB: {
          TestA: 'TestBThenA'
      Suite.repeat('TestAThenB', 3, 'TestAB3')
    // test classes
    TestC: {
      TestAThenB: 'TestCAB'
    TestD: 'TestDAlias',
    TestE: [
        TestAThenB: 'TestEAB',
        TestA: {
          TestB: {
            Test1: {
              Test2: 'TestEAB12'
          TestBThenA: 'TestEABA'
        TestB: {
          Test1: ''
        TestAB3: 'TestEAB3; Description of "Test EAB3"'
      Suite.permute([ 'TestA', 'TestB', 'Test1' ], (scenario) => ({
        Test2: 'Test_E_' + => n.replace(/^Test/,'')).join('_') + '_2'

  let match = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href).match(/^.*[^_a-zA-Z0-9]TestSuites=([_a-zA-Z0-9,]*).*$/);

  if (match) {
    // Runner
    // match[1] = '0' for the first round of test suites runnable without reloading[1], '#example');
} // example scope
// In Driver page
// example for web-component-tester
var suites = [];
for (var scope in Suite.scopes) {
  Suite.scopes[scope].test.forEach(function (tests, index) {
    suites.push(scope + '-test.html?TestSuites=' + index);

Design Principles

  • Contexts must be explicitly handled in a concise and intuitive way in JavaScript classes
  • suite() and test() in mocha are wrapped for contexts

Alternative viewpoints for test scenarios with long and branching operations

  • Test target systems are a collection of state machines
  • Operations for test suites are a series of the branches of states
  • Test assertions are targeted "checkpoints" for the expected states

Depicted test scenarios

Initial -(setup op)-> First checkpoint -(op)-> 2nd CP -> ... -> Final CP for scenario A
                                               +--> ... -> Final CP for scenario B 
  • Initial state is without instances of the target system
  • Operations from the initial state set up test fixtures
  • The first checkpoint on the first operation asserts the target instances
  • Setting up the fixtures may take more steps (operations)
  • Successive checkpoints constitute a series of pairs of a (mock) operation and its corresponding test assertion(s)
  • Different test suites can share parts of operations and then branch in the latter parts

Conceptual mappings for JavaScript classes

  • Operation: a (mock) operation
  • Checkpoint: a collection of test assertions for a checkpoint
  • Scenario: a series of Operation and Checkpoint pairs (by a prototype chain of classes)
  • Suite: the base class of test scenarios
  • Driver: driver of test suites
  • Parameters: test parameters handed to constructors of test classes

Comparison with BDD framework

  • "Branching" of test contexts: Shared steps and test assertions for scenarios



  bower install --save-dev scenarist


  npm install --save-dev scenarist



Raw ES module class version

  import Suite from 'scenarist/Suite.esm.js';

UMD ES6 class version

  <script src="path/to/bower_components/scenarist/Suite.js"></script>

ES5 version

Note: babel-polyfill/browser.js is required for the ES5 version to work
  <script src="path/to/node_modules/babel-polyfill/browser.js"></script>
  <script src="path/to/bower_components/scenarist/Suite.min.js"></script>


Node 8.x or later

Command Line
mocha test.js
Test Script
const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert;
const Suite = require('scenarist/Suite.js');
// test classes...

Node 4.x - 6.x with Babel es2015 Transpilation

Command Line
mocha test.js
Test Script
const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert;
const Suite = require('scenarist/Suite.min.js');
// test classes...

Node with Multiple Scopes

Command Line
mocha test.js
Driver Test Script (test.js)
const chai = require('chai');
global.assert = chai.assert;
global.Suite = require('scenarist/Suite.min.js');


for (var scope in Suite.scopes) {
  Suite.scopes[scope].test.forEach(function (tests, index) {
    Suite.scopes[scope].run(index); // if run() is not called in scope*-test.js
Test Script 1 (scope1-test.js)
let scope1 = new Suite('scope1', 'Scope 1 Suites');
// test classes
scope1.test = ...
Test Script 2 (scope2-test.js)
let scope2 = new Suite('scope2', 'Scope 2 Suites');
// test classes
scope2.test = ...


Version Chrome Firefox IE/Edge Safari Opera Node ECMAScript
Suite.esm.js 61+ 60 17+ 10.1+ 47+ 10+ w/ esm ES6 + ES modules
Suite.js 55+ 52+ 17+ 10.1+ 42+ 7+ w/ async ES6 + async/await
Suite.min.js 55+ 50+ 11+ 10+ 42+ 4+ w/ babel ES5 + babel-polyfill
  • Suite.mjs and Suite.esm.js have the same contents but have different file name extensions.


