
This project is a robust user authentication system offering registration, login, logout, email verification, password reset, and Google authentication, built with modern technologies and security best practices.

MIT License


Full Stack User Authentication System 🔐

This project is a comprehensive user authentication system designed to handle various aspects of user authentication, including registration, login, logout, email verification, password reset, and Google authentication. The system is built using modern technologies and follows best practices for security and scalability.

Features ✨

  • Email/Password Authentication:
    • User registration with email verification.
    • Secure login and logout functionality.
    • Password reset and recovery mechanisms.
  • Google OAuth Integration:
    • Seamless login using Google accounts.
  • User Management:
    • Account verification via email.
    • Token-based authentication for secure API access.
    • Refresh token mechanism for extended session duration.

Technology Stack 🚀

Object-Oriented Design & Dependency Injection

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

    • The backend leverages OOP principles to create modular, reusable, and maintainable code.
  • Inversify Library:

    • Used for Dependency Injection (DI) to manage the dependencies between classes, promoting loose coupling and making the application easier to test and extend.


Sign Up page Sign In page
signup signin
Forgot password page Reset password page
forgotpassword resetpassword
Email verification page Dashboard page
verfieremail dashboard

Project Structure 📁

├── server
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   └── auth
│   │   ├── core
│   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   └── interfaces
│   │   ├── middlewares
│   │   ├── models
│   │   ├── repositories
│   │   ├── routes
│   │   │   └── auth
│   │   ├── services
│   │   │   └── auth
│   │   ├── utils
│   │   └── validator
│   │   ├── .env.template
│   └── ...
├── client
│   ├── src
│   └── ...
├── docker-compose.yml
└── README.md

Running and Configuring the Application 🏃‍♂️

1. Environment Variables 🔐

Create a .env file by copying the .env.template file and filling in the following environment variables:







  • PORT: Port on which the server will listen.

  • API_PREFIX: Prefix for all API endpoints.

  • MONGODB_URI: MongoDB connection URI.

  • AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: Secret key for generating access tokens.

  • AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY: Expiry time for access tokens.

  • AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET: Secret key for generating refresh tokens.

  • AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY: Expiry time for refresh tokens.

  • EMAIL_TOKEN_SECRET: Secret key for generating email verification tokens.

  • EMAIL_TOKEN_EXPIRY: Expiry time for email verification tokens.

  • AUTH_EMAIL_USER: Email address for sending verification emails.

  • AUTH_EMAIL_PASS: Password for the email account.

  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Google OAuth Client ID.

  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Google OAuth Client Secret.

  • GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI: Google OAuth Redirect URI.

2. Setting up Google OAuth

  • Create a Google Cloud Project:
  • Enable the Google Sign-In API:
    • Go to the "APIs & Services" section of your project.
    • Search for "Google Sign-In" and enable it.
  • Create OAuth 2.0 credentials:
    • Go to the "APIs & Services" -> "Credentials" section.
    • Click "Create credentials" -> "OAuth client ID".
    • Choose "Web application" as the application type.
    • In the "Authorized redirect URIs" field, add http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback (or your appropriate redirect URI).
    • Click "Create" to generate your client ID and client secret.
  • Update your .env file:
    • Fill in the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, and GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI environment variables with the values you obtained from Google Cloud Console.

3. Installation and Running

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Node (look at .nvmrc file for version)
    • Docker and Docker Compose installed.
    • Node.js and npm installed.
  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ramo4040/FullStack-User-Authentication-System-TS-React-Express-MongoDB.git
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd FullStack-User-Authentication-System-TS-React-Express-MongoDB
  4. Install dependencies:

    npm install 
  5. Start the containers:

    docker-compose up --build -d

    This will build the Docker images if they don't exist and then run them in detached mode.

  6. Access the application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 (or the port specified in your .env file).

Remember to:

  • Keep your secrets secure! Do not commit your .env file to version control.
  • Configure your email provider and set up your email credentials correctly.
  • Test thoroughly to ensure all features, including email verification and Google authentication, are working correctly.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!

API Reference

Register User

  POST /api/v1/auth/register
Parameter Type Description
Username string Required. User username
Email string Required. User email
Password string Required. User password
Confirm password string Required. User password

Login User

  POST /api/v1/auth/login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required. User email
password string Required. User password

Logout User

  GET /api/v1/auth/logout

Google OAuth Authentication

  GET /api/v1/auth//google/authenticate

Google OAuth Callback

  GET /api/v1/auth/google/callback
Parameter Type Description
code query(url) callback code

Verify Email

  GET /api/v1/auth//verify-email
Parameter Type Description
token query(url) token generated for email validation
oldAccessToken cookies old access token

Refresh Token

  POST /api/v1/auth/token/refresh
Parameter Type Description
refreshToken cookie(string) Required. Refresh token

Forgot password

  POST /api/v1/auth/forgot-password
Parameter Type Description
email string Required. User email

Validate Reset Token

  GET /api/v1/auth/validate-reset-token
Parameter Type Description
token query(url) Required. Reset token

Reset Password

  PUT /api/v1/auth/reset-password
Parameter Type Description
token query(url) Required. Reset token
email string Required. New password

Get current user

  GET /api/v1/auth/me


  • All endpoints require authentication except for /api/auth/register, /api/auth/login, /api/auth/forgot-password, /api/auth/validate-reset-token, and /api/auth/google/authenticate.
  • All endpoints return JSON data.
  • The token in the request body or query parameter should be a valid authentication or verification token.
  • The response body may contain additional information depending on the specific endpoint.

Contributing 🙌

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

License 📝

This project is licensed under the MIT License.