
Push software upgrade from cloud server to devices via mqtt protocol


Upgrade Manager

The Upgrade Manager is a web application managing software upgrade for registered clients via mqtt. It can be used to implement OTA via MQTT


on a clean ubuntu 14.04 (64bit):

$ sudo su
$ apt-get install curl git vim
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo bash -
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y nodejs
$ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10
$ touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list
$ echo 'deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu trusty/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install g++ make mongodb-org libxml2-dev openssh-server tcpdump

install app

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ git clone https://github.com/jingwang/updateManager.git
$ cd updateManager
$ npm install

set up hosts file

Change your hosts file to map a proper ip to mqtt.gushenxing.com, e.g.,	mqtt.gushenxing.com

config app

The following command will initialize the application with bootstrap data, including a super user (username: [email protected], password: gushenxing123) and a super company (companyId: 1):

$ cd /usr/local/src/updateManager
$ mkdir resources
$ npm run init-app

populate a few sample companies

The following command will populate the database with 2 companies (companyId: 2, companyId: 3):

$ cd /usr/local/src/updateManager
$ npm run sample-companies

start up application in ssl mode (i.e., mqtt in ssl, application has user authentication)

$ cd /usr/local/src/updateManager
$ npm start

URL: http://localhost:5001 username: [email protected] password: gushenxing123

start up application in none-ssl mode (i.e., mqtt not in ssl, application does not have user authentication)

$ cd /usr/local/src/updateManager
$ npm run start-nossl

URL: http://localhost:5001







The cloud server sends this message to initiate a software upgrade to all gateways (TOGATEWAY/UPGRADE) or a specific gateway (TOGATEWAY/UPGRADE/$gatewayId)


Cloud to gateway


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

n-byte: executable file content

Latest Version





The cloud server sends this message to inform the latest available software version to all gateways (TOGATEWAY/LATEST_VERSION) or a specific gateway (TOGATEWAY/LATEST_VERSION/$gatewayId)


Cloud to gateway


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

json string in the following format

  version: version, // float, e.g., 1.0

Available Versions





The cloud server sends this message to inform all available software versions to all gateways (TOGATEWAY/AVAILABLE_VERSIONS) or a specific gateway (TOGATEWAY/AVAILABLE_VERSIONS/$gatewayId)


Cloud to gateway


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

json string in the following format

  versions: [version1, version2, ...]

Download Upgrade





The cloud server sends this message to transfer the content of the requested version of software upgrade to all gateways (TOGATEWAY/DOWNLOAD_UPGRADE) or a specific gateway (TOGATEWAY/DOWNLOAD_UPGRADE/$gatewayId)


Cloud to gateway


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

n-byte: executable file content





The gateway sends this message to report its current software version and last-upgrade-timestamp


Gateway to cloud


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

json string in the following format

  companyId: companyId, // to identify the gateway's company
  version: version, // float, e.g., 1.0
  timestamp: timestamp // in milli-second

Request Latest Version




The gateway sends this message to request the latest available software version


Gateway to cloud


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload


Request Available Versions




The gateway sends this message to request all available software versions


Gateway to cloud


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload


Request Upgrade




The gateway sends this message to request the content of a specific version of software upgrade


Gateway to cloud


  • Header: 12 bytes

4-byte: int, timestamp 4-byte: int, payload length 4-byte: int, payload crc

  • Payload

json string in the following format

  version: version, // float, e.g., 1.0

Message Flow

  • Every time a gateway starts up, it sends a "Status" message to the server to indicate its current status
  • Every time a gateway starts up, it sends a "Request Latest Version" message to the server to request the latest available software version
  • Every time a gateway starts up, it sends a "Request Available Versions" message to the server to request all available software versions
  • When a gateway receives the "Upgrade" message, it performs the software upgrade. Upon success, it sends a "Status" message to report its new status
  • A gateway sends the "Request Upgrade" message to request the content of a specific upgrade
  • When the server receives the "Status" message from a specific gateway for the first time, it creates the company (if not not exist) and gateway, and updates the gateway with the current status
  • When the server detects a new upgrade available, it prompts the user with a new upgrade, and sends a "Latest Version" message to all gateways to indicate new version available
  • When the server receives the "Request Latest Version" message, it sends a "Latest Version" message to the inquiring gateway to indicate new version available
  • When the server receives the "Request Available Versions" message, it sends a "Available Versions" message to to the inquiring gateway to indicate all versions available
  • When the server receives the "Request Upgrade" message, it sends a "Download Upgrade" message to deliver the content of the requested upgrade
  • Once the server sends out the "Upgrade" message, it shows a 'pending' status until it receives the "Status" message from the gateway
  • Note: if the gateway receives a "Upgrade" message, it should perform the upgrade right away; if the gateway receives a "Download Upgrade" message, it does not need to perform the upgrade right away - it can choose to save the content and perform the upgrade later


