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Please note - Charts now supports a billing dashboard out of the box. Please see this page for setting it up. The below solution is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. However, you can still use this code to build a customised solution to ingest billing data.

MongoDB Atlas Billing Exploration using Charts

This project enables you to build your own automated MongoDB Atlas Billing Dashboard. It includes a MongoDB Realm application which regularly imports data from the Atlas Billing API into your own Atlas cluster. It also includes a MongoDB Charts dashboard with visualizations of your billing data, which you can use as-is or extend to give you detailed insights into your Atlas usage.

Jump to setup instructions.



Setting up this solution involves a number of steps in the Atlas web portal, followed by some command line scripts to be run locally. Finally you will open MongoDB Charts to import the dashboard.

Atlas Portal Steps

  1. Sign into MongoDB Atlas
  2. Create a new Project within the Atlas Organization which you wish to analyze
    billing data for. Give the project a descriptive name such as Atlas Billing.
  3. Deploy a new cluster in this project to store your billing data. If you have
    a lot of usage, we recommend using an M10 cluster or higher to store and process
    your billing data. Give your cluster a descriptive name such as BillingData.
  4. Create an API Key for the project. This will be used to programmatically
    deploy the App Services app:
    • Ensure that Atlas Billing is your active project
    • Click Access Manager on the top bar, and then Project Access
    • Click Create API Key
    • Enter an appropriate name for the key, e.g. Billing App Deployment
    • Select the Project Owner role.
    • Click Next
    • Record the Public and Private Key details and store them securely.
    • Click Done when you're ready to save the new key to your Project
  5. Create an API Key for the Organization. This will be used to authenticate
    to the Billing API:
    • Ensure that Atlas Billing is your active project
    • Click Access Manager on the top bar, and then Organization Access
    • Click Create API Key
    • Enter an appropriate name for the key, e.g. Billing API Access
    • Select the Organization Billing Admin and Organization Read Only roles.
    • Click Next
    • Record the Public and Private Key details and store them securely.
    • Click Done when you're ready to save the new key to your Organization.

Local Command Line Steps

  1. Install the following prerequisites on your computer if they aren't already present:

  2. Clone this repo to an appropriate directory on your computer:

    git clone
  3. Change directory to the cloned project:

    cd atlas-billing
  4. Run the setup script

    Using Powershell:


    Using bash:

  5. When prompted, enter the public and private API keys for your Organization and Project, as well as the name of your cluster.

  6. Wait for the script to complete, and then verify that data has been loaded into your cluster. Note that the app contains a trigger which will load new data into the cluster daily.

Charts Steps

  1. Sign into MongoDB Atlas and select your Atlas Billing project
  2. Click the Charts tab on the top nav, and activate Charts if you haven't done so already
  3. Find the Add Dashboard button and click the down arrow, and then select
    Import Dashboard
  4. Choose the charts_billing_template.charts file from this repo, click Next.
  5. If the "Data source at destination" says "Connect later", click on the edit button next to your data source.
    1. Select Connect now
    2. Choose the deployment, collection and database that you created in the previous steps
    3. Click Save underneath the dropdown
  6. Click the green Save button
  7. Open the imported dashboard, and start exploring your Atlas usage and billing data! You
    may want to try changing the dashboard filters, editing existing charts or adding new charts.

Solution Details

The App Services app in this repo contains one function, one trigger and some values & secrets. You can view and update the deployed app by clicking the App Services tab on the top Atlas nav.


getAll: this function calls the getdata function for each organization. It can be updated to implement cross-organization billing.

processAll: this function calls the processdata function for each organization. It can be updated to implement cross-organization billing.

getOrgData: this function retrieves all invoice data related to a specific organization.

processData: this function updates data and has additional categorization of the data to enhance the output in MongoDB Charts.

Values & Secrets

billing-org: maps to the Org Id we want to gather Billing data from. Maps to billing-orgSecret.

billing-username: maps to the Public API key for the Org we want to gather Billing data from. Maps to billing-usernameSecret.

billing-password: maps to the Private API key for the Org we want to gather Billing data from. Maps to billing-passwordSecret.


getAllTrigger: runs at 7am GMT each morning to retrieve the billing data using the getAll function above.

processAllTrigger: runs at 7:30am GMT each morning to update the billing data using the processAll function above.


Additional enhancements are possible such as: Extend the Billing code to retrieve data from multiple MongoDB Atlas Orgs. Currently, this can be done manually by creating another set of values and secrets for the second organisation and updating the getall and processall functions. For example, you can update getall as follow to add another organisation:

exports = async function(){
  const promises = [
    context.functions.execute("getdata_latest", context.values.get("billing-org"), context.values.get("billing-username"), context.values.get("billing-password"))
      .catch(err => { return err; }),
    context.functions.execute("getdata_latest", context.values.get("SECOND-ORG-ID-VALUE"), context.values.get("SECOND-PUBLIC-API-VALUE"), context.values.get("SECOND-PRIVATE-API-VALUE"))
      .catch(err => { return err; }),
  const results = await Promise.all(promises);
  return {"status": "complete!", "results": results };

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