
A node app to import data from an xlsx file into MongoDB using mongoose


mongo_import: a node app to import data from an xlsx file into MongoDB using mongoose

How to use the app:

• make sure you have MongoDB, Node and npm installed on your system

• clone this repo to your system

• create a local Mongo database, or identify an existing one to import the data into

• add a .env file to the repo on your system and set your MongoDB connection string as env variables, named: DB_URL_DEV and DB_URL_PRD

A DEV db is enough to use the app in the development environment.

• in the terminal, cd to the project folder, then run: npm install to install the node packages

• run npm run start-db (this will run mongod, and only needs to be run once, not at every import attempt)

• to start a data import, run: npm start "<path/to/file.xlsx>"

e.g. npm start "./data/Test_Import.xlsx"

• two xlsx files are included in the /data folder: Test_Import.xlsx and Tracks_Import_8.xlsx

you can use these or you can import a different file on your system (by passing its path when calling the process).

• check the log for info and errors

• some tests are included and can be run via: npm test

• you can optionally delete all imported tracks running: npm run delete