
Implementation of Molecule using Serde.

MIT License



The molecule is a serialization format used on CKB. It has several implementations in different languages (C, Rust, JavaScript). In Rust, the implementation introduces numerous types and functions, making it difficult to remember. However, with the power of the serde framework, this process can be greatly simplified. This project offers an implementation of Molecule using Serde.

How to use

Here is a simple case about how to use:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_molecule::{to_vec, from_slice};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Table1 {
    pub f1: u8,
    pub f2: u16,

fn main() {
    let t1 = Table1{f1: 0, f2: 0};
    // serialize
    let bytes = to_vec(&t1, false).unwrap();
    // deserialize
    let t2: Table1 = from_slice(&bytes, false).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(t1.f1, t2.f1);

First step is to add dependency in Cargo.toml:

serde = { version = "???", features = ["derive"] }
serde_molecule = { version = "???" }

Then to annotate the types with #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]. After that, use to_vec or from_slice to serialize/deserialize.

Types mapping

Rust types are mapping to molecule types, according to the RFC:

Rust Type Molecule Type Fixed Size
i8,u8 byte yes
i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, i128, u128 array yes
f32 array([byte; 4]) yes
f64 array([byte; 8]) yes
[u8; N] array([byte; N]) yes
[T; N] array([T; N]) yes
Vec fixvec no
struct table no
#[serde(with = "struct_serde")] struct yes
#[serde(with = "dynvec_serde")] dynvec no
Option option no
enum union no
String fixvec no
BTreeMap dynvec no
HashMap dynvec no
BinaryHeap fixvec no
LinkedList fixvec no
VecDeque fixvec no
HashSet fixvec no

By default, Vec-like containers (such as Vec, BinaryHeap, etc.) are serialized into fixvec. Every element in the Vec must have a fixed size (like a molecule struct, array, or primitive type). If the element is not of a fixed size, it should be annotated with #[serde(with = "dynvec_serde")]:

use serde_molecule::dynvec_serde;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RawTransaction {
    // ...
    #[serde(with = "dynvec_serde")]
    pub outputs: Vec<CellOutput>,

By default, every field is considered as molecule table. If it is molecule struct, we should annotate it explicitly.

use serde_molecule::struct_serde;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CellInput {
    pub since: u64,
    #[serde(with = "struct_serde")]
    pub previous_output: OutPoint,

If the top-level type is a molecule struct, the second argument to to_vec or from_slice should be true. If the value is false, the top-level type is considered a molecule table.

For all Molecule structs, their inner and descendant fields should be "fixed size" (see the table above).


The Rust map types (like BTreeMap and HashMap) can be mapped to the following Molecule schemas:

table MapEntry {
    key: KEY_TYPE,
    value: VALUE_TYPE,

vector Map <MapEntry>;

It is not recommended to use HashMap because its key-value pairs are stored in arbitrary order.

Union with customized id

For molecule union with customized id, see example.

no_std support

To use this library in a no_std environment:

  1. Disable default features for both serde_molecule and serde
  2. Enable the alloc feature for serde_molecule
  3. Enable the derive feature for serde

Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

serde_molecule = { version = "x.x.x", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] }
serde = { version = "x.x.x", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }

See the no_std example for more details.

Big Array Support

The Serde framework doesn't support arrays with element sizes greater than 32. See this solution. This limitation can be addressed using a new serde with annotation (big_array_serde):

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_molecule::big_array_serde;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct BigArray {
    f1: u8,
    #[serde(with = "big_array_serde")]
    f2: [u8; 33],
    #[serde(with = "big_array_serde")]
    f3: [u8; 64],

Drawback of Deserialization

Compared to the Rust version of the Molecule implementation, deserialization with serde_molecule consumes at least double the memory. In memory-limited scenarios, such as on-chain scripts, it's not recommended to use.


Here is an example definition of CKB types.