User Roles

There are three user roles:

  • super: This is the super user. The super user belongs to the 'super' company. The super user can view the dashboard page and view/manage the upgrade page with all companies' gateways; the super user can also create users, manage users (update all other users' role and company) and update its own profile
  • admin: This is the company's admin user. It belongs to a company. The admin user can view the dashboard page and view/manage the upgrade page with its own company's gateways; the admin user can also create users within its company, manage users within its company and update its own profile
  • user: This is the company's user user. It belongs to a company. The user user can view the dashboard. It cannot view the upgrade page. It can only update its own user profile.

Gateway Simulation

Run the following command to simulate a gateway, once the server is up

$ node scripts/mqttClientTest.js $gatewayId $companyId

$gatewayId: the gateway id to identify that gateway e.g.,

$ node scripts/mqttClientTest.js gateway2 2

Add nossl to run in NONE-SSL mode

$ node scripts/mqttClientTest.js gateway2 2 nossl

Multiple gateways can be started at the same time to simulate mutiple connections.

The script is implemented so that its original version is always 0.5. It reads the fake content of the executable (which is the version number) and uses that as the new version. This should be changed in production.


to backup db:

$ cd /usr/local/src/updateManager
$ mkdir mongodump
$ mongodump -d upgradeManagerDev -o mongodump

to restore db:

$ mongorestore mongodump

to enable mqtt over tls, choose either METHOD 1 or METHOD 2.

  • Note that the project contains all necessary files. The following instructions are for reference purpose.
  • Note that for either method to work, you will need map your server's ip to the following domain name in your hosts file:
    your_server_ip mqtt.gushenxing.com

METHOD 1: Secure mqtt broker, with self-signed certificate

Create mosca server ssl self-signed certificate for domain name: mqtt.gushenxing.com (openssl)

$ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
$ openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 365 -key key.pem -in csr.pem -out certificate.pem

On the server

  • Distribute the following files to the ssl folder:

key.perm certificate.pem

  • Start broker with the following options:

keyPath: $path_to_key.perm certPath: $path_to_certificate.pem

On the client

  • Connect to the mqtt.gushenxing.com (with self-signed certificate) with the following options:

username: (get username from config.js), password: (get username from config.js), rejectUnauthorized: false

METHOD 2: Secure mqtt broker, with CA signed certificate

Create a self-sighed root certificate (i.e., becoming a ca (certificate authority)), and use this root certificate to sign server certificate request

  • Create self-signed root certificate (ca certificate)
$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -keyout mqtt.gushenxing.com.ca.key -out mqtt.gushenxing.com.ca.crt

CN(Common Name): the ca's CN, use www.gushenxing.com passphrase: this will be used every time you sign a certificate request, so remember this

  • Generate the private key for the server
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.key 1024
  • Generation of the certificate request for the server to be signed by the CA
$ openssl req -out mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.csr -key mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.key -new

CN(Common Name): this has to be the server's domain name or ip when it connects to the clients

  • Sign the server request through the CA and obtain the final certificate of the server
$ openssl x509 -req -in mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.csr -CA mqtt.gushenxing.com.ca.crt -CAkey mqtt.gushenxing.com.ca.key -CAcreateserial -out mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.crt -days 3650
  • Remove passphrase from server key (nodejs does not support passphrase at this point)
$ openssl rsa -in mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.key -out mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.unencripted.key

On the server

  • Distribute the following files to ssl folder:

mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.unencripted.key mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.crt

  • Start broker with the following options:
-keyPath: $path_to_mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.unencripted.key
-certPath: $path_to_mqtt.gushenxing.com.server.crt

On the Client

  • Distribute the following file:


  • This file will be used to check at connection if the server certificate is valid.

  • Connect to the mqtt.gushenxing.com broker with the following options:

username: $username_from_config.js, password: $username_from_config.js, caPaths: [$path_to_mqtt.gushenxing.com.ca.crt]