
libmongocrypt packaged as a Ruby gem

APACHE-2.0 License


libmongocrypt Ruby Helper - Maintainer Guide

Packaging New libmongocrypt Version

Edit lib/libmongocrypt_helper/version.rb and:

  1. Update the LIBMONGOCRYPT_VERSION constant to the version of
    libmongocrypt that you want to package.
  2. Update the VERSION constant to the version of the helper, which is
    derived from libmongocrypt version as described below.
  3. Download the source code of the corresponding version of libmongocrypt from, and unpack it to
  4. Update the SBOM lite file by running etc/
  5. Test the changes by running gem build *.gemspec && gem install libmongocrypt-helper-VERSION.gem.
  6. Commit the changes.
  7. Create a PR for the changes. Once approved and merged, run the "Release" action on GitHub to create and publish the new gem.

Helper Version Scheme

Ruby gems have a relatively primitive versioning system where any non-numeric version component causes the version to be interpreted as a pre-release. For example, a scheme like 1.0p1 where "p1" stands for the first package of the 1.0 version of some library doesn't work.

To work around this, libmongocrypt helper is versioned as X.0.Y where X is the version of libmongocrypt that is being packaged and Y is the package version plus 1000. Thus, the first package for libmongocrypt 1.5.2 would have the helper version of, and if that version of libmongocrypt needs to be repackaged for any reason, the next helper version would be, and so on.

Starting package versions from 1001 makes it easy to identify the package revision vs the libmongocrypt version.


libmongocrypt can be built while linking to the operating system's crypto libraries (i.e. OpenSSL) or not. If libmongocrypt is not linked to the operating system's crypto libraries, a crypto implementation must be provided at runtime, which the Ruby MongoDB driver does.