
Scheduled posting of photos

GPL-2.0 License



Scheduled posting of photos using the REST API.

Photos are stored locally before being scheduled on a blog. All scheduling and blog authorization is done via the REST API. Once scheduled, photos are shown in a pending list and can be deleted (through the API) before they are posted.

Scheduling involves picking a start date and the number of days between each post. Weekends can be avoided.

Nothing is sent to a blog without explicit instructions.

It is possible to connect multiple blogs.

Postbot is responsive and mobile ready. It is fully localized, although no languages files are provided.

API Usage

The following API commands are used:


  • PHP 5 with GD or ImageMagick
  • A working WordPress with connection to MySQL
  • An upload directory writeable to by the web server


  • Get WordPress installed and connected to your database. You don't need to have WordPress available to anyone, but the database functions are used by Postbot
  • Edit postbot-local.php and changed the WordPress include to refer to your WordPress installation
  • Create the Postbot tables
  • Create a new oAuth app for the Connect signin. Set the redirect_uri to be the wpcc.php file in Postbot.
  • Edit postbot-config.php and set the OAUTH_WPCC_KEY, OAUTH_WPCC_SECRET, and OAUTH_WPCC_REDIRECT to the details in the oAuth app
  • Create another oAuth app for the blog authorisation. Set the redirect_uri to be the index.php file in Postbot.
  • Edit postbot-config.php and set the OAUTH_KEY, OAUTH_SECRET, and OAUTH_REDIRECT to the details in this oAuth app
  • Edit other settings in postbot-config.php as appropriate


Postbot comes with a Vagrantfile that will create a working Postbot environment. To use:

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Install VirtualBox
  3. Install HostsUpdater plugin
  4. Go to the Postbot root directory and run vagrant up
  5. Make sure that the public_html/uploads/ folder is writeable. You can run chmod 777 public_html/uploads/ from the host machine.

Postbot is available from