
Language Packs server for WooCommerce extension

GPL-2.0 License



wc-lang-packs-server serves the translation API for WooCommerce extension and language packs (zip file containing .mo and .po files). The server fetches the data from GlotPress instance periodically (notified mode is being worked), and translation states of WooCommerce extensions are stored in a in-memory DB. The server also create the archive for .po and .mo (or called Language Packs) and serves it.

Quick Install

First, you need to:

  • Install Go
  • Clone this repo

Inside cloned repo:

go build -o server
./server -baseurl="http://localhost" -listen=":8081"

Your server now can be accessed:

curl -i http://localhost:8081/api/v1/plugins?slug=woocommerce-bookings&version=1.9.12

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 05:03:59 GMT
Content-Length: 440

{"es_ES":{"language":"es_ES","last_modified":"","english_name":"Spanish (Spain)","native_name":"Espaol","package":"http://localhost/downloads/woocommerce-bookings/1.9.12/woocommerce-bookings-1.9.12-es_ES.zip"},"pt_BR":{"language":"pt_BR","last_modified":"","english_name":"Portuguese (Brazil)","native_name":"Portugus do Brasil","package":"http://localhost/downloads/woocommerce-bookings/1.9.12/woocommerce-bookings-1.9.12-pt_BR.zip"}}


See -h for available flags.

$ wc-lang-packs-server -h

Usage of ./wc-lang-packs-server:
  -baseurl string
       	Base URL to access this server (default "https://translation.woocommerce.com")
  -db string
       	Full path to DB file (default "/tmp/wc-lang-packs/server.db")
  -downloads-path string
       	Full path to serve language packs files (default "/tmp/wc-lang-packs/downloads")
       	Expose /_db/ to dump in-memory DB as JSON
  -gpApiURL string
       	Root API project of GlotPress (default "https://translate.wordpress.com/api/projects/")
  -gpURL string
       	Root project of GlotPress (default "https://translate.wordpress.com/projects/")
  -listen string
       	HTTP listen address (default ":8081")
  -mode string
       	Check mode, 'poll' or 'notified' (default "poll")
  -poll-interval duration
       	Interval to poll translate.wordpress.com API if mode is poll (default 10m0s)
       	Seed the DB before serving requests
  -update-key string
       	Key to post update if mode is notified (default "my-secret-key")


Currently only plugin is supported. The endpoint for themes is added already but doesn't do anything right now.


slug and version in query string is required while locale is optional.


This will returns list of available translations for woocommerce-bookings version 1.9.12. To limit to specific locale, pass locale in query string.

GET /api/v1/plugins/?slug=woocommerce-bookings&version=1.9.12


  "es_ES": {
    "language": "es_ES",
    "last_modified": "",
    "english_name": "Spanish (Spain)",
    "native_name": "Espaol",
    "package": ""
  "pt_BR": {
    "language": "pt_BR",
    "last_modified": "",
    "english_name": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
    "native_name": "Portugus do Brasil",
    "package": ""


  • Notified mode. Will need GP plugin to ping the server when certain project
    reaches a treshold completion.
  • Saves the in-memory DB periodically.
  • Mutex should be applied maybe? Only one writer atm.