
Run SQL-like queries on MongoDB databases!

MIT License


Sequel Mongo PHP

A lightweight, expressive, framework agnostic query builder for PHP that empowers you to run SQL-like queries on MongoDB databases. Enjoy the best of the two worlds!


Pull the package via composer.

$ composer require TCB13/sequel-mongo-php


Use MongoDB\Client to connect to your Database:

// Start a MongoDB Client to create a connection to your Database
$mongoConnection = new \MongoDB\Client("mongodb://", [
	"username" => "user",
	"password" => "pass"

/** @var \MongoDB\Database $mongo */
$mongo = $mongoConnection->selectDatabase("DatabaseName");

Get one item from a collection:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->toObject();

Get multiple items:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->toObject();
  • select() takes the desired fields as an array of strings or a variable number of parameters.

Run a complex query with multiple where conditions, limit and order.

// Use the Query Builder
$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->select("_id", "name", "email", "active")
   ->where("setting", "!=", "other")
   ->where("active", false)
   ->where(function ($qb) {
	   $qb->where("isValid", true)
	      ->orWhere("dateActivated", "!=", null);
   ->order("dateCreated", "ASC")
$result = $qb->toObject();
  • If the operator is omitted in where() queries, = will be used. Eg. ->where("active", false);
  • You can group where conditions by providing closures. Eg. WHERE id = 1 AND (isValid = true OR dateActivated != null) can be written as:
->where("id", 1)
->where(function ($qb) {
    $qb->where("isValid", true)
       ->orWhere("dateActivated", "!=", null);
  • where() supports the following operators =, !=, >, >=, <, <=;
  • SQL's WHERE IN() is also available:
$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
		   ->whereIn("itemCount", [22,4])
		$result = $qb->toArray();
  • WHERE NOT IN() is also available via whereNotIn() and orWhereNotIn() respectively;

  • Examples of other useful String queries:

->whereStartsWith("item", "start")
->whereEndsWith("item", "end")
->whereContains("item", "-middle-")
->whereRegex("item", ".*-middle-.*")
  • For more complex String queries you may also use regex:
->whereRegex("item", ".*-middle-.*")

Count Documents

You may count the number of documents/records that match a query with the count() method:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->collection("Users")
   ->where("userid", $this->id)

Note that you may not call find() or findAll() in combination with this method.

Insert a document:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->collection("TestCollection")
	             "item" => "test-insert",
	             "xpto" => microtime(true)
  • You may also insert multiple documents at once:
$items = [
		"item" => "test-insert-multi",
		"xpto" => microtime(true)
		"item" => "test-insert-multi",
		"xpto" => microtime(true)

$qb     = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->collection("TestCollection")

Delete a Document:

$qb     = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->collection("TestCollection")
             ->whereStartsWith("item", "test-insert-")

Update a Document:

// Update item
$qb     = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
$result = $qb->collection($collection)
             ->where("_id", new MongoID("51ee74e944670a09028d4fc9"))
	             "item" => "updated-value " . microtime(true)
  • You may update only a few fields or an entire document - like like an SQL update statement.

Join Collections:

join($collectionToJoin, $localField, $operatorOrForeignField, $foreignField)

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
    //->select("_id", "products#joined.sku")
    //->join(["products" => "products#joined"], "sku", "=", "item"])
    //->join("products", "sku", "=", "item")
   ->join("Products", "sku", "item")
$result = $qb->toArray();

Special Functions:

Max(string $property, ?string $alias = null) - get the maximum value in a set of values:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->select("id", new Max("datecreated", "lastorder"))
   ->where("userid", "u123")
$result = $qb->toArray();

Min(string $property, ?string $alias = null) - get the minimum value in a set of values:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->select("id", new Min("datecreated", "lastorder"))
   ->where("userid", "u123")
$result = $qb->toArray();

Increment(string $propertyName, int $incrementBy = 1) - increment or decrement a document property by a value:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->where("id", 12345)
    	new Increment("status")

ArrayContains(string $arrayProperty, $needles) - check if an array in a document contains a value (or at least one value if an array is passed):

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->where(new ArrayContains("prioritaryItems", "123"))
$result = $qb->toArray();

ArrayLength(string $arrayProperty, ?string $alias = null) - get the length of an array:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->select("id", new ArrayLength("prioritaryItems", "prioritaryItems_lenght"))
   ->where("prioritaryItems_lenght", ">", 0)
$result = $qb->toArray();

ArrayPush(string $arrayProperty, mixed $value) - add an element to an array. Example: document with a tokens property that is an array:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->where("id", 123)
        new ArrayPush("tokens", "...")
$result = $qb->toArray();

ArrayPull(string $arrayProperty, mixed $value) - remove an element from an array. Example: document with a tokens property that is an array:

$qb = new QueryBuilder($mongo);
   ->where("id", 123)
        new ArrayPull("tokens", "...")
$result = $qb->toArray();

Debug Queries:

It is possible possible to debug the query pipeline built by the Query Builder for each query.

QueryBuilder::$pipelineDebug = true; // Enable pipeline debugging!

// Run a query
$result = (new QueryBuilder())->collection("xyz")
            ->where("active", true)

// Fetch the pipeline built by the Query Builder
var_dump(QueryBuilder::getLastPipelineLog()); // Get the pipeline built for the last query
var_dump(QueryBuilder::getPipelineLogs()); // Get all pipelines ever built by the query builder

For more examples check out the examples directory.