
Professional Discord moderation bot.




Revamp your Discord server. Moderation, role management, logging and more, all in an easy to use, feature rich and bug free Discord bot!

Command List

Debug Commands

  • /botinfo Checks how many servers the bot is in.
  • /botsuggestion Submits a suggestion directly to the bot's Discord server.
  • /bugreport Submits a bug report directly to the bot's Discord server.
  • /discordserver Sends an invite link to the bot's support server.
  • /invitelink Sends the invite link for the bot.
  • /ping Displays the bot's current latency in ms.
  • /serversettings Sends current bot settings for this server.

Fun Commands

  • /approved Approves your profile picture or someone else's.
  • /blur Blurs your profile picture or someone else's.
  • /dogfact Sends a lovely dog fact.
  • /catfact Same as dogfact, except it's for cats.
  • /contrast Adds contrast effect to your profile picture or someone else's.
  • /deepfry Add deepfried effect to your profile picture or someone else's.
  • /define Looks up a term in the dictionary.
  • /nasanews Looks up an astronomy-related term on NASA's Website and returns a fact about it.
  • /weather Tells you information about the weather in a given location.
  • /yomomma Sends a your mom joke to someone.

Info Commands

  • /avatar Displays the avatar of a user.
  • /help Displays a list of all available commands along with their usage.
  • /serverinfo Displays information about the server you're in.
  • /userinfo Displays information about a user's account account.

Staff Commands

  • /addnote Adds an admin note on someone's account. All staff members will be able to view this note.
  • /ban Restricts a user's access to the server.
  • /baninfo View details about a banned user.
  • /checknames Check a member's previous nicknames.
  • /clear Bulk deletes a certain amount of messages.
  • /delnote Deletes a note from a user.
  • /delsuggestion Deletes a suggestion.
  • /disablecmd Disables a command from the server.
  • /editnote Edits a note from a user.
  • /enablecmd Enables a command from the server.
  • /kick Kicks a user out of the server.
  • /mute Restricts a user from sending messages.
  • /muteinfo View details about a muted member.
  • /record Displays how many punishments a user has ever received on the server.
  • /remindme Sets a timer for a reminder.
  • /report Submits a report to the staff's logs channel.
  • /serversuggestion Submit a server suggestion.
  • /setlogschannel Sets a custom channel where moderation logs will be sent.
  • /suggestion Accept or decline a suggestion from your suggestion channel.
  • /suggestionchannel Sets a channel for suggestions to be sent in.
  • /togglemsglogs Toggles message logs on/off.
  • /unban The username of the banned user.
  • /unmute Removes a user's muted status earlier.
  • /viewnotes Shows all notes linked to a user from this server.
  • /warn Sends a warning message to a user.

Role Commands

  • /rolepicker Creates a menu that automatically assigns roles to users that react to it.
  • /addroletorp Adds a role option to an existent role picker.
  • /removerolefromrp Removes a role option from an existent role picker.
  • /disablerp Disables an existent role picker.
  • /enablerp Enables a disabled role picker.
  • /giverole Adds a role to a user.
  • /takerole Removes a role from a user.

Welcome Commands

  • /setwelcomechannel Sets a custom channel where newcommers will receive a welcome message.
  • /setleavechannel Sets a custom channel where leaving members will be logged.
  • /welcomemessage Sets a custom welcome message to be displayed when someone joins the server.
  • /leavemessage Sets a custom good bye message for those leaving the server.
  • /welcomedm Sets a custom welcome message that will be inboxed to new users.
  • /welcomerole Sets a role to be assigned to new users when they join the server.
  • /togglewelcomemsg Toggles welcome messages on/off.
  • /toggleleavemsg Toggles leave messages on/off.
  • /togglewelcomedm Toggles welcome DMs on/off.


It's a really useful and good bot. Easy to manage. I would recommend everyone to add this to their respective servers.

A really useful and easy to use bot.

Official Invite Link

You can invite my official bot running on the latest version from here.

