
A comprehensive restaurant management application built with Go and Gin, featuring, menu management, table reservations, and order processing with MongoDB. Frontend developed using React, TypeScript, React Query, and Storybook, containerized with Docker and monitored using the ELK stack, with CI/CD managed by Jenkins and GitHub Actions.


Restaurant Management Application

Project Overview

This project is a restaurant management application built using the Go programming language and the Gin web framework. The application provides functionalities for managing various aspects of a restaurant, including user management, menu management, table management, and order management. It also incorporates authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Key Features

  • User Management: Includes user registration, login, and retrieval of user information.
  • Menu Management: Allows for the creation, updating, and retrieval of menu items.
  • Table Management: Facilitates the management of table information within the restaurant.
  • Order Management: Manages the ordering process, including order item details and invoicing.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensures secure access to the application using JWT tokens.
  • Logging: Uses Logstash and Logrus for logging events and errors, which are then visualized using the ELK stack.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Go, Gin Web Framework, MongoDB, Docker, Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana (ELK Stack)
  • CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions
  • Frontend: React, TypeScript, React Query, Storybook

How to Run

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/restaurant-management.git
cd restaurant-management
docker-compose up --build