
Example code snippets for Atlas Triggers and Functions available in the UI and in the docs.


Atlas Functions and Triggers Examples

This is the main repo for all MongoDB App Services Function and Trigger examples. The examples in this repo are all tested to ensure that they work as expected.

A GitHub Action uploads to the atlas-functions-triggers-examples S3 bucket. A push to the development branch uploads to the development directory, and a push to main uploads to the production directory.

For bucket access, consult the Developer Docs team.

Adding Function and Trigger Snippets

The Developer Docs team maintains these code snippets as tested examples. When you add a new function, be sure to:

  1. Add a Function or Trigger to the Atlas backend (ask Dev Docs for details and access). Follow these rules when creating a function or trigger:

    • Function names must start with their type, which is one of api_,
      crud_, or context_.
    • Functions must be tested within the AAS app.
    • Triggers should use the "fake_function_for_expressions"
      function, since we're only creating triggers to extract the match and project stages and nothing function-related. Following this rule means we don't end up with any additional functions in the repo.
  2. Deploy your changes. This will automatically push the changes to the source repo, where github actions will remove function name prefixes, extract the match and project json from the triggers, and then copy the functions and expressions to this repo.

  3. Update the manifest.json file in the correct subfolder (snippets/functions/crud, for example) with your new function. Be sure to generate a new uuid for the id field.

  4. Add a relevant test for the function or trigger to the test suite. Refer to the README in the test/integration directory for more details.

Adding a New Function Category

If we decide we need a type of function beyond CRUD, function context, third-party integration, and API calls, do the following:

  1. Coordinate with dev and product for naming the new viewType and subfolder.
  2. Create the new subfolder that will contain these functions.
  3. Copy an existing manifest.json file from one of the other function types and update it with the following:
    a. The new viewType
    b. The new snippets. Even if there is only 1 new snippet, be sure it is in an array.
  4. In the atlas-functions-triggers-source repo, you must update the /.github/workflows/Copy-Functions-to-Examples-Repo.yml action to copy the new category functions. Each function category has a section in the github action that looks like this:
 - name: Copy API Functions
        uses: MongoCaleb/copy-push-files@main
          API_TOKEN_GITHUB: "${{ secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB }}"
          source_files: ./functions/api_*
          target_dir: "snippets/functions/api-functions/"
          target_branch: "development"
          access_token:  "${{ secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB }}"

Copy one of these sections and change the source_files, target_dir values.