
Helper Gradle tasks for publishing Android library artifacts to S3


Publish-to-s3 Gradle Plugin

This plugin aims to makes it easier to publish Android artifacts to our S3 Maven repository.


Use instead of if the sources should not be published.

In the projects's settings.gradle file:

pluginManagement {
    plugins {
        id "" version {version}
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            content {
                includeGroup ""
                includeGroup ""

In each module that needs to be published:

plugins {
    id ""

// A publication should be added following maven-publish plugin documentation:
// For Android artifacts, Google's documentation should be used instead:
// The main difference for Android artifacts is that they have access to `components.release`. However, it's only available after the project is evaluated, so the publishing block should be wrapped in `afterEvaluate`.
project.afterEvaluate {
    publishing {
        publications {
            maven(MavenPublication) {
                from components.release

                groupId = 'org.gradle.sample' // change this value to the one appropriate for your library
                artifactId = 'library' // change this value to the one appropriate for your library
                // version is set by `publish-to-s3` plugin in `prepareToPublishToS3` task, so it should be omitted


The plugin applies maven-publish plugin since it can not work without it. It'll also add our S3 repository to it, so it doesn't need to be added for each project. The main Gradle task is prepareToPublishToS3 which will take a set of command line arguments, calculate a version name, check if that version is already published and set all MavenPublications' versions to the calculated value. The plugin will also create a new published-version.txt file in the modules build folder after artifacts are successfully published.

./gradlew :{moduleName}:prepareToPublishToS3 {command line arguments} :{moduleName}:publish

Here are the available command line arguments: --tag-name, --pull-request-number, --sha1, --branch-name

  • If --tag-name is provided, version will be tag-name
  • Else if --pull-request-number is provided, version will be {pull-request-number}-{sha1}
  • Else, version will be {branch-name}-{sha1}

The plugin also provides the following helper tasks:

  • calculateVersionName takes the same --branch-name, --sha1, --tag-name & --pull-request-number command line arguments and prints the calculated version name.
  • isVersionPublishedToS3 takes --version-name command line argument and verifies that none of the publications defined for the module has already been published to S3.


  • Due to a limitation in Gradle, even though prepareToPublishToS3 is a dependency for publish task, we can not use the following notation:
./gradlew :{moduleName}:publish {command line arguments}
  • publish task is an aggregate task which will publish all defined publications to all defined repositories.
    So, if a specific behavior is required the documentation should be consulted to find the correct name of the task. Alternatively, ./gradlew tasks --all can be used.