Suite class

Scope Object as a Suite class instance

  • constructor(scope: string, description: string = scope + ' suite') - Create a scope typically in a block scope; The scope object is globally accessible via Suite.scopes[scope]
    { // "scope1" block scope
      let scope1 = new Suite('scope1', 'Description of scope1 Suite');
      scope1 === Suite.scopes.scope1; // is true
  • test property setter with a class expression - Define a test runner subclass or a test suite subclass in the scope
    let scope = 'example';
    let example = new Suite(scope, 'Description of Example Suite');
    // Defined test suite class is accessible via example.classes.ExampleSuite
    example.test = class ExampleSuite extends Suite {
      async setup() { await super.setup(); ... }
      async teardown() { await super.teardown(); ... }
    // Defined test runner class is accessible via example.classes.ExampleTest1
    example.test = class ExampleTest1 extends example.classes.ExampleSuite {
      async operation() { ... }
      async checkpoint() { ... }
  • test property setter with a class expression mixin - Define a test runner class mixin in the scope
    // Defined test runner class mixin is accessible via example.mixins.ExampleTestMixin1
    example.test = (base) => class ExampleTestMixin1 extends base {
      async operation() { ... }
      async checkpoint() { ... }
  • test property setter with a test scenario object - Define test scenarios with a scenario object in the scope
    • Arrays in scenarios iterate over their items
    • Description can be optionally specified after ';' of the test class name
    • Default description string is generated by uncamelcasing the test class name, e.g., 'TestAAndB' -> 'test a and b'
    example.test = {
      // test class mixins
      '': {
        ExampleTestMixin1: {
          ExampleTestMixin2: 'Test1Then2' // Define Test1Then2 test class mixin
      // test classes
      ExampleTest1: {
        Test1Then2: 'Test1ThenTest1Then2' // Define Test1ThenTest1Then2 test class
    example.test = {
      // test class mixins
      '': [
        Suite.repeat('ExampleTestMixin1', 3, 'RepeatTest1_3Times'),
        Suite.repeat('ExampleTestMixin2', 4, 'RepeatTest2_4Times')
      // test classes
      ExampleTest1: {
        Test1Then2: 'Test1ThenTest1Then2; Description of the Test'
  • test property setter with a class from another scope - Define a subscope of a scope
    // Meta-depiction of Subscoping as Prototype chaining
    Suite <-- GlobalScope <-- ScopeA <-- SubscopeAB ...
                                      +- SubscopeAC ...
    <!-- subscope_ac-test.html -->
    <script src="scenarist/Suite.js"></script>
    <script src="global_scope.js"></script>
    <script src="scope_a.js"></script>
    <script src="subscope_ac.js"></script>
      var match = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href).match(/^.*[^_a-zA-Z0-9]TestSuites=([_a-zA-Z0-9,]*).*$/);

