
Node.js framework made by a former @expressjs TC and @koajs team member. Built for @forwardemail, @spamscanner, @breejs, @cabinjs, and @lassjs.

MIT License


Table of Contents


Lad boasts dozens of features and is extremely configurable.


These microservices are preconfigured for security, performance, and graceful reloading.



  • Redis, sessions, and flash toast and modal SweetAlert2 messages (uses ioredis which has support for Cluster, Sentinel, and more)
  • Koa-based webapp and API servers (uses HTTP/2 for production!)
  • Pagination built-in (using ctx-paginate)
  • RESTful API with BasicAuth and versioning
  • Automated job scheduler with cron and human-readable syntax (backed by Mongoose and Bree)
  • Passport-based authentication and group-based (Unix-like) permissioning
  • Stripe-inspired error handling
  • Mongoose and MongoDB with common database plugins
  • Email template engine with Nodemailer and local rendering
  • Proxy eliminates need for Nginx reverse-proxy or Apache virtual hosts
  • Multilingual through built-in i18n translation support (see configuration)
  • Automatic phrase translation with Google Translate
  • Sitemap generator for simple SEO


Finally a framework that solves i18n everywhere; complete with automatic translation.

  • Translation constants built-in so you don't repeat yourself
  • Webapp error messages and templates are translated
  • Emails are translated
  • API responses are translated
  • Database errors are translated
  • Authentication errors are translated

Email Engine

Our beautiful email engine uses email-templates (which is also made by the creator of Lad)!

Error Handling

We've spent a lot of time designing a beautiful error handler.

See koa-better-error-handler for a complete reference.


  • Compression and zero-bloat approach
  • Stream-based file uploading
  • Graceful reloading, shutdown, and reconnection handling
  • Manifest asset revisioning
  • Amazon S3 and CloudFront ready


  • Database security plugins and helpers
  • Automated tests and code coverage
  • CORS, SameSite set to "lax" (an alternative to CSRF), CSRF (since not all browsers support SameSite yet) XSS, and rate limited protection
  • Dotenv support for environment-based configurations
  • App, user, and request-based logging
  • SSL-ready (see instructions below)

Get Started

We strictly support Mac and Ubuntu-based operating systems (we do not support Windows).


Please ensure your operating system has the following software installed:

  • Git - see GitHub's tutorial for installation

  • Node.js (v10+) - use nvm to install it on any OS

    • After installing nvm you will need to run nvm install node
    • We also recommend you install yarn, which is an alternative to npm
  • MongoDB (v3.x+):

    • Mac (via brew): brew tap mongodb/brew && brew install mongodb-community && brew services start mongodb-community.

    • Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6
      echo "deb "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get -y install mongodb-org
  • Redis (v4.x+):

    • Mac (via brew): brew install redis && brew services start redis

    • Ubuntu:

      sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/redis-server
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get -y install redis-server



npm install -g lad


yarn global add lad


Create a project

lad new-project
cd new-project


To begin, try typing npm start (or yarn start) on command line. This will display to you all the scripts you can run.

The start script (among many others) uses nps and nps-utils under the hood. This helps to keep scripts very developer-friendly, and rids the need to write in JSON syntax.

This script accepts a <task> argument, whereas a task of all will spawn, watch, and re-compile all of the microservices mentioned above.

Just open http://localhost:3000 for testing!


npm start all


yarn start all
  • DEBUG - debug using debug output (widely adopted package in the community for debugging across all Node packages):

    DEBUG=* ...
  • NODE_DEBUG - debug node internal modules:

    NODE_DEBUG=* ...
  • MONGOOSE_DEBUG - debug Mongoose raw database operation output:

    MONGOOSE_DEBUG=true ...
  • TRANSPORT_DEBUG - debug Nodemailer transport:

    TRANSPORT_DEBUG=true ...
  • REDIS_MONITOR - debug Redis using MONITOR (uses @ladjs/redis and passes true for the monitor argument):

    REDIS_MONITOR=true ...
  • REDIS_FRIENDLY_ERROR_STACK - debug Redis with friendly error stack messages (see showFriendlyErrorStack option of ioredis)



We strongly recommend using SemaphoreCI, PM2, and Digital Ocean for production deployment.

