
Migrations of MongoDB. Part of @PHPMongoKit

MIT License


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PHPMongo Migrator

Migrations for MongoDB based on PHPMongo ODM

Schema not required in MongoDb, so we dont need to create databases, collections or altering them. However there are some cases when migrations required in schemaless databases:

  • Creating collections with special parameters, like capped collection;
  • Renaming or deleting collections;
  • Creating, renaming or deleting fields;
  • Creating, changing or deleting indexes;



Install locally through composer

composer require sokil/php-mongo-migrator

After installation you will be able to run commands in console by running ./vendor/bin/mongo-migrator command.

Install using phive

phive install sokil/php-mongo-migrator

Compatibility with PHP 7

PHPMongo currently based on old ext-mongo entension. To use this ODM with PHP 7, you need to add compatibility layer, which implement API of old extension over new ext-mongodb. To start using PHPMongo with PHP7, add requirement alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter to composer. Restrictions for using ODM with compatibility layer you can read in known issues of original adapter.

You need to require adapter:

composer require alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter


$ ./mongo-migrator
Console Tool

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  create    Create new migration
  help      Displays help for a command
  init      Initialize migrations project
  list      Lists commands
  migrate   Migrate to specific revision of database
  rollback  Rollback to specific version of database
  status    Show status of migrations

Initialisation of migrations

Every command run in project root where composer.json and vendor dir placed. First we need to create new migration project. To do that go to project root and run:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator init

This creates config file mongo-migrator.yaml and directory "./migrations", where migrations placed. Also you can use php config instead of yaml. Just initialise your project with php config format:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator init --configFormat=php

You may explicitly define path to conficuration file, and also to migration dir:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator init --configuration=confins/monfo-migrations.yaml --migrationDir=../migrations/mongo

If migration dir defined relatively, it points to dir where configuration stored. In example above migrations dir will be confins/../migrations/mongo.


Configuration format

YAML configuration file placed in file "./mongo-migrator.yaml". PHP has same structure.

default_environment: development

    migrations: migrations
        dsn: mongodb://localhost
        default_database: test
        log_database: test
        log_collection: migrations
        dsn: mongodb://localhost
        default_database: test
        log_database: test
        log_collection: migrations
        dsn: mongodb://localhost
        default_database: test
        log_database: test
        log_collection: migrations

Environment is set of configuration parameters, defined for concrete place, like development machine, test or production server.

  • default_environment - some commands required to know environment, where they executed. This parameters defines which environment to use if environment not specified.

  • path.migrations - path to migrations directory, where migration scripts placed.

  • environments - section of environment configs.

Every environment has this parameters:

  • environments.*.dsn - DSN which used to connect to mongo server

  • environments.*.connectOptions - options of MongoClient, described in \MongoClient PHP manual

  • environments.*.default_database - databse, used if no database specified id migration script

  • environments.*.log_database - database, used to store migration log

  • environments..log_collection - collection of database environments..log_database used to store migration log

Environment variables in configuration

Any value may be initialised from environment variable:

default_environment: common

    migrations:  "%env(MONGO_MIGRATIONS_PATH)%"

        dsn: "%env(MONGO_DSN)%"
        default_database: "%env(MONGO_DEFAULT_DB)%"
        log_database: "%env(MONGO_LOG_DB)%"
        log_collection: "%env(MONGO_LOG_COLLECTION)%"

Creating new revision

Now you can create your migration script. Creating new revison:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator create revision_name

Name of revision must be in camel case format. For example run vendor/bin/mongo-migrator create RevisionName. This creates migration script like 20151127093706_RevisionName.php, where "20151127093706" is revision id and "RevisionName" is revision name.

pc:~/php-mongo-migrator$ ./bin/mongo-migrator create RevisionName
New migration created at ~/php-mongo-migrator/migrations/20151127093706_RevisionName.php

Class source is:


class RevisionName extends \Sokil\Mongo\Migrator\AbstractMigration
    public function up()
    public function down()

Method up() filled with commands executed on migrating process, and down() - on rollback.

Now you can write code for migration and rollback.

Status of migration

If you want to see list of existed revisions with status of migration, run:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator status [-e|--environment environment=ENVIRONMENT] [-c|--configuration=CONFIGURATION] [-l|--length=LENGTH]

If revision status is "up", revision is applied, otherwise status will be "down".

 Revision        Status  Name            
 20140607165612  down    Test2           
 20140607141237  up      Test1           
 20140607132630  up      RevisionName

Option configuration allows specify path to project configuration, if it differ from default path. Option length allows to limit elements in list.

Migrating and rollback

You can migrate and rollback to any of available revisions. Commands to migrate:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator migrate  [-r|--revision revision] [-e|--environment environment] [-c|--configuration configuration]

If revision not specified, migration goes to latest revision.

Option configuration allows specify path to project configuration, if it differ from default path.

Command to rollback:

vendor/bin/mongo-migrator rollback [-r|--revision revision] [-e|--environment environment] [-c|--configuration configuration]

If revision not specified, rollback goes to previous revision.

Option configuration allows specify path to project configuration, if it differ from default path.

Writing migration scripts

Databases and collections accessable from migration script through methods AbstractMigration::getDatabase and AbstractMigration::getCollection. Method AbstractMigration::getCollection get's collection of default database, defined in "environments.*.default_database" parameter of config.

Documentation on database and collection classes may be found in


class RevisionName extends \Sokil\Mongo\Migrator\AbstractMigration
    protected function init() 
        // some common code
    public function up()
        $collection = $this

        // create new field in all documents of collection
        $collection->updateAll(function($operator) {
            $operator->set('newField', 'defaultValue')
    public function down()
        $collection = $this

        // create new field in all documents of collection
        $collection->updateAll(function($operator) {

Building Phar

  1. Install box using manual at It must be accessible as box

  2. Check that composer installed and accessible in PATH

  3. You may build phar in three modes: unsigned version, signed by OPENSSH (for self test on run) and signed by GPG (for installation through phive)

3.1) To build unsigned version just run make


3.2) To build phar signed with OPENSSH, you need to have own private key. Copy it to ./keys/private.pem or generate new one:

# Generate new one:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 4096
# If you want to remove passphrase
openssl rsa -in private.pem -out private.pem
# generate public
openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

Then build phar:

make openssh-signed

3.3) To build phar sighen with GPG for phive, you need to place private key to ./keys/private.ask:

gpg --gen-key
gpg --export-secret-keys [email protected] > keys/private.asc

Then build GPG-signed phar:

make gpg-signed

You may verify phar by public key:

$ gpg --verify mongo-migrator.phar.asc mongo-migrator.phar
gpg: Signature made чт, 22-лис-2018 23:27:46 +0200 EET
gpg:                using RSA key F530929F7ED528F0
gpg:                issuer "[email protected]"
gpg: Good signature from "Dmytro Sokil <[email protected]>" [ultimate]

You may build phars both for legacy and new driver by defining MONGO_DRIVER env variable:

make gpg-signed MONGO_DRIVER=new
make gpg-signed MONGO_DRIVER=legacy

If MONGO_DRIVER env variable not passed, then make will try to detect your driver automatically.


To start development environment in docker run:


To use xdebug, configure your IDE to use port 9001.

There is sandbox to test commands:

cd /phpmongo/tests/
export PHPMONGO_DSN="mongodb://mongodb32"; ../bin/mongo-migrator -vvv status -l 4 -e docker

Unit tests

Local tests:

composer.phar test

Docker tests:
