
A tour operator booking app with a REST API using MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and Stripe.


Tour Operator Booking App

A tour operator booking app with a REST API using MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and Stripe.

1) Node.js Basics - Node Farm

A very simple API to understand Node.js and NPM basics.

See node-farm folder


  • using core modules, third-party modules and our own modules.
  • reading and writing files with fs.
  • building a basic server with http.createServer and handling routes.
  • building templates and parsing variables from URLs.
  • creating nice URLs with slugify.

2) Tour Operator Booking App - Natours

A tour operator booking app with a REST API using MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and Stripe.

See Demo deployed on Render

See API documentation on Postman

See natours folder

Key features

  • building a REST API with Express, logging requests with Morgan and sending JSend responses.
  • using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture with separate routers.
  • rendering a server-side website with Pug templates.
  • handling log in, sign up and book tour actions with JavaScript and Axios.
  • displaying day-by-day itinerary for each tour with Mapbox.
  • showing user-friendly alerts with success/error messages.
  • updating user settings, profile picture and showing bookings in user dashboard.
  • accepting credit card payments with Stripe Checkout and listening to Stripe webhooks.
  • sending emails with Pug templates, Nodemailer, Mailtrap and Sendgrid.
  • uploading files with multer and processing images with sharp.
  • deploying on Render.

MongoDB and Mongoose

  • performing CRUD operations with MongoDB database locally and on MongoDB Atlas.
  • writing a script to import data into MongoDB.
  • filtering, sorting, aliasing and handling pagination with Mongoose.
  • manipulating data with aggregation pipeline and operators.
  • leveraging Mongoose pre and post hooks: document middleware, aggregate middleware and query middleware.
  • validating data and creating custom validators with Mongoose schemas and validator.
  • modeling relationships between data, embedding and referencing.
  • creating a factory function for CRUD operations on Tours, Users, Reviews and Bookings.
  • using indexes, modeling geospatial data with $geoWithin and $geoNear operators.
  • publishing API documentation on Postman.

Error handling

  • handling operational errors and programmer errors with a middleware wrapping all async controllers.
  • sending complete error messages in development and user-friendly messages in production.
  • having a safety net for unhandled promise rejections, uncaught exceptions and SIGTERM signals with process.on.
  • debugging with ndb.

Authentication and authorization

  • hashing passwords with bcryptjs.
  • building a complete authentication workflow with JWT: user sign up, log in and reset password via email.
  • protecting routes and restricting access according to user role (user, guide, lead guide, admin).


  • implementing security best practices with express-rate-limit, helmet and CORS.
  • sending tokens in secure cookies and reading them with cookie-parser.
  • sanitizing data with express-mongo-sanitize, xss-clean and hpp.

Based on Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp by Jonas Schmedtmann (2019).

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