  1. We've provided you with a preconfigured ecosystem.json deployment file. You will need to modify this file with your server's IP, hostname, and other metadata if needed.

  2. Make sure that your project's assets are built with NODE_ENV=production flag, e.g. NODE_ENV=production npm run build (or with yarn as yarn build);this creates a build/rev-manifest.json file per koa-manifest-rev.

  3. You can test this locally by installing PM2 globally with npm or yarn, and then running the following command:

    NODE_ENV=production pm2 start
  4. See the Continuous Integration and Code Coverage and Tutorials sections below for instructions on how to setup continuous integration, code coverage, and deployment.

  5. If you specify an environment variable value for AWS_CF_DOMAIN and NODE_ENV=production is set then your assets will need to be published to Amazon S3/Cloudfront. To do so run npm start publish-assets (or with yarn as yarn start publish-assets). This command automatically sets NODE_ENV=production for you as well via cross-env.


See the ansible folder for our Ansible configuration and playbooks, which we use to provision servers with.

We recommend you to install yamllint and configure it in your editor while working with Ansible playbooks.

Also note that ansible-lint is a helpful linting tool you can use if you plan on making changes to playbooks. Note that our current playbooks have several existing lint errors.

First you must provision Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit server(s) using Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr, or your host of choice. These newly provisioned server(s) should have your SSH key automatically added.

Follow the Deployment guide below for automatic provisioning and deployment instructions.

  1. Set up host configuration by copying the hosts.yml file template:

    cp ansible/playbooks/templates/hosts.yml hosts.yml
  2. Edit this configuration and update the file with your newly created server aliases and IP addresses. You can add more than one host to each group if you are setting up load balancing. Refer to the Naming Convention documentation for our recommended approach to server alias naming. Note that this file is automatically ignored by git. If you have a private repository and would like to commit this, then remove hosts.yml from the root .gitignore file.

    vim hosts.yml
  3. Set up environment configuration by copying the env file template:

    cp ansible/playbooks/templates/env .env.production
  4. Edit this configuration and reference the official Lad documentation for a list of all available environment variables (or see .env.defaults). You will need to open this file in your preferred editor and set the values for any fields containing TODO, whereby you replace TODO with the appropriate value. Preserve double quotes where they are already defined.

    vim .env.production
  5. Generate pm2 ecosystem files using our automatic template generator. We created an ansible-playbook.js which loads the .env.production environment variables rendered with @ladjs/env into process.env, which then gets used in the playbooks. This is a superior, simple, and the only known dotenv approach we know of in Ansible. Newly created ecosystem-api.json, ecosystem-bree.json, ecosystem-web.json files will now be created for you in the root of the repository. If you ever more add or change IP addresses, you can simply re-run this command.

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/ecosystem.yml -l 'localhost'
  6. Set up the web and API server(s) (see patterns and ansible-playbook flags docs if you need help). If you completely (or partially) run this playbook (or any others below), then the second time you try to run it may not succeed. This is because we prevent root user access through security hardening. To workaround this, run the same command but without -e 'ansible_user=root' appended as it will default to the devops user created.

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/http.yml -e 'ansible_user=root' -l 'http'
  7. Set up the Bree server(s):

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/bree.yml -e 'ansible_user=root' -l 'bree'
  8. Set up the Redis server:

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/redis.yml -e 'ansible_user=root' -l 'redis'
  9. Set up the Mongo server:

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/mongo.yml -e 'ansible_user=root' -l 'mongo'
  10. Set up GitHub deployment keys for all the servers. Note that the deployment-keys directory is ignored from git, so if you have a private repository and wish to commit it, then remove deployment-keys from the .gitignore file.

