
In-page translation tool for projects that have translations in GlotPress

OTHER License


Community Translator

The Community Translator aims to be a front end tool for translations stored in GlotPress. It does so by providing on-screen translation ability, so that the community can easily fix a missing translation in-place and make use of the context in which the string appears.



To create the community-translator.js and community-translator.css files which should be loaded in the translatable site.

  • run npm install
    * run make.

You can also use fswatch-run lib css make to watch the directories lib and css for changed files and run make automatically.


The code in this repository is loaded by including the script as follows (generated above).

<head>[...]<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="community-translator.css" />[...]</head>
<!-- Page Content -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="community-translator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- server-side component output: translatorJumpstart = {...} -->

Note a server-side component is needed.

You might want to load the translator with a button, see the documentation about loading for details.


Set or add community-translator to the debug value in localeStorage. i.e: localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'community-translator' )