
An easy to use full-stack MERN project - without bloat

MIT License


Easy MERN Stack

An easy to use full-stack MERN project: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js

Client React app scaffolded with create-react-app

Monorepo project components (client, server, shared) integrated with Yarn workspaces


Quick Start


  1. Install Node.js

  2. Install Yarn

  3. Install nodemon package globally:

    yarn global add nodemon
  4. Install server and client packages:

    yarn install
  5. Install MongoDB


  1. Ensure MongoDB is running on mongodb://localhost:27017 (or change the const mongoUrl line in server/src/index.js to point to your MongoDB server)

  2. In the project root directory, start the server and client:

    yarn start

Note: In development the client app will be served by create-react-app (webpack dev server) and the proxy entry in the client app's package.json will pass any api requests to the node server.


  1. Build project:

    yarn build
  2. Deploy build directory

  3. Start node server:

    node main.js
  4. Navigate your browser to http://localhost:5000

Yarn Scripts (package.json)

I have included some helper scripts as part of the package.json to reduce the need to cd in and out of the client and server directories:

Script Result
yarn run client starts the client app
yarn run server starts the server
yarn start starts the server and client app concurrently
yarn client-build builds the client app
yarn server-build builds the server app
yarn build builds the server and client app, then copies both to the root build directory for deployment
yarn client-add <package> adds a package to the client app
yarn server-add <package> adds a package to the server
yarn shared-add <package> adds a package to the shared module
yarn client-remove <package> removes a package from the client app
yarn server-remove <package> removes a package from the server
yarn shared-remove <package> removes a package from the shared module

Project Structure

+-- .vscode                 # vs code configuration
+-- build/                  # project builds to here
+-- packages/               # yarn workspaces
|   +-- app/                    # react client app
|   |   +-- build/                  # client builds to here
|   |   +-- public/                 # static resources
|   |   +-- src/                    # client source
|   |   |   +-- apis/                   # apis for models to communicate with server
|   |   |   +-- components/             # react components
|   |   |
|   |   +-- .env                    # allows absolute paths for imports
|   |   +-- jsconfig.json           # vscode config for js project
|   |   +-- package.json            # yarn package config
|   |   +-- README.md               # create-react-app generated readme
|   |   +-- yarn.lock               # yarn package lock file
|   |
|   +-- server/                 # node web server + api
|   |   +-- build/                  # server builds to here
|   |   +-- src/                    # server source
|   |   |   +-- apis/                   # registers api endpoints
|   |   |   +-- models/                 # mongoose data models
|   |   |   +-- index.js                # server config
|   |   |
|   |   +-- package.json            # server yarn package config
|   |
|   +-- shared/                 # shared project modules
|       +-- api-endpoints/          # describes api endpoints (urls)
+-- tools/                  # project build tools
+-- LICENSE                 # MIT license
+-- package.json            # project yarn package config
+-- README.md               # this readme file
+-- yarn.lock               # yarn package lock file



Development Tools

  • Yarn
    • Package manager and script runner
  • Nodemon
    • Monitors and restarts node server when source changes
  • Concurrently
    • Runs multiple commands concurrently
  • Monopack
    • Server-side build tool


This project is licensed under the MIT open source license.