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/deployment-keys.yml -l 'http:bree'
  11. Go to your repository "Settings" page on GitHub, click on "Deploy keys", and then add a deployment key for each servers' deployment key copied to the deployment-keys directory. If you're on macOS, you can use the pbcopy command to copy each file's contents to your clipboard. Use tab completion for speed, and replace the server names and paths with yours:

    cat deployment-keys/ | pbcopy
    # NOTE: repeat the above command for all servers
    # and after running the command, it will copy
    # the key to your clipboard for you to paste as
    # a new deploy key (make sure to use read-only access)
  12. Set up PM2 deployment directories on all the servers:

    pm2 deploy ecosystem-web.json production setup
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-api.json production setup
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-bree.json production setup
  13. Create a SSL certificate at Namecheap (we recommend a 5 year wildcard certificate), set up the certificate, and download and extract the ZIP file with the certificate (emailed to you) to your computer. We do not recommend using tools like LetsEncrypt and certbot due to complexity when you have (or scale to) a cluster of servers set up behind load balancers. In other words, we've tried approaches like lsyncd in combination with crontab for certbot renewals and automatic checking. Furthermore, using this exposes the server(s) to downtime as ports 80 and 443 may need to be shut down so that certbot can use them for certificate generation. This is not a reliable approach, and simply renewing certificates once a year is vastly simpler and also makes using load balancers trivial. Instead you can use a provider like Namecheap to get a cheap SSL certificate, then run a few commands as we've documented below. This command will prompt you for an absolute file path to the certificates you downloaded. Renewed your certificate after 1 year? Simply follow this step again. Do not set a password on the certificate files. When using the openssl command (see Namecheap instructions), you need to use * with an asterisk followed by a period if you are registering a wildcard certificate.

    ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/certificates.yml

    Important: If you renew or change certificates in the future, then after running the previous command, you will subsequently need to reload the processes as such:

    # NOTE: See the "Important" note above BEFORE running this command.
    #       This command ONLY APPLIES for certificate renewals/changes.
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-web.json production exec "pm2 reload web"
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-api.json production exec "pm2 reload api"
  14. (Optional) Create a Google application credentials profile file and store it locally. You only need this if you want to support automatic translation. The following command will prompt you for the absolute file path (e.g. /path/to/client-profile.json). See the mandarin docs for more information.

    ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/gapp-creds.yml -l 'http:bree'
  15. Copy the .env.production file and create an AWS config file on the servers:

    node ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/env.yml -l 'http:bree'
  16. Run an initial deploy to all the servers:

    pm2 deploy ecosystem-web.json production
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-api.json production
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-bree.json production
  17. Save the process list on the servers so when if the server were to reboot, it will automatically boot back up the processes:

    pm2 deploy ecosystem-web.json production exec "pm2 save"
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-api.json production exec "pm2 save"
    pm2 deploy ecosystem-bree.json production exec "pm2 save"
  18. Test by visiting your web and API server in your browser (click "proceed to unsafe" site and bypass certificate warning).

  19. Configure your DNS records for the web and API server hostnames and respective IP addresses.

  20. Test by visiting your web and API server in your browser (in an incognito window). There should not be any certificate warnings (similar to the one that occurred in step 15).

  21. (Optional) Remove the local .env.production file for security purposes. If you do this, then make sure you have a backup, or securely back up off the server in the future before destroying the server.

    rm .env.production
  22. (Optional) Remove the local certificate files you downloaded locally and specified in step 11. If you do this, then make sure you have a backup, or securely back up off the server in the future before destroying the server.

  23. Finished. If you need to deploy again, then push your changes to GitHub master branch and then follow step 14 again. We recommend you to read the Ansible getting started guide, as it provides you with insight into commands like ansible all -a "echo hello" which can be run across all or specific servers.


We use ava and nyc for testing and code coverage.


npm test


yarn test


Environment Variables

We have made configuration of your Lad project easy through a dotenv configuration package called @ladjs/env, per Twelve-Factor.