      if (match) {
        // Runner[1], 'template#container');
    // global_scope.js
    class CommonSuite extends Suite { ... }
    class Instantiate extends CommonSuite { ... }
    // scope_a.js
      let scope_a = new Suite('scope_a');
      scope_a.test = class ScopeATest1 extends Instantiate { ... }
      scope_a.test = (base) => class ScopeATest2 extends base { ... }
      scope_a.test = {
        ScopeATest1: {
          ScopeATest2: 'ExportedScopeATest' // The exported test name is not necessarily explicit
    // no call of run() in scope_a.js since it will be called in scope_a-test.html
    // subscope_ac.js
      let subscope_ac = new Suite('subscope_ac');
      // Define a subscope 'subscope_ac' of the scope 'scope_a' via 'ExportedScopeATest'
      subscope_ac.test = Suite.scopes.scope_a.classes.ExportedScopeATest;
      // Tests for subscope_ac
      subscope_ac.test = (base) => class SubscopeACTest1 extends base { ... }
      subscope_ac.test = (base) => class SubscopeACTest2 extends base { ... }
      subscope_ac.test = {
        ExportedScopeATest: {
          // Extend scope_a test
          SubscopeACTest1: 'Instantiate_ScopeATest1_ScopeATest2_SubscopeACTest1_Test',
          SubscopeACTest2: 'Instantiate_ScopeATest1_ScopeATest2_SubscopeACTest2_Test',
    // no call of run() in subscope_ac.js since it will be called in subscope_ac-test.html
  • testClasses(tests) instance method - Get Array of test classes
    • tests as number - List classes in CSV this.test[tests]
    • tests as CSV string - List classes in the CSV
  • async run(classes, target: string) instance method - Run the specified test classes in the scope; target is handed to constructors of target classes
    • classes as number - Target classes are testClasses(test[classes])
    • classes as CSV string - Target classes are testClasses(classes)
    • classes as Array of string - Target classes are => self.classes[item])
    • classes as Array of classes - Target classes are classes
    • classes as object with class properties - Target classes are properties of classes
    • it can throw MultiError exception, which has Array property .errors as [ [ 'TestClassName', TestClassInstance, Exception ], ... ]
    async function runner() {
      for (let scope in Suite.scopes) {
        for (let index in Suite.scopes[scope].test) {
          try {
            await Suite.scopes[scope].run(index, '#target');
          catch (errors) {
            errors.message === 'Error:,Test2,...): exception(s) thrown. See .errors for details';
            errors.errors.forEach((item) => {
              item[0] === 'TestClassName';
              item[1] === TestClassInstance;
              item[2] === ErrorOrUndefined; // undefined for successful tests
    for (var scope in Suite.scopes) {
      Suite.scopes[scope].test.forEach(function (tests, index) {
        Suite.scopes[scope].run(index, '#target')
          .catch(function(errors) {
            errors.message === 'Error:,Test2,...): exception(s) thrown. See .errors for details';
            errors.errors.forEach((item) => {
              item[0] === 'TestClassName';
              item[1] === TestClassInstance;
              item[2] === ErrorOrUndefined; // undefined for successful tests

Scope Object Instance Properties other than test property setter

  • scope string property - Scope name set by new Suite(scope)
  • description string property - Default: scope + ' suite'; Scope description set by new Suite(scope, description)
  • classes object property - Object containing the currently defined test classes
  • mixins object property - Object containing the currently defined test class mixins
  • classSyntaxSupport boolean property - true if ES6 class syntax is natively supported
  • arrowFunctionSupport boolean property - true if ES6 arrow function syntax is natively supported
  • leafClasses object property - Object containing the current leaf (non-redundant) test classes
  • leafScenarios object property - Object with CSV strings of leaf test scenarios as its properties
  • branchScenarios object property - Object with CSV strings of branch test scenarios as its properties
  • test Array property - Array of CSV strings, each of which constitutes a group of reconnectable tests
    Suite.scopes.example.test returns
    // Test page has to be reloaded for each reconnectable test group
    // In Driver page
    // example for web-component-tester
    var suites = [];
    for (var scope in Suite.scopes) {
      Suite.scopes[scope].test.forEach(function (tests, index) {
        suites.push(scope + '-test.html?TestSuites=' + index);

Test Suite Subclass as a direct or descendent subclass of Suite class

  • async setup() instance method - Overridden methods called once at the beginning of each running test via suiteSetup(); Overridden methods in subclasses should call await super.setup()
  • async teardown() instance method - Overridden methods called once at the end of each running test via suiteTeardown(); Overridden methods in subclasses should call await super.teardown()
    // Define a common test suite as a direct subclass of Suite
    class CommonTestSuite extends Suite {
      async setup() { await super.setup(); ... }
      async teardown() { await super.teardown(); ... }
      ... // custom methods
    { // example scope
      let example = new Suite('example', 'Example Subsuite');
      // [Optional] Define a test subsuite class in the 'example' scope 
      example.test = class ExampleSuite extends CommonTestSuite {
        async setup() { await super.setup(); ... }
        async teardown() { ...; await super.teardown(); } // may need teardown operation before super.teardown()
        ... // more custom methods for the subsuite

