
this is setup of book management app's backend




Stage 1. Basic setup of server

- server.js file
- config dir
    - db.js file to connect the database with our server
- .env file for the environment variables

Stage 2. userSchema and user model for the registration

- userSchema.js
- userModel.js

Stage 3. userRouter for the registration and login & Test the api using POSTMAN

- routes dir
    - userRouter.js
       a. registration route
       b. login route

Stage 4. auth system for the user with the help of json-web-token/ jwt

    - we'll assign token to the each user once the user logged in and send the token as to id card

Stage 5. Create Books-schema and Books-Model to create the books in the database

    - bookSchema.js
    - bookModel.js

Stage 6. Books Router to create books and read books

    - bookRouter.js --> perform CRUD operations
        a. POST Router to create a book
        b. GET Router to read books
        c. Patch/update a book
        d. Delete a book

Stage 7. create auth system for authenication and verify token

    - middleware dir
        a. authMiddleware.js

Stage 8. create authorization system for authorized person to perform CRUD on their own books

    - understand why do we need authorization check[x]
    - update the schema of books  check[x]
    - update the login router and send userId and username as payload in token
    - update in middleware and we'll log and see the payload once it gets decoded check[x]

### SOLUTION how we can build the authorization
    - we'll send the user details in the form of payload as token 
    - we'll decode the token in the middleware and attach with req.body
    - we'll create the books with userDetails check[x]

    - one to many relationship 
        - user a ===> multiple books 
    - we'll add authorization part-3 to so only authorized person can access their books

Stage 9. Create Role Based Access Control

    - update the user Schema -> check[x]
    - update book Schema  -> check[x]
    - update Router following:
        a. users - > Sign-up and login 
        b. books 
    - middlewares dir
       a. access.js --> it will take role as argument and verify the role to perform CRUD operations    
    - Test API with RBAC 
      - creator - > Create book, update book, delete book
    NOTE : `Add auth middleware before access middleware to perfom CRUD`
      - can the multiple roles get access to read the books ? "Yes" -> check the routers of book

Stage 10. How to implement Search the books by title

     - we'll perfom in the booksRouter.get() method

Stage 11. How to filter the books by author

    - update book Schema 
    - update the router bookRouter.get() method

Stage 12. How to Sort the books price in asc/desc

    - update the router bookRouter.get() method

Stage 13. Add images of the relevant books


  • express
  • nodemon
  • mongoose
  • dotenv
  • jwt
  • bcrypt