We use the following three packages to manage configuration:

  • dotenv-extended - allows us to craft a .env definition (otherwise known as a "schema") in a file named .env.schema
  • mustache - allows us to use the Mustache templating language in our .env and .env.defaults configuration files
  • dotenv-parse-variables - automatically parses variable types from process.env (e.g. FOO=4 will set process.env.FOO = 4 with a Number variable type instead of a String)

Configuration is managed by the following, in order of priority:

  1. Contents of the file at config/index.js (reads in process.env environment variables)
  2. Contents of the files in directories under config/environments/ (sets defaults per environment, e.g. you can pass NODE_ENV=staging and it will load the file at config/environments/staging.js)
  3. Environment variables used to override defaults or set required ones (e.g. NODE_ENV=production)
  4. Environment configuration in .env
  5. Environment configuration in .env.defaults

Precedence is taken by the environment configuration files, environment variables, then the .env file.

Basically dotenv won't set an environment variable if it already detects it was passed as an environment variable.

Take a look at the config folder contents and also at the defaults at .env.defaults.

  • NODE_ENV - (options: development, production default: development) - the node environment the app is running in
  • PROXY_PORT - (default: 8080) - proxy port used to proxy requests (see ladjs/proxy)
  • HTTP_PROTOCOL - (defaults: http recommend: https) - protocol used for http requests
  • HTTP_PORT - (defaults: 80 recommend: 443) - http port used for http requests
  • WEB_PROTOCOL - (default: http) - ladjs/web application protocol
  • WEB_HOST - (default: localhost) - ladjs/web application host
  • WEB_PORT - (default: 3000) - ladjs/web application port
  • WEB_URL - (default: {{WEB_PROTOCOL}}://{{WEB_HOST}}:{{WEB_PORT}}) - web application absolute URI
  • WEB_SSL_KEY_PATH - ladjs/web file path to your SSL key file
  • WEB_SSL_CERT_PATH - ladjs/web file path to your SSL certificate file
  • WEB_SSL_CA_PATH - ladjs/web file path to your SSL certificate authority file
  • API_HOST - (default: localhost) - ladjs/api host
  • API_PORT - (default: 4000) - ladjs/api port
  • API_PROTOCOL - (default: http recommend: https) - ladjs/api protocol
  • API_URL - (default: {{API_PROTOCOL}}://{{API_HOST}}:{{API_PORT}}) - ladjs/api absolute URI
  • API_SSL_KEY_PATH - ladjs/api file path to your SSL key file
  • API_SSL_CERT_PATH - ladjs/api file path to your SSL certificate file
  • API_SSL_CA_PATH - ladjs/api file path to your SSL certificate authority file
  • API_RATELIMIT_WHITELIST - ladjs/api ratelimiter whitelisted ips (see: koa-simple-ratelimit)
  • APP_NAME - (default: Lad) - application name (see usage)
  • APP_COLOR - application color theme (see usage)
  • TWITTER - (default: @niftylettuce) twitter handle
  • SEND_EMAIL - (default: false) - whether to send email or preview (see outbound email configuration)
  • TRANSPORT_DEBUG - (default: false) - email transport debug logging (see debugging)
  • EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM - (default: [email protected]) - default email from address
  • SHOW_STACK - (default: true) - whether or not to output a stack trace when logging (see cabinjs options)
  • SHOW_META - (default: true) - whether or not to output metadata to logger methods (see cabinjs options)
  • SUPPORT_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH - (default: 500) - support request max message size in characters
  • ERROR_HANDLER_BASE_URL - (default: {{WEB_URL}}) error handling base url (see koa-better-error-handler)
  • I18N_SYNC_FILES - (default: true) - sync locale information across all files (see ladjs/i18n options)
  • I18N_AUTO_RELOAD - (default: false) - watch for changes in json files to reload locale on updates (see ladjs/i18n options)
  • I18N_UPDATE_FILES - (default: true) - write new locale information to disk (see ladjs/i18n options)
  • AUTH_LOCAL_ENABLED - (default: true) - enable passport local strategy (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_FACEBOOK_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Facebook using the OAuth 2.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_TWITTER_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Twitter using the OAuth 1.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_GOOGLE_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Google using OAuth 2.0 (see google auth)
