
Modern e-commerce built with best practices in mind. MERN stack, Redux Toolkit for state management, Material UI for a delightful UI, and RESTful APIs for seamless integration. Dive in and explore!

MIT License


MERN Ecommerce: A Seamless Shopping Experience Powered by the MERN Stack, Redux Toolkit, and Material UI

MERN Ecommerce is a full-stack application designed to transform your online shopping experience. Built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), it leverages Redux Toolkit for efficient state management and Material UI for a sleek, user-friendly interface. This project offers a robust platform for both users and admins, packed with essential features for a seamless experience.



  • Product Reviews:

    • Write, edit, and delete reviews.
    • Instant updates on ratings and star percentages.
  • Wishlist:

    • Add, remove, and annotate products with personalized notes.
  • Order Management:

    • Create new orders and view order history.
  • Profile Management:

    • Manage email, username, and multiple addresses.
  • Shopping Cart:

    • Add products, adjust quantities, and view subtotals.


  • Product Management:

    • Add, edit, delete, and soft-delete products.
    • Manage product attributes like name and stock.
  • Order Management:

    • View and update order details and status.

Security & User Experience:

  • Secure Authentication:

    • Login, signup, OTP verification, password reset, and logout.
  • Intuitive Interface:

    • Powered by Material UI for a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.


  • Built for Growth:
    • Scalable architecture to handle increasing user demands.

Project Setup


  • Node.js ( version v21.1.0 or later )
  • MongoDB installed and running locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Navigate to the project directory

  cd mern-ecommerce

Install dependencies for frontend and backend separately

Tip: To efficiently install dependencies for both frontend and backend simultaneously, use split terminals.

Install frontend dependencies

cd frontend
npm install

Install backend dependencies

cd backend
npm install

Environment Variables


  • Create a .env file in the backend directory.
  • Add the following variables with appropriate values
# Database connection string

# Frontend URL (adjust if needed)

# Email credentials for sending password resets and OTPs
EMAIL="[email protected]"

# Token and cookie expiration settings
OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME="120000"  # Milliseconds

# Secret key for jwt security

# Environment (production/development)
PRODUCTION="false" # Initially set to false for development


  • Create a .env file in the frontend directory
  • Add the following variable:
# Backend URL (adjust if needed)


  • Replace all placeholders (e.g., your_database_name, your_email) with your actual values.
  • Exclude the .env file from version control to protect sensitive information.

Data seeding

  • Get started quickly with pre-populated data: Populate your database with sample users, products, reviews, and carts, enabling you to test functionalities without manual data entry.


  • Open a new terminal window.
  • Navigate to the backend directory: cd backend
  • Run the seeding script: npm run seed ( This script executes the seed.js file within the seed subdirectory equivalent to running node seed/seed.js )

Running Development Servers


  • Separate terminals: Run the commands in separate terminal windows or use split terminal to avoid conflicts.
  • Nodemon required: Ensure you have nodemon installed globally to run the backend development servers using npm run dev. You can install it globally using npm install -g nodemon.

Start the backend server

  • Navigate to the backend directory: cd backend
  • Start the server: npm run dev (or npm start)
  • You should see a message indicating the server is running, usually on port 8000.

Start the frontend server:

  • Navigate to the frontend directory: cd frontend
  • Start the server: npm start
  • You should see a message indicating the server is running, usually on port 3000.

Login with demo account (Optional)

  • After successfully seeding the database, you can now explore the application's functionalities using pre-populated sample data.
  • here are the login credentials
  email: [email protected]
  pass: helloWorld@123
  • Please Note: While the demo account provides a convenient way to explore many features, it has some limitations:

    • Password Reset and OTP Verification: Due to security reasons, the demo account uses a non-real email address. Therefore, password reset and OTP verification functionalities are not available for this account.

    What this means:

    • You cannot request a password reset or receive verification codes on the demo email address.
    • To test password reset and OTP verification flows, you need to create a genuine account with a valid email address.

    What to do?

    • If you're primarily interested in exploring other functionalities like wishlist, cart, and order history, the demo account is sufficient.
    • To test password reset and OTP verification, create a personal account with a valid email address.

Accessing the Application

Once both servers are running, you can access them at the following URL's:


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