
ansible-policy is a prototype implementation which allows us to define and set constraints to the Ansible project in OPA Rego language.

APACHE-2.0 License


Note: This repository is in prototype phase and under active development with subject to breaking changes.

Ansible Policy

Ansible Policy is a prototype implementation which allows us to define and set constraints to the Ansible project in OPA Rego language. The key features of Ansible Policy are

  • Ansible project is auto scanned as objects and accessible from OPA policy (using ARI project scanning internally).
  • Ansible knowledge base acquired from external sources such as Galaxy can be used from OPA policy.
  • Multiple policy resolution from the scanned Ansible content.
  • Policies can be packed as an ansible collection.
  • Users can define policy in YAML format (policybook). It can be auto-transformed with PolicyTranspiler.

Getting started

1. Install opa command

refer to OPA document

2. git clone

clone this repository

3. Install ansbile-policy command

Ansible Policy requires Python 3.11 or later. Please install it before this step.

The following command installs ansible-policy command and dependency packages.

$ cd ansible-policy
$ pip install -e .

4. Prepare Policybook

As examples, the following policybooks can be found in the examples/check_project/policies directory.

  • check_package_policy yml: Check if only authorized packages are installed.
  • check_collection_policy yml: Check if only authorized collections are used
  • check_become_policy yml: check if become: true is used and check if only trusted user is used

ansible-policy transpile these policybooks into OPA policy automatically and evaluate the policies.

See this doc about Policybook specification.

5. Running policy evaluation on a playbook

The example playbook has some tasks that violate the 3 policies above.

ansible-policy can report these violations like the following.

$ ansible-policy -p examples/check_project/playbook.yml --policy-dir examples/check_project/policies

From the result, you can see the details on violations.

Alternatively, you can output the evaluation result in a JSON format.

$ ansible-policy -p examples/check_project/playbook.yml --policy-dir examples/check_project/policies --format json > agk-result.json

Then you would get the JSON file like the following.

The summary section in the JSON is a summary of the evaluation results such as the number of total policies, the number of policies with one or more violations, total files and OK/NG for each of them.

For example, you can get a summary about files by jq command like this.

$ cat agk-result.json | jq .summary.files
  "total": 1,
  "validated": 0,
  "not_validated": 1,
  "list": [

The files section contains the details for each file evaluation result.

Each file result has results per policy, and a policy result contains multiple results for policy evaluation targets like tasks or plays.

For example, you can use this detailed data by the following commands.

# get overall result for a file
$ cat /tmp/agk-result.json | jq .files[0].violation

# get overall result for the second policy for the file
$ cat /tmp/agk-result.json | jq .files[0].policies[1].violation

# get an policy result for the second task in the file for the second policy
cat /tmp/agk-result.json | jq .files[0].policies[1].targets[1]
  "name": "Install nginx [installing unauthorized pkg]",
  "lines": {
    "begin": 31,
    "end": 36
  "validated": false,
  "message": "privilage escalation is detected. allowed users are one of [\"trusted_user\"]\n"

6. (OPTIONAL) Prepare your configuration file

Instead of specifying the policy directory, you can define a configuration for ansible-policy like the following.

default disabled   tag=compliance  enabled

[source]    = examples/check_project    # org-wide compliance policy

policy field is a configuration like iptable to enable/disable installed policies. Users can use tag for configuring this in detail.

source field is a list of module packages and their source like ansible-galaxy or local directory. ansible-policy installs policies based on this configuration.

The example above is configured to enable the 3 policies in step 4.

You can check the example config file as reference.

Policy check for Event streams

Ansible Policy supports policy checks for runtime events output from ansible-runner.

ansible-runner generates the events while playbook execution. For example, "playbook_on_start" is an event at the start of the playbook execution, and "runner_on_ok" is the one for a task that is completed successfully. is a reference implementation to handle these runner events that are input by standard input and it outputs policy evaluation results to standard output like the following image.

In the example above, a policybook here is used.

An event JSON data and its attributes are accessible by input.xxxx in the policybook condition field.

For example, the changed status of a task is input.event_data.changed, so the example policy is checking if input.event_data.changed as one of the conditions.

You can implement your policy conditions by using input.xxxx.

Also, you can use, in particular, the code block below to implement your event handler depending on the way to receive events.

    evaluator = PolicyEvaluator(policy_dir="/path/to/your_policy_dir")
    formatter = ResultFormatter(format_type="event_stream")
    # `load_event()` here should be replaced with your generator to read a single event
    for event in load_event():
        result =