  • AUTH_GITHUB_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Github using OAuth 2.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_LINKEDIN_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with LinkedIn using OAuth 1.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_INSTAGRAM_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Instagram using OAuth 2.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_OTP_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with OTP, a form of two-factor authentication (see ladjs/passport)
  • AUTH_STRIPE_ENABLED - (default: false) - enable authenticating with Stripe using OAuth 2.0 (see ladjs/passport)
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID - google oauth2 client id (see google auth)
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET - google oauth2 secret (see google auth)
  • GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL - google oauth2 callback url (see google auth)
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS - path to google cloud platform credentials (see gcp credentials)
  • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID - github oauth client id (see ladjs/passport)
  • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET - github oauth secret (see ladjs/passport)
  • GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL - github oauth callback URL (see ladjs/passport)
  • POSTMARK_API_TOKEN - postmark api token (see outbound email configuration)
  • CODECOV_TOKEN - codecov api token (see continuous integration and code coverage)
  • MONGO_USER - mongodb username
  • MONGO_PASS - mongodb password
  • MONGO_HOST - (default: localhost) - mongodb hostname
  • MONGO_PORT - (default: 27017) - mongodb port
  • MONGO_NAME - (default: {{APP_NAME}}_{{NODE_ENV}}) - mongodb name
  • MONGO_URI - (default: mongodb://{{MONGO_HOST}}:{{MONGO_PORT}}/{{MONGO_NAME}}) - mongodb connection URI
  • WEB_MONGO_USER - ladjs/web mongodb username
  • WEB_MONGO_PASS - ladjs/web mongodb password
  • WEB_MONGO_HOST - ladjs/web mongodb hostname
  • WEB_MONGO_NAME - ladjs/web mongodb name
  • WEB_MONGO_PORT - ladjs/web mongodb port
  • WEB_MONGO_URI - ladjs/web mongodb connection URI
  • API_MONGO_USER - ladjs/api mongodb username
  • API_MONGO_PASS - ladjs/api mongodb password
  • API_MONGO_HOST - ladjs/api mongodb hostname
  • API_MONGO_NAME - ladjs/api mongodb name
  • API_MONGO_PORT - ladjs/api mongodb port
  • API_MONGO_URI - ladjs/api mongodb connection URI
  • BREE_MONGO_USER - breejs/bree mongodb username
  • BREE_MONGO_PASS - breejs/bree mongodb password
  • BREE_MONGO_HOST - breejs/bree mongodb hostname
  • BREE_MONGO_NAME - breejs/bree mongodb name
  • BREE_MONGO_PORT - breejs/bree mongodb port
  • BREE_MONGO_URI - breejs/bree mongodb connection URI
  • REDIS_PORT - (default: 6379) - redis port
  • REDIS_HOST - (default: localhost) - redis hostname
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - redis password
  • WEB_REDIS_PORT - ladjs/web redis port
  • WEB_REDIS_HOST - ladjs/web redis hostname
  • WEB_REDIS_PASSWORD - ladjs/web redis password
  • API_REDIS_PORT - ladjs/api redis port
  • API_REDIS_HOST - ladjs/api redis hostname
  • API_REDIS_PASSWORD - ladjs/api redis password
  • BREE_REDIS_PORT - breejs/bree redis port
  • BREE_REDIS_HOST - breejs/bree redis hostname
  • BREE_REDIS_PASSWORD - breejs/bree redis password
  • MANDARIN_REDIS_PORT - mandarin redis port
  • MANDARIN_REDIS_HOST - mandarin redis hostname
  • MANDARIN_REDIS_PASSWORD - mandarin redis password
  • CERTBOT_WELL_KNOWN_NAME - letsencrypt wellknown name (see certbot options)
  • CERTBOT_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENTS - letsencrypt wellknown contents (see certbot options)
  • VERIFICATION_PIN_TIMEOUT_MS - (default: 5m) - email verification pin expiry
  • VERIFICATION_PIN_EMAIL_INTERVAL_MS - (default: 1m) - email verification pin email interval
  • API_SECRETS - (default: secret) - list of restricted api secrets
  • CACHE_RESPONSES - (default: false) - cache specified responses (see ladjs/koa-cache-responses)
  • SLACK_API_TOKEN - slack api token (see slack web api)

SSL Configuration

To configure SSL for the web or API server simply set them in your .env file or pass them as environment variables.