Test Runner Subclass as a subclass of Suite class

  • constructor(target: string) - Instantiate a test runner; Optional for overriding
  • async run() instance method - Run the test; Not for overriding
    • It can throw an exception. See exception() instance method section below.
  • * scenario() instance generator method - Iterate over tests in the reversed order of the prototype chain of the test; Yield { name: string, iteration: function, operation: function, checkpoint: function, ctor: function } for each test class
    // Simplest example without a test suite subclass and a scope
    class TestClass extends Suite {} // Define a test runner class
    let testRunner = new TestClass('#target'); // = '#target'; // run the test
    // Example with a scope
    class ExampleSuite extends Suite { ... }
    { // example scope
      let example = new Suite('example');
      // Define a test class in the scope
      example.test = class ExampleTest1 extends ExampleSuite {
        async operation() { ... }
        async checkpoint() { ... }
      // run the test
      (new example.classes.ExampleTest1('#target')).run();
  • async operation(parameters: optional) instance method - Perform operations of the test; parameters argument is omitted if *iteration() is not defined
  • async checkpoint(parameters: optional) instance method - Perform test assertions of the test; parameters argument is omitted if *iteration() is not defined
  • *iteration() instance generator method - [Optional] Provide parameters to operation and checkpoint methods
    class ExampleTest2 extends ExampleSuite {
      * iteration() { yield * [ 1, 2, 3 ]; }
      // parameters iterate through 1 to 3
      async operation(parameters) { ... }
      async checkpoint(parameters) { ... }
  • exception(reject: function, exception: Error) instance method - [Optional] Exception handler for errors outside of test callback function
    • If it calls reject(), it must return non-null to tell the runner not to call resolve()
    • The method can be inherited and overridden by subclasses
    class ExampleTest3 extends ExampleSuite {
      async operation() { ... }
      async checkpoint() { ... }
      exception(reject, exception) {
        // default action when exception() is not defined
        return true;
    try {
      await (new ExampleTest3('#example')).run();
    catch (exception) {
      // Handle exception in runner
    class ExampleTest4 extends ExampleSuite {
      async operation() { ... }
      async checkpoint() { ... }
      exception(reject, exception) {
        // Treat the exception as a test failure by mocha
        (typeof test === 'function' ? test : it)('exception on scenario', function() {
          throw exception;

Utility Instance Methods

  • async forEvent(element: Element, type: string, trigger: function, condition: function) - Invoke the trigger() and wait for the event type for the element until condition(element: Element, type: string, event: Event) returns true
    async operation(parameters) {
      let self = this;
      // wait for 'track' event until the event state becomes 'end'
      await self.forEvent(self.dialog, 
        () => { MockInteractions.track(self.dialog, parameters.dx, parameters.dy); },
        (element, type, event) => event.detail.state === 'end'

Utility Static Methods

  • Suite.repeat(target: string, count: number, subclass: string/object) - Repetition operator for scenario objects
    Suite.repeat('TargetTest', 3, 'RepeatTarget3Times') returns
    { TargetTest: { TargetTest: { TargetTest: 'RepeatTarget3Times' } } }
  • Suite.permute(targets: Array of string, subclass: function (scenario: Array of string)) - Permutation operator for scenario objects
    Suite.permute([ 'TestA', 'TestB', 'TestC' ],
      (scenario) => 'Test_' + => n.replace(/^Test/,'')).join('_')
    ) returns
      TestA: {
        TestB: { TestC: "Test_A_B_C" },
        TestC: { TestB: "Test_A_C_B" }
      TestB: {
        TestA: { TestC: "Test_B_A_C" },
        TestC: { TestA: "Test_B_C_A" }
      TestC: {
        TestB: { TestA: "Test_C_B_A" },
        TestA: { TestB: "Test_C_A_B" }

Static Properties for Suite class

  • Suite.scopes static object property - Object containing scope objects as Suite.scopes[scope] such as Suite.scopes.example for 'example' scope

Static Properties for subclasses

  • reconnectable static boolean read-only property - Default: true; Override the value as false to treat the test and its subclasses are not reconnectable and need page reloading to perform further tests
    class NonReconnectableSuite extends Suite {
      get reconnectable() { return false; }
  • skipAfterFailure static boolean read-only property - Default: false; Override the value as true to skip subsequent tests of the suite after an assertion failure
    class SkipAfterFailureSuite extends Suite {
      get skipAfterFailure() { return true; }

