
MEAN Stack & Socket.IO Real-time Chat App | A MEAN stack based Real Time chat application

MIT License


Socket.Io Real-time Chat App | A MEAN stack based Real Time chat application


Socket.IO Realtime Chat App | A MEAN stack based real time chat application

Lot more features to be added soon.

MongoDB Chat Schema

Screen Shots


    1). Group Chat. 
    2). One to One chat.
    3). Chat messages saved in mongodb.
    4). Login / Logout feature.
    5). Shows which User is typing  and which user is logged in and logged out.
    6). User connected and disconnected feature.
    7). clean ui and ux.







Online demo:

    1). Go to ("") link and signup
    2). Login @ ("")
    3). Chat with group or one-to-one.


(Note: these instructions are for Ubuntu Linux based OS. Assuming nodejs, npm and mongodb is already installed).

running mongodb:

    1). Open Terminal and change directory to where mongodb is installed in bin folder.
    2). user@linux: ~/path/to/mongodb/bin $ ./mongod 
    3). press enter database server will start.

unzipping and installing dependencies:

    1). Unzip the downloaded file.
    2). Open the extracted folder.
    3). Right click somewhere in folder and select Open in Terminal.
    4). Type Command : npm install and press enter. This will install all dependencies shown in package.json file.

running project:

  Step 1: Install all dependencies by : npm install and run node app.js
  Step 2: Sign up @ http://localhost:5000/user/signup
  Step 3: Now you're good to go.
  Step 4: Now Login  @http://localhost:5000/user/login
  Step 5: Now Chat with your friends real fast powered by socket.IO and Nodejs.

Built With

OS : Linux Mint

API Tool : Postman

Editor : Atom.


This is first version 1.

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Vithalreddy - Visit My Blog