Web server:

  • WEB_PROTOCOL - you must set this to https
  • WEB_SSL_KEY_PATH - file path to your SSL key file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/web-key.pem)
  • WEB_SSL_CERT_PATH - file path to your SSL certificate file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/web-cert.pem)
  • WEB_SSL_CA_PATH (optional) - file path to your SSL certificate authority file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/web-ca-cert.pem)

API server:

  • API_PROTOCOL - you must set this to https
  • API_SSL_KEY_PATH - file path to your SSL key file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/api-key.pem)
  • API_SSL_CERT_PATH - file path to your SSL certificate file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/api-cert.pem)
  • API_SSL_CA_PATH (optional) - file path to your SSL certificate authority file (e.g. /home/deploy/.ssl/api-ca-cert.pem)

Outbound Email Configuration

By default in the development environment we simply render the email in your browser.

However in other environments such as production, you definitely want emails to be sent.

We built-in support for Postmark by default (though you can swap in your own transport provider in the jobs/email.js file):

  1. Go to – Start Free Trial

  2. Create a free trial account, then click Get Started, and proceed to create a "Server" and "Sender Signature"

  3. Copy/paste the "Server API token" under "Credentials" in your .env file (example below)

  4. Modify the SEND_EMAIL variable in .env from false to true

Favicon and Touch Icon Configuration

You can customize the favicon and touch icons – just generate a new set at and overwrite the existing in the assets folder.

Just make sure that any relative paths match up in the assets/browserconfig.xml and assets/manifest.json files.

Authentication Methods

We use Lad's auth package under the hood; so if you want to configure authentication providers you'll want to read more or contribute to @ladjs/auth.

Google Auth

In order to add Google sign-in to your app (so users can log in with their Google account):

  1. Go to – Create a project (and fill out your project information – if you need a 120x120px default image, you can use this one with a CDN path of

  2. Under your newly created project, go to Credentials – Create credentials – OAuth client ID – Web application

  3. Set "Authorized JavaScript origins" to (replace with your domain) and also http://localhost:3000 (for local development)

  4. Set "Authorized redirect URIs" to (again, replace with your domain) and also http://localhost:3000/auth/google/ok (again, for local development)

  5. Copy and paste the newly created key pair for respective properties in your .env file (example below)

  6. In .env, make sure that AUTH_GOOGLE_ENABLED=true to enable this authentication method.

Translation Configuration

  1. Go to
  2. Enable the Google Translate API
  3. Copy your API key and set it as the environment variable GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_KEY=******

Continuous Integration and Code Coverage

We strongly recommend that you use SemaphoreCI for continuous integration and Codecov for code coverage.

Here are the simple steps required to setup SemaphoreCI with Codecov:

  1. Go to SemaphoreCI and sign up for a free account

  2. Once your repository is pushed to GitHub, add it as a project on SemaphoreCI

  3. Configure your project on SemaphoreCI with the following build settings:

    Replace npm with yarn if you're using yarn as your package manager

    • Language: JavaScript
    • Node.js version: 10+ (latest LTS)

      Note you can also add to Setup the script nvm install latest to install latest version if SemaphoreCI does not provide it from the drop-down

    • Setup: npm install
    • Job 1: npm run test-coverage
    • After job: npm run coverage
  4. Go to Codecov and sign up for a free account

  5. Add your project on Codecov and copy to your clipboard the token

  6. Go to SemaphoreCI's Project Settings for your project and add CODECOV_TOKEN as an environment variable (with the contents from your clipboard)

  7. Run a test build ("Rebuild last revision") on SemaphoreCI and check to make sure your code coverage report uploads properly on Codecov

  8. Ensure your file has the build status and code coverage badges rendered properly (you will need to use a different badge link from each provider if your GitHub repository is private)

