
Development environment for Calypso - built with Wsl and Puppet

GPL-2.0 License


Calypso Bootstrap (WSL)

Calypso Bootstrap is a portable development environment for Calypso, the powerful administration interface of WordPress.com. This specific version only works on Windows though, and allows you to run Calypso faster using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This sandbox makes it very easy to learn about, test, and hack Calypso without messing with the configuration of your computer. It uses some cool technologies such as Puppet under the hood.


You need to install Git and WSL first.


The first step is to install a Ubuntu distribution:

  1. Open a terminal, and run the following command (use calypso as username and password):
wsl --install --distribution Ubuntu-22.04
  1. Exit the virtual machine, and check it is set as the default one (there should be an asterisk in front of its name):
wsl -l -v

  NAME            STATE           VERSION
* Ubuntu-22.04    Running         2

The second step is to set up and provision that virtual machine. Note this process can take some time since it will update the guest system, install all the required packages, and finally download the Calypso repository:

  1. Clone this repository to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso-bootstrap-wsl.git Calypso
  1. Navigate to that new folder, e.g.:
cd D:\WordPress\Calypso
  1. Start and provision the virtual machine (update the path accordingly):
wsl /mnt/d/WordPress/Calypso/setup.sh
  1. Finally, just add calypso.localhost to your hosts file.


First log into the virtual machine:


Then head to the Calypso directory:

calypso@computer:~$ cd /var/sources

And install dependencies with:

calypso@computer:/var/sources$ yarn

Start the application with:

calypso@computer:/var/sources$ yarn start

This will build Calypso, which can be a lengthy process. Hopefully at some point you'll see:

Ready! You can load http://calypso.localhost:3000/ now. Have fun!

You should now be able to access Calypso in your browser at http://calypso.localhost:3000!


The Calypso repository is located in /var/sources on the virtual machine. This isn't a shared folder, i.e. a directory that is shared between the virtual machine (the guest system) and your own computer (the host system). This was done for performance reason as well as to work around a number of limitations (most of them originating from running Windows as host system).

With Calypso Bootstrap you can either work from the virtual machine itself or from your computer. In the former case, you would edit files in the /var/sources folder directly. In the latter, you would have to sync this folder to your computer using a tool such as rsync or unison (which is installed by default). From there, you would be able to edit files using your favorite code editor.


If you encounter any issues, check Calypso's readme and documentation. If you're still stuck, we're here to help.


Calypso Bootstrap is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 (or later).