
A FTDC library in python that can decode and stream FTDC data.


ftdc-tools - Pure Python package for FTDC

This package provides tools required to decode and process FTDC data. So whats unique about this package?

  • This a pure python package that relies on pymongo for decoding FTDC data.
  • This package provides streaming support. With this feature the whole FTDC files is not loaded in memory and is capable of processing large FTDC files.

Getting Started - Users

pip install ftdc-tools



This package is still in beta. In particular, all bson values are not guaranteed to be supported. This package is used to process Genny/Poplar client-side FTDC files and hasn't been tested with mongo server FTDC.

Decoding FTDC file from URL - Streaming approach

from ftdc_tools.decode import decode_file_iter
import requests
url = "https://genny-metrics.s3.amazonaws.com/performance_linux_wt_repl_genny_scale_InsertRemove_patch_b2098c676bdc64e3194734fa632b133c47496646_61f955933066150fca890e4a_22_02_01_15_58_36_0/canary_InsertRemove.ActorFinished"

# Streaming FTDC data
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
for ftdc_doc in decode_file_iter(response.raw):

Decoding FTDC file from URL - Non-streaming approach

from ftdc_tools.decode import decode_iter
import requests
url = "https://genny-metrics.s3.amazonaws.com/performance_linux_wt_repl_genny_scale_InsertRemove_patch_b2098c676bdc64e3194734fa632b133c47496646_61f955933066150fca890e4a_22_02_01_15_58_36_0/canary_InsertRemove.ActorFinished"

response = requests.get(url)
for ftdc_doc in decode_iter(response.content):

Rolling up a FTDC file

Rolling up a FTDC file creates a set of summary statistics based on a certain expected schema. The ClientPerformanceStatistics rollup expects the Genny/Poplar schema described here.

from ftdc_tools.decode import decode_file_iter
from ftdc_tools.rollup.client_perf import ClientPerformanceStatistics
import requests
url = "https://genny-metrics.s3.amazonaws.com/performance_linux_wt_repl_genny_scale_InsertRemove_patch_b2098c676bdc64e3194734fa632b133c47496646_61f955933066150fca890e4a_22_02_01_15_58_36_0/canary_InsertRemove.ActorFinished"

# Streaming FTDC data
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
roll = ClientPerformanceStatistics()
for ftdc_doc in decode_file_iter(response.raw):
print("Statistics: ", roll.all_statistics)

Getting Started - Developers

Getting the code:

$ git clone [email protected]:mongodb/ftdc-tools.git
$ cd ftdc-tools


$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install


$ poetry run pytest

Formatting/Lint Fixing

poetry run black src tests
poetry run isort src tests
poetry run autoflake --in-place --remove-all-unused-imports -r src tests

Opening a PR

You MUST bump the package version in pyproject.toml before requesting a review on your PR. Merging this PR will push the package to pypi. We use semver for package versioning.

Read more about semver here: https://semver.org/