Amazon S3 and CloudFront Asset Setup

In order for your assets to get properly served in a production environment, you'll need to configure AWS:

  1. Go to ‐ Access Keys – Create New Access Key

  2. Copy and paste the newly created key pair for respective properties in your .env file (example below)

  3. Enable your API by clicking on Overview and then clicking the Enable button

  4. Go to – Create Bucket

  5. Create a bucket and copy/paste its name for the property in .env (example below)

  6. Go to – Create Distribution – Get Started

  7. Set "Origin Domain Name" equal to your S3 bucket name (their autocomplete drop-down will help you find it)

  8. Leave the remaining defaults as is (some fields might be blank, this is OK)

  9. Copy/paste the newly created Distribution ID and Domain Name for respective properties in your .env file (example below)





The following bash output is the directory structure and organization of Lad:

tree template -I "build|node_modules|coverage|test"
├── ansible
   ├── playbooks
   │   ├── aws-credentials.yml
   │   ├── bree.yml
   │   ├── certificates.yml
   │   ├── deployment-keys.yml
   │   ├── ecosystem.yml
   │   ├── env.yml
   │   ├── gapp-creds.yml
   │   ├── http.yml
   │   ├── mongo.yml
   │   ├── node.yml
   │   ├── python.yml
   │   ├── redis.yml
   │   ├── security.yml
   │   ├── ssh-keys.yml
   │   └── templates
   │       ├── aws-credentials.j2
   │       ├── before.rules.j2
   │       ├── ecosystem-api.json.j2
   │       ├── ecosystem-bree.json.j2
   │       ├── ecosystem-web.json.j2
   │       ├── env
   │       ├── hosts.yml
   │       └── security-limits.d-mongod.conf
   └── requirements.yml
├── ansible-playbook.js
├── ansible.cfg
├── api.js
├── app
   ├── controllers
   │   ├── api
   │   │   ├── index.js
   │   │   └── v1
   │   │       ├── index.js
   │   │       ├── log.js
   │   │       └── users.js
   │   ├── index.js
   │   └── web
   │       ├── admin
   │       │   ├── index.js
   │       │   └── users.js
   │       ├── auth.js
   │       ├── index.js
   │       ├── my-account.js
   │       ├── otp
   │       │   ├── disable.js
   │       │   ├── index.js
   │       │   ├── keys.js
   │       │   ├── recovery.js
   │       │   └── setup.js
   │       ├── report.js
   │       └── support.js
   ├── models
   │   ├── index.js
   │   ├── inquiry.js
   │   └── user.js
   └── views
       ├── 404.pug
       ├── 500.pug
       ├── _breadcrumbs.pug
       ├── _footer.pug
       ├── _nav.pug
       ├── _pagination.pug
       ├── _register-or-login.pug
       ├── about.pug
       ├── admin
       │   ├── index.pug
       │   └── users
       │       ├── index.pug
       │       └── retrieve.pug
       ├── change-email.pug
       ├── dashboard
       │   └── index.pug
       ├── donate.pug
       ├── forgot-password.pug
       ├── home.pug
       ├── layout.pug
       ├── my-account
       │   ├── index.pug
       │   ├── profile.pug
       │   └── security.pug
       ├── otp
       │   ├── enable.pug
       │   ├── keys.pug
       │   ├── login.pug
       │   └── setup.pug
       ├── privacy.pug
       ├── register-or-login.pug
       ├── reset-password.pug
       ├── spinner
       │   ├── 1.pug
       │   ├── 10.pug
       │   ├── 11.pug
       │   ├── 2.pug
       │   ├── 3.pug
       │   ├── 4.pug
       │   ├── 5.pug
       │   ├── 6.pug
       │   ├── 7.pug
       │   ├── 8.pug
       │   ├── 9.pug
       │   └── spinner.pug
       ├── support.pug
       ├── terms.pug
       └── verify.pug
├── assets
   ├── browserconfig.xml
   ├── css
   │   ├── _btn-auth.scss
   │   ├── _custom.scss
   │   ├── _email.scss
   │   ├── _markdown.scss
   │   ├── _responsive-backgrounds.scss
