
Bookmarks, Snippets and Notes Manager for Developers & Co (website)

MIT License


👉 Use our HowTo pages to get you going and start saving time and nerves when managing your bookmarks and code snippets. The following helpers and extensions will assist you along the way:


Bookmarklet Chrome Firefox IntelliJ Plugin VSCode extension
Bookmarklet Chromium Extension Firefox Addon IntelliJ Plugin VSCode Extension

Chrome extension usage example - save snippet

The other extensions function more or less after the same principle

Public bookmarks

Worthy public bookmarks are published regularly on Github at CodeverDotDev/bookmarks.

Setup (development or self hosting)

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

The project is developed with the MEAN stack and Keycloak for authentication and authorization: components-graph

The project contains two apps

  • codever-ui which makes up the User Interface. This uses with Angular and Angular CLI.
  • codever-api which is the API supporting the UI. It uses ExpressJS with MongoDB and Keycloak. See the OpenAPI specification


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm (we recommend using NVM)
    • Ensure you're running Node at least (v16.x.x+) and NPM (8.x.x+)
  • nodemon - npm install -g nodemon
  • Docker - we recommend using Docker Desktop

Docker and Docker-compose are currently used only for local development

Installing (development setup)

Start MongoDB and Keycloak server

⚠️   When you run docker compose for the first time uncomment the following -Dkeycloak.migration.action=import line :

    #command: -Dkeycloak.migration.action=import -Dkeycloak.migration.provider=dir -Dkeycloak.migration.dir=/tmp/keycloak/export-import -Dkeycloak.migration.strategy=IGNORE_EXISTING

in the docker-compose file, so that the initial Keycloak setup (realm and users) is loaded.

⚠️   For further startups of docker-compose you should comment back this line, as it starts faster

docker-compose up

Use -d to run it in the background

Install and run (frontend & backend)

You want to have the backend API running first with the following commands:

# install
nvm use   #only if you are using nvm
npm install

# run
npm run frontend #to run the frontend
npm run backend #to run the backend

#alternatively run in parallel
npm start

or in one line nvm use; npm install; npm start

This starts

  • the API with nodemon at http://localhost:3000/api
    and will watch for code changes in backend and automatically redeploy.
  • the frontend available at http://localhost:4200. Login the user/password mock/mock configured
    for you in the initial Keycloak setup. Some bookmarks are initially loaded with your account, so you can start playing with them.

You can create your own test user, or any other extra users by following the screenshots in Add a Keycloak user to create it.

To be able to automatically add youtube videos published date and duration to the title you need to create a nodemon.json file based on the backend/nodemon.json.example and add your own youtube api key


Keycloak Admin console reachable at http://localhost:8080/auth with the user/password admin/Pa55w0rd (see docker compose file)


E2E (integration) tests with Cypress

Keycloak and mongodb have to be started as specified above (docker-compose up command)

Run the integration test by issuing the following command.

cd apps/codever-ui
npm run cy:run

To open Cypress you can run the following task npm run cy:open

API (backend)

Integration tests

Keycloak and mongodb have to be started as specified above (docker-compose up command)

Run the integration test by issuing the following command.

cd apps/codever-api
npm run integration-tests

A report will be generated.


UI (Frontend)

Dev Tools in Chromium browsers

You can use the Dev Tools in Chromium based browsers (e.g. Chrome, Brave). Navigate to Sources and the file you want to set your break points, like in the following example:


In IntelliJ you add Javascript Debug configuration as shown below:


IntelliJ / Webstorm (Node.js plugin is required)

The npm run debug starts nodemon with the --inspect parameter so you can attach to this process, by using the following configuration:

Visual Studio Code

See Node.js debugging in VS Code with Nodemon


Blog posts related to Codever features and implementation details can be found on and


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


The changelog is available in

To update the changelog execute the following commands:

nvm use


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

All media materials used in the project fall under the copyright law

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