
Twitter clone with audio messages made with React, Apollo and MongoDB.


Audio Twitter

Twitter clone made with React, Apollo, MongoDB, Material-UI, Wavesurfer

This is fullstack clone of Twitter with audio instead text messages. It is made for educational purposes only and it is not affiliated with Twitter in any way.


  • General functionalities

    • Record voice, preview oscilloscope, redo recording, preview recording, cancel recording, preview recorded waveform
    • Store audio files to server
    • Play/pause/stop audio messages with waveform preview
    • Autoplay existing messages, autoplay incoming messages
    • Limit autoplay duration to 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds
    • Timeline feed of messages of the following users
    • Notifications feed, non-seen notifications count
    • Profile page with user's messages feed, following and followers lists
    • Social network functionalities: follow/unfollow users, like/unlike messages, repost/unrepost messages
    • Local state management with Apollo cache, without Redux
    • Edit avatar, cover, name and bio
  • Authentication

    • JWT auth on http and websocket links
    • Sign up with email/password, sign in
    • User/admin role
    • Protected routes with HOCs
  • Design

    • Material-UI responsive design
    • Choose between 4 different green/orange light/dark themes
    • Persist theme in local storage
    • Tabs navigation
    • Popover with user card
  • GraphQL

    • Queries User: users, user, me, whoToFollow, friends
    • Queries Message: messages, message
    • Queries Notification: notifications, notSeenNotificationsCount
    • Mutations User: signUp, signIn, updateUser, deleteUser, followUser, unfollowUser
    • Mutations Message: createMessage, deleteMessage, likeMessage, unlikeMessage, repostMessage, unrepostMessage
    • Subscriptions: messageCreated, notificationCreated, notSeenUpdated
    • Relay cursor paginations: Messages, Notifications
    • Loaders: File, User
    • Client Queries: autoplay, theme
    • Client Mutations: updateAutoplay, setTheme
  • Database

    • Mongoose Models: User, Message, File, Notification
    • Seed database with Faker


Libraries used


  • React 16.12 with functional components and Hooks
  • Material-UI 4.8
  • Apollo Client 2.6, Apollo Upload Client
  • React Mic, Wavesurfer.js 3.3


  • Apollo Server 2.9, Apollo Server Express
  • Mongoose 5.8
  • Faker, Dotenv, Babel

Installation and running

  • git clone [email protected]:nemanjam/audio-twitter.git
  • cd audio-twitter/client
  • cd audio-twitter/server
  • npm install
  • rename .env.example to .env and set database url and JWT secret
  • npm start
  • visit http://localhost:3000 for client and http://localhost:8000 for server