   │   ├── _responsive-borders.scss
   │   ├── _responsive-rounded.scss
   │   ├── _swal2.scss
   │   ├── _variables.scss
   │   └── app.scss
   ├── fonts
   ├── img
   │   ├── android-chrome-192x192.png
   │   ├── android-chrome-384x384.png
   │   ├── apple-touch-icon.png
   │   ├── favicon-16x16.png
   │   ├── favicon-32x32.png
   │   ├── favicon.ico
   │   ├── github-logo.svg
   │   ├── google-logo.svg
   │   ├── logo-square.svg
   │   ├── mstile-150x150.png
   │   ├── social.png
   │   └── twitter.png
   ├── js
   │   ├── core.js
   │   ├── logger.js
   │   └── uncaught.js
   ├── robots.txt
   └── site.webmanifest
├── bree.js
├── config
   ├── api.js
   ├── bree.js
   ├── cookies.js
   ├── env.js
   ├── filters.js
   ├── i18n.js
   ├── index.js
   ├── koa-cash.js
   ├── locales.js
   ├── logger.js
   ├── meta.js
   ├── phrases.js
   ├── utilities.js
   └── web.js
├── emails
   ├── _content.pug
   ├── _footer.pug
   ├── _nav.pug
   ├── account-update
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── change-email
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── inquiry
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── layout.pug
   ├── recovery
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── reset-password
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── two-factor-reminder
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   ├── verify
   │   ├── html.pug
   │   └── subject.pug
   └── welcome
       ├── html.pug
       └── subject.pug
├── env
├── gitignore
├── gulpfile.js
├── helpers
   ├── email.js
   ├── get-email-locals.js
   ├── i18n.js
   ├── logger.js
   ├── markdown.js
   ├── passport.js
   ├── policies.js
   ├── send-verification-email.js
   └── to-object.js
├── index.js
├── jobs
   ├── account-updates.js
   ├── index.js
   ├── translate-markdown.js
   ├── translate-phrases.js
   ├── two-factor-reminder.js
   └── welcome-email.js
├── locales
   ├── ar.json
   ├── cs.json
   ├── da.json
   ├── de.json
   ├── en.json
   ├── es.json
   ├── fi.json
   ├── fr.json
   ├── he.json
   ├── hu.json
   ├── id.json
   ├── it.json
   ├── ja.json
   ├── ko.json
   ├── nl.json
   ├── no.json
   ├── pl.json
   ├── pt.json
   ├── ru.json
   ├── sv.json
   ├── th.json
   ├── tr.json
   ├── uk.json
   ├── vi.json
   └── zh.json
├── nodemon.json
├── package-scripts.js
├── package.json
├── proxy.js
├── routes
   ├── api
   │   ├── index.js
   │   └── v1
   │       └── index.js
   ├── index.js
   └── web
       ├── admin.js
       ├── auth.js
       ├── index.js
       ├── my-account.js
       └── otp.js
├── template
├── web.js
├── yarn-error.log
└── yarn.lock

42 directories, 212 files


Lad is designed according to these principles:

  1. Always be developer-friendly
  2. Adhere to MVC, Unix, KISS, DRY, YAGNI, Twelve Factor, Occam's razor, and dogfooding
  3. Target the scrappy, bootstrapped, and ramen-profitable hacker



Interesting in contributing to this project or testing early releases?

  1. Follow all of the above Requirements

  2. You will need to fork and clone this repository locally

  3. After forking, follow these steps:

    cd lad
    yarn install
    cd template
    yarn install
    yarn start

If you'd like to preview changes to the file, you can use docute.

yarn global add docute-cli
cd lad
docute ./

Then visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.


Name Website
Nick Baugh
Shaun Warman

Trademark Notice

Lad, Lass, Cabin, Lipo, and their respective logos are trademarks of Niftylettuce LLC. These trademarks may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Niftylettuce LLC. If you are seeking permission to use these trademarks, then please contact us.


MIT © Nick Baugh