Installation Guide

This guide will cover all the steps needed to get a bot up and running from absolute scratch using my source code. If you stumble across any issues with setting it up, my Discord server is the right place to seek help. Please note though, I strongly advice that you have a decent understanding of JavaScript, Node.js and discord.js before diving into this.

1. Creating a Bot Account

  • Open your browser, go to Discord's Developer Portal, click on New Application and give your application a name.

  • Click on the application you've just created and navigate into Bot. Here you can give your bot a username, description (that will show up in the About Me section) and an avatar. You want to make sure that the Server Members Intent stays enabled.

  • In order to have your bot join any servers, you have to create an invite link. The invite url will contain your bot's user ID (which you can copy from the Application menu). Simply replace [your_bot_id] with your bot client ID you just copied in the template below, then use it to invite the bot.[your_bot_id]&permissions=268561494&scope=bot%20applications.commands

2. Connecting The Code To The Bot

  • Before downloading the bot's source code, you must download and install Node.js on your computer.

  • You can now proceed to download the latest code. Scroll to the latest release and download the corresponding zip file, then extract it somewhere on your computer.

  • Navigate into the folder you've just extracted (which should contain all the code), right click and open a new terminal in the folder (my recommendation would be PowerShell 7 if you're a Windows user). Use the following command to install all the dependencies:

    npm i
  • Go back to the Developer Portal into your browser and navigate into Bot. Here you want to click on Copy to copy your bot's token. This token is the password for your bot account, so you want to keep that as secure as possible in an environment variable.

  • Open the code using your preferred text editor (I recommend sticking to Visual Studio Code). To speed this up, you can type code. in the terminal.

  • With your text editor, navigate into the .env file and replace your_bot_token with the token you just copied, then hit save.

3. Configuring the bot

  • The bot offers suggestions and bug reporting features. For those to work, you have to create 2 channels for suggestions and bug reports respectively.

  • Right click on the suggestions channel, then hit Copy ID. Replace the changeme in the suggestionChId field with the ID you copied.

  • Repeat for the bug reports channel by editing the bugChId field.

  • You can finally edit your botInviteLink, discordInviteLink, topgg, website and github fields with your own urls (or leave them empty).

  • You can also edit the package.json file.

4. Setting up the database

  • Here comes the trickier part, setting up a MongoDB database for the bot to store its data in. Start by registering an account at MongoDB.

  • Navigate to Databases, then hit Create. Select your prefered options (there are options for free tier clusters too). When you're done, click Create Cluster. The creation process can take several minutes, so be patient.

  • Once the cluster goes live, click on Browse Collections and hit Create Database. Here you have to create a database for each field in the .env file (22 in total). You can start with bannedUsers. The name of the database is up to you but make sure it's something suggestive as you'll need it later. You can now click Create.

  • Repeat for the remaining fields (bns, disabledCmds, kks, leaveMessages, leaveChannels, logChannels, msgLogs, mts, mutedMembers, names, notes, punishments, reminders, suggestionChannels, toggleLeaveMsg, toggleWelcomeDm, toggleWelcomeMsg, welcomeChannels, welcomeDms, welcomeMessages, welcomeRoles & wrns).

  • Go back to your cluster overview, click Connect and choose the second option. Here you have to choose Node.js and the 2.2.12 or later version. Copy the connection string. Replace database_url with the url you copied in all fields of the .env. Replace <password> with the password you set on your cluster. Replace myFirstDatabase with the name of the database that you created for the corresponding field. There should be 25 databases in total, which equates to 25 connection strings.

5. Generating API Keys

  • In order for the weather command to work, you'll need to generate a key for the OpenWeatherMap API. Register an account there.

  • On the homepage, click on your username and go to My API keys.

  • Input a name for your key and hit Generate.

  • Copy the newly generated key, go to the .env file and replace your_open_weather_map_api_key with it.

6. Starting up the bot

  • At this point you're pretty much done. You can now run the following command in your terminal to start the bot. Remember to use it everytime you update the source code:
node .