
A small library to standardise how you connect mongoose with config in nconf


Mongoose NConf Connect Build Status

This is a very simple module that takes mongoose and nconf and builds you a connection with config that is laid out in a "standard" way.


var mongooseConnect = require('mongoose-nconf-connect');

// Initialise the common connection
mongooseConnect.connectCommonMongo(nconf, mongoose);

// Get a connection and use it
  //register models on the connection
  connection.model('myModel', mongoose.Schema({example: String})

It is important to note that getConnection() returns a promise. This allows us to use the nconf.get() async methods so that you can keep your config in redis for example.

You can also pass a logger (eg. winston instance) into mongooseConnect() so that it reports any connection errors.

// Initialise the common connection with winston
mongooseConnect.connectCommonMongo(nconf, mongoose, {logger: winston});


The default config layout is like this:

    "mongo": {
        "db": "mySuperDatabase",
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 27017

if you don't send a new prefix in the options to mongooseConnect this is where it will expect to find the config for your Mongodb host

you can even pass replica sets as an array of hosts here:

    "mongo": {
        "db": "mySuperDatabase",
        "host": ["host1", "host2", "host3"],
        "port": 27017