Complex Examples

Test Class Mixin with Parameterized Iterations in dialog-test.js for live-localizer test suites

  let example = new Suite('example');
  example.test = (base) => class DragDialogTest extends base {
    * iteration() {
      let dx = 10;
      let dy = 10;
      yield *[
        { mode: 'position', dx: dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: dx, y: dy, width: 0, height: 0 } },
        { mode: 'upper-left', dx: -dx, dy: -dy, expected: { x: -dx, y: -dy, width: dx, height: dy } },
        { mode: 'upper', dx: -dx, dy: -dy, expected: { x: 0, y: -dy, width: 0, height: dy } },
        { mode: 'upper-right', dx: dx, dy: -dy, expected: { x: 0, y: -dy, width: dx, height: dy } },
        { mode: 'middle-left', dx: -dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: -dx, y: 0, width: dx, height: 0 } },
        { mode: 'middle-right', dx: dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: 0, y: 0, width: dx, height: 0 } },
        { mode: 'lower-left', dx: -dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: -dx, y: 0, width: dx, height: dy } },
        { mode: 'lower', dx: dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: dy } },
        { mode: 'lower-right', dx: dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: 0, y: 0, width: dx, height: dy } },
        { mode: '.title-pad', dx: dx, dy: dy, expected: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } }
      ].map((parameters) => { = 'drag dialog by ' + parameters.mode + ' handle'; return parameters });
    async operation(parameters) {
      let self = this;
      let handle = self.dialog.$.handle.querySelector(parameters.mode.match(/^[.]/) ? parameters.mode : '[drag-handle-mode=' + parameters.mode + ']');
      self.origin = {};
      [ 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ].forEach(function (prop) {
        self.origin[prop] = self.dialog[prop];
      handle.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true,
        clientX: 0,
        clientY: 0,
        buttons: 1
      await self.forEvent(self.dialog, 'track', () => { MockInteractions.track(self.dialog, parameters.dx, parameters.dy); }, (element, type, event) => event.detail.state === 'end');
    async checkpoint(parameters) {
      for (let prop in parameters.expected) {
          this.origin[prop] + parameters.expected[prop],
          'dialog is dragged with ' + parameters.mode + ' handle by ' + parameters.expected[prop] + ' in ' + prop);

Test Class Mixin Generator for Common Operations and Checkpoints in demo.js

let demo = new Suite(scope, 'Scenarist Demo Suite');
const labels = {
  // op: [ 'Class', 'id' ]
  '0': [ 'Number0', '0' ],
  '1': [ 'Number1', '1' ],
  '=': [ 'Equal', '=' ],
  'A': [ 'Ac', 'AC' ],
  'B': [ 'Bs', 'BS' ]
demo.expected = {
  "AC": "0",
  "AC1": "1",
  "AC12": "12",
  "AC12+": "12",
  "AC12+3": "3",
  "AC12+34": "34",
  "AC12+34=": "46",
for (let ex in labels) {
  demo.test = (new Function('demo',
    (function (subclass, label) { // generate ES5 class by manipulating transpiled func.toString()
      return 'return ' +
        ((base) => class __SUBCLASS__ extends base {
          get description() { return '__LABEL__'; }
          async operation() {
            await this.tap('__LABEL__');
            this.history = this.state('__LABEL__');
          async checkpoint() {
            assert.equal(this.element.value, demo.expected[this.history], 'Value for scenario ' + this.history + ' is valid');
        .replace(/__cov_[^. ]*[.][a-z]\[\'[0-9]*\'\](\[[0-9]*\])?\+\+[;,]?/g, '') // trim istanbul coverage counters
        .replace(/__SUBCLASS__/g, subclass)
        .replace(/__LABEL__/g, label);
    })(labels[ex][0], labels[ex][1])))(demo);

Custom Test Scenario Object Operator in demo.js

function operations(expression, name) {
  let result = null;
  if (!name) {
    let description = [];
    name = [];
    for (let j of expression) {
      description.push((' ' + labels[j][1] + ' ').replace(/^ ([0-9]) $/, '$1'));
    name = name.join('_');
    description = description.join('').replace(/  /g, ' ').trim();
    description += (description.match(/=$/) ? ' ' : ' = ') + demo.expected['AC' + description.replace(/ /g, '')];
    name += '; ' + description;
  for (let i = expression.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    let op = expression[i];
    let mixin = labels[op][0];
    if (!mixin) {
      throw new Error('Invalid operation ' + op + ' in "' + expression + '"');
    if (result) {
      result = { [mixin]: result };
    else {
      result = { [mixin]: name };
  return result;
demo.test = {
  // test class mixins
  '': [
    operations('12', 'N12'),
    operations('34', 'N34')
  // test classes
  Connect: {
    Ac: [
        N12: [ '+', '-', '*', '/' ]
          .map((op) => ({ 
            [labels[op][0]]: {
              N34: {
                Equal: '_12_' + labels[op][0] + '_34; 12 ' + op + ' 34 = ' + demo.expected['AC12' + op + '34=']

