
[READ ONLY] GitHub Action: Manage PR and issues in your Open Source project (automate labelling, milestones, feedback to PR authors, ... ) This repository is a mirror, for issue tracking and development head to:

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GitHub Repository Gardening Action

This GitHub Action includes multiple tasks, to automate some of the things we must do to each issue and PR that is handled in an Automattic repository.

Note: this action addresses needs and uses standards that are specific to Automattic. They may not be useful to you.

Here is the current list of tasks handled by this action:

  • Assign Issues (assignIssues): Adds assignee for issues which are being worked on, and adds the "In Progress" label.
  • Add Milestone (addMilestone): Adds a valid milestone to all PRs that get merged and don't already include a milestone.
  • Check Description (checkDescription): Checks the contents of a PR description, and ensure it matches our recommendations.
  • Add Labels (addLabels): Adds labels to PRs that touch specific features.
  • Clean Labels (cleanLabels): Removes Status labels once a PR or issue has been closed or merged.
  • Commit Reminder (wpcomCommitReminder): Posts a comment on merged PRs to remind Automatticians to commit the matching change.
  • Notify Design (notifyDesign): Sends a Slack Notification to the Design team to request feedback, based on labels applied to a PR.
  • Notify Editorial (notifyEditorial): Sends a Slack Notification to the Editorial team to request feedback, based on labels applied to a PR.
  • Flag OSS (flagOss): flags entries by external contributors, adds an "OSS Citizen" label to the PR, and sends a Slack message.
  • Triage Issues (triageIssues): Adds labels to issues based on issue content, and send Slack notifications depending on Priority.
  • Gather support references (gatherSupportReferences): Adds a new comment with a list of all support references on the issue, and escalates that issue via a Slack message if needed.
  • Reply to customers Reminder ( replyToCustomersReminder ): sends a Slack message about closed issues to remind Automatticians to update customers.
  • Update Board (updateBoard): this task updates specific columns in a GitHub Project board, based on labels applied to an issue.

Some of the tasks are may not satisfy your needs. If that's the case, you can use the tasks option to limit the action to the list of tasks you need in your repo. See the example below to find out more.



In the example below, we'll set up the action to run 2 tasks (cleanLabels and notifyDesign):

name: Repo Gardening

  # We need to listen to all these events to catch all scenarios
  # where notifying the Design team or cleaning labels may be necessary.
  # Refer to src/index.js to see a list of all events each task needs to be listen to.
    types: ['closed', 'labeled']
    types: ['closed']

    name: 'Clean up labels, and notify Design when necessary'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name
    timeout-minutes: 10  # 2021-03-12: Successful runs seem to take a few seconds, but can sometimes take a lot longer since we wait for previous runs to complete.

     - name: Checkout
       uses: actions/checkout@v4

     - name: Setup Node
       uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: lts/*

     - name: Wait for prior instances of the workflow to finish
       uses: softprops/turnstyle@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

     - name: 'Run gardening action'
       uses: automattic/action-repo-gardening@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          slack_token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}
          slack_design_channel: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DESIGN_CHANNEL }}
          tasks: 'cleanLabels,notifyDesign'


The action relies on the following parameters.

  • (Required) github_token is a GitHub Access Token used to access GitHub's API. The user account associated with the token is the one that will be seen as posting the checkDescription comment, adding and removing labels, and so on. If omitted, the standard token for the github-actions bot will be used.
  • (Optional) tasks allows for running selected tasks instead of the full suite. The value is a comma-separated list of task identifiers. You can find the list of the different tasks (and what event it's attached to) in src/index.js.
  • (Optional) add_labels. Pass custom labels to add. Defaults to an empty string. Only applies for the addLabel task.
  • (Optional) slack_token is the Auth token of a bot that is installed on your Slack workspace. The token should be stored in a secret. See the instructions below to create a bot.
  • (Optional) slack_design_channel is the Slack public channel ID where messages for the design team will be posted. Again, the value should be stored in a secret.
  • (Optional) slack_editorial_channel is the Slack public channel ID where messages for the Editorial team will be posted. Again, the value should be stored in a secret.
  • (Optional) slack_team_channel is the Slack public channel ID where general notifications about your repo should be posted. Again, the value should be stored in a secret.
  • (Optional) slack_he_triage_channel is the Slack public channel ID where messages for the HE Triage team will be posted. The value should be stored in a secret.
  • (Optional) slack_quality_channel is the Slack public channel ID where issues needing extra triage / escalation will be sent. The value should be stored in a secret.
  • (Optional) reply_to_customers_threshold. It is optional, and defaults to 10. It is the minimum number of support references needed to trigger an alert that we need to reply to customers.
  • (Optional) triage_projects_token is a personal access token with repo and project scopes. The token should be stored in a secret. This is required if you want to use the updateBoard task.
  • (Optional) project_board_url is the URL of a GitHub Project Board. We'll automate some of the work on that board in the updateBoard task.
  • (Optional) labels_team_assignments is a list of features you can provide, with matching team names, as specified in the "Team" field of your GitHub Project Board used for the updateBoard task, and lists of labels in use in your repository.
  • (Optional) openai_api_key is the API key for OpenAI. This is required if you want to use the triageIssues task to automatically add labels to your issues. Note: this option is only available for Automattic-hosted repositories.

How to create a Slack bot and get your SLACK_TOKEN

To create a bot and get your SLACK_TOKEN, follow the general instructions here:

  • Go to
  • After creating your app, provide basic information about the display of your app.
  • Add the "Bots" feature to your app; in the process, you'll be offered the option to add permissions. You can give it the chat:write, chat:write.customize, and chat:write.public permissions.
  • Once you've done all this, you can install the app in your workspace.
  • Go to "OAuth & Permissions" in your app settings, and copy the Bot User OAuth Token value.

To get the channel ID of the channel where you'd like to post, copy one of the messages posted in the channel, and copy the first ID that appears in that URL.

PR Checkout

Certain tasks require filesystem access to the PR, which pull_request_target does not provide. To accommodate this, you'll need to include a step to check the PR out in a subdirectory, like

     - name: Checkout the PR
       if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target'
       uses: actions/checkout@v4
         ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
         repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
         # DO NOT run any code in this checkout. Not even an `npm install`.
         path: ./pr-checkout

As the comment says, do not run any code in that checkout, not even an npm install or the like. Read this article to learn why.

Then pass the path as environment variable to the repo-gardening action, like

     - name: 'Run gardening action'
       uses: automattic/action-repo-gardening@v3
         PR_WORKSPACE: ${{ github.workspace }}${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && '/pr-checkout' || '' }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


The notifyKitKat and triageNewIssues tasks have been removed. The triageIssues task now handles both of those tasks.


This action was originally based off @wordpress/project-management-automation.


This project is licensed under the GPL2+ License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.

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Top 22.58% on Github actions