
A MongoDB store for express-rate-limit middleware


Rate Limit Mongo

MongoDB store for the express-rate-limit middleware.


$ npm install --save rate-limit-mongo


var RateLimit = require('express-rate-limit');
var MongoStore = require('rate-limit-mongo');

var limiter = new RateLimit({
  store: new MongoStore({
    uri: 'mongodb://',
    user: 'mongouser',
    password: 'mongopassword',
    // should match windowMs
    expireTimeMs: 15 * 60 * 1000,
    errorHandler: console.error.bind(null, 'rate-limit-mongo')
    // see Configuration section for more options and details
  max: 100,
  // should match expireTimeMs
  windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000

//  apply to all requests


  • uri: string -- uri for connecting to mongodb, mongodb:// for example. Required if collection hasn't been set.

  • collectionName: string -- name of collection for storing records. Defaults to expressRateRecords

  • user: string -- username for authentication in mongodb

  • password: string -- password for authentication in mongodb

  • authSource: string -- db name against which authenticate use. If not set db name from uri will be taken.

  • collection: object -- mongodb collection instance. Required if uri hasn't been set.

  • connectionOptions: object -- mongodb connection options. Allows to pass additional connection options to mongodb. The default connection options are useUnifiedTopology: true, useNewUrlParser: true.

  • expireTimeMs: integer -- time period, in milliseconds, after which record will be reset (deleted). Defaults to 60 * 1000. Notice that current implementation uses on mongodb ttl indexes - background task that removes expired documents runs every 60 seconds. As a result, documents may remain in a collection during the period between the expiration of the document and the running of the background task. See mongodb ttl indexes doc for more information.

Note: unless express-tate-limit's headers are disabled, windowMs on express-tate-limit's options should be set to the same value as expireTimeMs on rate-limit-mongo's options in order for the Retry-After header to be correct.

  • resetExpireDateOnChange: boolean -- indicates whether expireDate should be reset when changed or not. Defaults to false.

  • errorHandler: function -- function that will be called if error happened during incr, decrement or resetKey methods. Defaults to _.noop.

  • createTtlIndex: boolean -- defines whether create ttl index ( on expirationDate field with expireAfterSeconds: 0) on collection or not. Could be useful in situations when you don't want to create index from the app e.g. due to restricted db permissions (see #15 for details). Defaults to true.


MongoStore class provides public methods (incr, decrement, resetKey) required by express-rate-limit.

In addition following methods provided:

  • getClient(callback) - if collection was not passed to the constructor then
    that method will pass (as second argument) initiated instace of
    to the callback, otherwise null will be passed. Thus this method provides
    control over connection initiated by the library to the end user. This method
    is promisified (when util.promisify is presented (node.js >= 8)).