
NotesApp: A responsive note-taking application built with React.js, Redux Toolkit, Express.js, and MongoDB. Features include user authentication, note management, and real-time updates. Deployed on



NotesApp is a responsive, mobile-friendly note-taking application designed for users to create, update, and delete notes effortlessly. It provides a clean, intuitive interface for managing notes on the go, with support for various devices and optimized loading speeds.


  • Responsive Design: The app works seamlessly across devices—desktop, tablet, and mobile—ensuring a smooth experience for users.
  • CRUD Operations: Users can Create, Read, Update, and Delete notes.
  • State Management: Implemented using Redux Toolkit for efficient and optimized state management.
  • Backend API: Developed a RESTful API using Express.js and Node.js to handle data persistence and server-side operations.
  • Database: Utilizes MongoDB for storing user data and notes securely.
  • Deployment: The application is deployed and hosted on, ensuring high availability and easy access.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React.js: For building the user interface and ensuring quick rendering.
    • Redux Toolkit: To manage global state efficiently across the app.
    • HTML5 & CSS3: For structuring and styling the application.
  • Backend:

    • Node.js: For handling server-side logic.
    • Express.js: For building the RESTful API and routing.
    • MongoDB: As the database solution for storing notes and user information.

Installation and Setup

To get started with the NotesApp locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the client and server directories and run the following:

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ../server
    npm install
  3. Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the server directory with the following variables:

  4. Run the Application: From the root directory, you can run both the frontend and backend using the following commands:

    • Frontend:
      cd client
      npm start
    • Backend:
      cd server
      npm start
  5. Access the Application: Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 for the frontend and http://localhost:5000 for the backend.


The app is deployed on Render. You can access the live version here.

Future Improvements

  • Authentication: Add user authentication for private notes.
  • Search Functionality: Enable searching through notes by keywords or tags.
  • Rich Text Editor: Implement a rich text editor for formatting notes.
  • Dark Mode: Provide a dark mode option for better user experience.


Feel free to contribute by opening an issue or submitting a pull request.