
Android app for the Officer's Fishery Information Sharing Hub (O-FISH). The mobile app allows fisheries officers to document and share critical information gathered during a routine vessel inspection.

APACHE-2.0 License


WildAid O-FISH Android App

The WildAid Marine Program works to protect vulnerable marine environments.

O-FISH (Officer Fishery Information Sharing Hub) is a multi-platform application that enables officers to browse and record boarding report data from their mobile devices.

Developers are expected to follow the MongoDB Community Code of Conduct guidelines.

This repo implements the Android O-FISH app.

The details behind the data architecture, schema, and partitioning strategy are described in Realm Data and Partitioning Strategy Behind the WildAid O-FISH Mobile Apps.


This is the Android Mobile app for O-FISH. To build and use the app, you must use the sandbox realm-app-id or build your own foundation.

Building and running the app

  1. Open the code in Android studio.

  2. Wait for the Gradle sync to finish.

  3. Add the Realm App ID from your template to local.properties AND realm.properties in the top-level directory (where this README is): realm_app_id=your_app_id e.g. for the sandbox: realm_app_id=wildaidsandbox-mxgfy

To be able to login to the app once it is built, you need to create a user in your instance of the O-FISH Realm App or in the sandbox environment.

For example, if you are using the sandbox, your files should look like this: $ cat local.properties realm_app_id=wildaidsandbox-mxgfy

$ cat realm.properties realm_app_id=wildaidsandbox-mxgfy