
JDBC Driver for MongoDB Atlas SQL interface

APACHE-2.0 License


MongoDB Atlas SQL JDBC Driver

The MongoDB Atlas SQL JDBC Driver provides SQL connectivity to MongoDB Atlas for client applications developed in Java. See the Atlas SQL Documentation for more information.

MongoDB Atlas SQL JDBC is a JDBC Type 4 driver compatible with the JDBC 4.2 specification.



MongoDB Atlas SQL JDBC driver requires Java 1.8 or higher.

Download and Install

You can download the precompiled driver (jars) from Maven Central. Choose jar in the Download dropdown for the lean jar (dependencies not included) or all.jar for the fat jar (dependencies bundled inside the jar). The name of the driver class is com.mongodb.jdbc.MongoDriver.

Verify Integrity of MongoDB JDBC Driver Packages

To verify the integrity of the JDBC Driver packages, follow the steps below:

  1. Import the Public Key:
  • The public key ID is 91A2157730666110.
  • To import the key, run the following command: gpg --keyserver <server url> --recv-keys 91A2157730666110.
  • Replace <server url> with one of the current GPG Keyservers supported by Maven Central Servers:
  1. Verify Artifact:
  • Download the artifact you want to verify along with the matching detached signature (.asc) file from Maven Central.
    • For example, mongodb-jdbc-2.1.2.jar and mongodb-jdbc-2.1.2.jar.asc.
  • To verify the signature, run the following command gpg --verify <detached_signature_file> <artifact_to_verify>.
    • For example, gpg --verify mongodb-jdbc-2.1.2.jar.asc mongodb-jdbc-2.1.2.jar.

Connection URL and properties

Connection URL

The connection URL is based on MongoDB connection string and has the jdbc: prefix. The general format for the connection URL is as follows, with items in square brackets ([ ]) being optional:


For more details :

  • Special characters in the JDBC url have to be URL encoded.
  • The driver can not connect to a mongod instance, only to MongoDB Atlas.

Connection Properties

All connection options can also be specified through a Properties object parameter instead of the being directly in the URL. However, if an option is in both the URL and the Properties object, the connection will fail.

In addition to the standard MongoDB connection options there are a number of additional properties specific to the JDBC driver. These properties can only be specified using an additional Properties object parameter and not in the URL.

Property Type Required Default Description
database String Yes Null The name of the database used when querying
loglevel String No OFF The log level used for logging. Supported levels by increasing verbosity are 'OFF', 'SEVERE', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'FINE' and 'FINER'
logdir String No Null The directory to use for log files. If no logging directory is specified, the logs are sent to the console

The following example demonstrates how to open a connection specifying :

  • The standard options user and password via a Properties object and ssl and authSource via the URL.
  • The JDBC specific options database (mandatory) and loglevel via a Properties object.
         java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties();
         p.setProperty("user", "user");
         p.setProperty("password", "foo");
         p.setProperty("database", "test");
         p.setProperty("loglevel", Level.SEVERE.getName());
         System.out.println("Connecting to database test...");
         Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("mongodb://", p);


Build From Source

To build and test the driver run the following commands from root dir.

To build the lean jar which does not include the dependencies

./gradlew clean build

To run demo locally

./gradlew clean :demo:run

To generate the source Jar

./gradlew clean :sourceJar

You can find the generated jar in build/libs/

To generate the fat Jar which includes all the dependencies

./gradlew clean :shadowJar

You can find the generated jar in build/libs/

To generate the test Jar

./gradlew clean :testJar

You can find the generated jar in build/libs/

To run the unit tests

./gradlew clean test

To fix lint problems

./gradlew spotlessApply

Integration Testing

Integration testing requires a local MongoDB and Atlas Data Federation instance to be running

Environment Variables

ADF_TEST_LOCAL_USER: Local ADF username ADF_TEST_LOCAL_PWD: Local ADF password ADF_TEST_LOCAL_AUTH_DB: Local ADF authentication database HAVE_LOCAL_MONGOHOUSE: "1" if using local mongohouse source LOCAL_MONGOHOUSE_DIR: Path to local mongohouse source

MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT (Optional): Local MongoDB port

To load integration test data

./gradlew runDataLoader

To generate integration test baseline configuration files

./gradlew runTestGenerator

Running Local mongod and Atlas Data Federation is a helper script that will start a local mongod and Atlas Data Federation instance, used for integration testing.


./resources/ start


./resources/ stop


Use the SKIP_RUN_ADF option to skip the start and stop operations for those managing their own local instances.

export SKIP_RUN_ADF=1