
GPL-2.0 License


SELinux policy for MongoDB

This is the official SELinux policy for the MongoDB server.

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is an implementation of mandatory access controls (MAC) in the Linux kernel, checking for allowed operations after standard discretionary access controls (DAC) are checked.


  • policies apply to computers running RHEL7 and RHEL8 only.
  • covers standard mongodb-server systemd based installations only.
  • both community and enterprise versions are supported.

Supplied policies do not cover any daemons or tools other than mongod, such as: mongos, mongocryptd, or mongo shell


You will need to install following packages in order to apply this policy:

  • git
  • make
  • checkpolicy
  • policycoreutils
  • selinux-policy-devel

to apply policy:

git clone
cd mongodb-selinux
sudo make install

to uninstall policy:

sudo make uninstall

Standard installation

Present SELinux policies are automatically applied when mongodb-server package is installed on a supported system.

In order for mongod service to run, following assumptions are made:

  • daemon binary is installed in /usr/bin/mongod
  • database is located in /var/lib/mongo
  • log file must be located in /var/log/mongodb/
  • runtime data (PID) should be in /var/run/mongodb/ or /run/mongodb/. On RHEL systems
    /var/run is a symbolic link to /run. This should not be changed
  • default unix socket file goes to /tmp, which must stay a default location provided by
    operating system. It can not be a symbolic link to another location
  • default user created and configured by installer is used to run service
  • systemd unit file /usr/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service created by installer is used
    to run service
  • daemon should use ports provided by operating system in mongod_port_t, which by default
    are: tcp/27017-27019,28017-28019
  • when used with snmp, standard snmp ports should be used provided in snmp_port_t,
    defaults are: tcp/199,1161,161-162 and udp/161-162. When using ports with number under 1024,
    standard unix considerations are in place.

Special Cases

There are following selinux booleans provided for use with enterprise features:

mongod_can_connect_snmp mongod_can_connect_ldap mongod_can_use_kerberos

These booleans are disabled by default. They can be turned on using setsebool command:

setsebool -P mongod_can_connect_snmp on

using -P switch would persist setting across reboots and re-installations

Admin interface

SELinux "mongodb_admin" macro from reference package is not provided. Mongo daemon could be managed by a standard superuser running in unconfined_t domain