
Transform javascript expression to mongo queries

MIT License




This library compiles javascript expressions to MongoDB queries. In this way, filters can be expressed easily and in a more compact way, without having to write a ton of curly braces ;). It could be used to specify filters in a plain text configuration.


npm i --save expression2mongoquery


Simple Example

const assert = require('assert')
const expressionToMongoQuery = require('expression2mongoquery')()
const query = expressionToMongoQuery('a == "value" && b > 42' )
assert.deepStrictEqual(query, {
  a: 'value',
  b: {
    $gt: 42

A More Complex Example

const assert = require('assert')
const expressionToMongoQuery = require('expression2mongoquery')({
  converters: {
    birthDay: d => new Date(d),
const query = expressionToMongoQuery('name == "John" && (birthDay > "1990-05-02" || in [1,2,3])')
assert.deepStrictEqual(query, {
  name: 'John',
  $or: [
      birthDay: {
        $gt: new Date('1990-05-02T00:00:00.000Z')
      '': {
        $in: [1, 2, 3]

More examples can be found by consulting the test cases.


This library considers identifiers (variables) as document properties, while literal values are treated as values.

It supports:

  • equal and not equal signs for direct equality comparisons
  • equal and not equal to undefined translated as $exists
  • inequalities such as > < >= and <= to $gt etc...
  • in translated as $in for arrays (differently from JavasScript)
  • logical &&, || and ! operators to $or, $and, $not
  • arbitrarly nested logical operators expressions
  • parenthesized expressions
  • composite identifiers to query nested documents i.e. a.b["c"] > 3 becomes { 'a.b.c': { $gt: 3 } }
  • provide your favourite way to parse JavaScript in construction by passing { parseExpressionFunction: <your-favourite-parser> }
  • convert values according to the property name, by providing a { converters: { a: d => new Date(d) } } map
  • regexes: a == /^c.*/i becomes { a: /^c.*/i }

How does it work?

This library parses JavaScript expressions with acorn (by default), then navigates the generated AST to transform it into mongo queries. The JavaScript code is never evaluated or executed, so there aren't vulnerabilities caused by JavaScript code injection.

Parser libraries tested

Every test case has passed using all the following parsers:

  • acorn (default)
  • babylon
  • esprima
  • espree

Refer to tests to see how you can use the above parsers.